The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Biggsville Orders New Sign

At the regular meeting of the Village of Biggsville, Diane Gonzalez made a motion to purchase a sign for the village from Rocket Graphic with the colors to be determined at a later date. Nanci Street 2nd motion carried. Bob Scott has given us permission to put the sign on his property which is greatly appreciated.

The meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. by mayor pro tem Brian Sterett with the pledge of allegiance.

Members present were Kathie Curtiss, Richard Goff, Diane Gonzalez, Nanci Sterett and Brian Sterett.

Other present were: Marilyn Simmons, treasurer; Judy Gravgaard, Clerk; and James Rogers

There was no discussion in open forum

Nanci made a motion to approve the minutes, bills and treasure report. Kathie 2nd motion carried.

James reported the library road is fixed and he fixed a road at the east end of town. The ballpark has been mowed.

We will be assembling senior Christmas bags on the 15th of December and will deliver them on the 16th.

The bathrooms at the parks have been winterized.

Old Business:

Kathie made a motion to approve Mike West as an assistance maintenance/water personnel. Dick 2nd motion carried.

We need to order four brackets for the Christmas lights. Vince White helped put up the lights which was appreciated.

The lagoon shed roof has been measured. A metal roof will be put up in the spring.

A plumber came to give us a bid on the handicapped bathroom. He will contact the state to get the proper instructions.

Mariah did a wonderful job on cleaning the community building this last week-end. She went above and beyond to make it shine.

Kathie Curtiss and Don and Marilyn Simmons put the toe kick on. Kathie and Marilyn also cleaned out the office and moved several boxes to the storage shed.

Kathie and her son, Nathan Curtiss, took the old copier to the Health Department.

It was greatly appreciated.

We appreciate the Goff family for letting us use their storage shed for many years, and also, for allowing us to put up the Nativity set on their property.

Sharon Scott painted the Nativity set.

Nanci made a motion to adjourn at 8:30 p.m. Kathie 2nd, motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Judy L. Gravgaard,

Village Clerk.