The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Take "The Quill" Along

On the 1st Thursday of August a group of local antique tractor enthusiasts took "The Quill" along when they participated in their 4th Annual Tractor Ride along the river. Meeting in Colusa and parking their trucks and trailers on CGB property, the group drove their tractors to Nauvoo and had lunch at Grandpa John's.

They traveled on to Hamilton with all the interesting views of the river and the mansions on the bluff. The ride coincides with the annual Western Illinois Threshers event.

Most of the participants left their tractors at Hamilton for display for the weekend. Participating are: Cody Bigger, Maverick Bigger, Kylee Hendrickson, John B. Kane, Alec Eastin, Dan Kane, Don Gipe, Charlie Marshall, Ivan Lant, Randy Bigger, Ryan Bigger, Travis Bigger, Wayne Calvert, Tom Ralston, Philip Yeoman, Russell Stewart, Donnie Carnes, John Cronin, Albert Renken, Hugh Forbes.

When you go on a trip, take "The Quill" along, and have your picture taken with it, and send it to us. Let's see where all "The Quill" can travel.