The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Board Discusses Raising Some WC Student Fees
At the Wednesday, April 19, regular board meeting of the West Central C.U.S.D. #235 Board of Education, the board discussed proposed student fees for 2017-2018.
It was proposed to increase lunch prices by $.10 as a result of a mandate to do so and to increase the fee for Culinary Occupations I from $35 to $50 and the fee for Orientation to Industrial Arts from $15 to $25. All other fees would remain the same. The board discussed waiving the fees for Art classes and Industrial Arts classes.
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 the West Central Elementary School cafeteria by Board President Lonnie Brent, with all board members were present. President Brent led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Under Good News Items the following items were highlighted:
- The elementary music concerts were fantastic! Several who attended remarked that they were the best ever! During those events, many student projects were on display within the hallways. Great job, Miss Cory, Mr. Steben, and the entire elementary team.
- Mrs. Burrell coordinated training sessions on Conscious Discipline for both parents and staff members.
- PARCC testing at the elementary is complete. Mrs. Frakes has spent many hours facilitating this process. The students worked hard and one from each class was rewarded for their efforts with a trip to Mazzios.
- FFA Livestock Judging Results for April Contests:
- The West Central FFA competed in the WIU Ag Mechanics contest and brought home a Fourth place finish out of 19 teams. The team members were Nicholas Brokaw, Brock Bigger, Jon Anderson, Colyn Crane, Jensen Bowman, Alec Vancil, and Dalton Spiker.
- The West Central FFA competed in the Section 4 Poultry contest at West Prairie High School. The Varsity team placed 3rd overall and consisted of Jon Anderson - 3rd overall, Nick Brokaw - 8th overall, Keaten Blevins - 11th overall, Heidi Ford, Lacey Bigger, and Dalton Spiker.
- The Greenhand team placed 1st in their division and consisted of Brenna Lillie, Hunter West, Brooke Waterhouse, Christian Sloan, Leah Coventon, Collin Hennenfent, and Breanna Campbell.
- Kamryn Endress received 1st place in the District 1 FFA Job Interview contest held at Geneseo H.S. This qualifies her for the State contest in this area that will be held at the IL State FFA Convention In June. With the contest, she had to submit a resume, cover letter, have a personal interview, phone interview, fill out a job application, and write a follow-up letter. She had a score of 973 out of a possible 1000. The closest competitor had a 919 for a score. Great job and way to represent West Central FFA.
- The 4x100 team of Zach Vancil, Chandler Diehl, Luke Arnold, and Luke Ditsworth and the 4x400 team of Freeman Shoemaker, Zach Vancil, James Porter, and Chandler Diehl have set new school records. Also, Freeman Shoemaker has set a new school record in the 800.
- West Central High School track team members Zach Vancil, Chandler Diehl, Luke Arnold, and Luke Ditsworth participated in the Top Times Meet. Chandler Diehl placed 5th in the 200.
- Thirteen West Central Middle School Students were highlighted for recently participating in the Honor Band performance held in Farmington IL on Tuesday, April 11.
- IESA Solo and Ensemble Contest was held on Friday. March 25, with all 15 students receiving either a Division 1 rating or a Division 2 rating which are the two highest ratings that can be earned.
- Ten West Central High School Students were selected to perform at the Lincoln Trail Conference Band Festival in Wethersfield on Tuesday, March 14, 2017. recently.
- Kenna Armstrong was selected to perform in the Bradley Honor Band.
- The board and Superintendent Markey received an email from Mitch Lefler complimenting the district on the high school dual credit offerings and how successful that has been for his daughter who will graduate from West Central High School with 21 college credits.
In other business the board:
- approved the 2017-2018 school improvement plans for West Central Elementary, Middle School and High School as presented.
- approved a resolution proclaiming May 1-5, 2017 as National Teacher Appreciation Week and May 2, 2017 as National Teacher Appreciation Day.
- approved a Life/Safety Amendment to do roof work at West Central Middle School as presented. This work will take place Summer 2017.
- adopted a Resolution to Reclassify the WCMS Assistant Principal position to a Physical Education position for the 2017-2018 school year as presented.
- reviewed and heard reports from the building principals; Jason Kirby, Athletic Director; Melinda Frakes, District Technology Coordinator; and Shaila Ayer, District Psychologist and Special Education Director.
- heard a report from the most recent Building and Grounds Committee meeting and discussed a variety of projects to be completed Summer 2017 and in the future.
- Superintendent Markey presented the board with some potential options to meet the needs of the West Central Middle School staff and students with the elimination of the West Central Middle School Assistant Principal position.
- Superintendent Markey presented the board with some potential bussing solutions due to the difficulties of securing substitute bus drivers. We currently have four individuals in the process of getting trained. In the meantime, we will work with West Prairie to potentially share some of their substitute bus drivers when they are not using them.
- Mr. Kirby informed the board that he had been approached by some community members with an offer to donate some materials, equipment use, and labor to re-sod the football field over the summer. If this were to occur, there would be a need for a sufficient watering system to maintain the field. The board discussed possible options for a watering system.
- Superintendent Markey asked the board for permission to explore other health insurance options for the West Central staff. The board granted this permission. This process will potentially take 12-18 months.
- reviewed quotes for the installation of security cameras in each of our facilities. If approved, these cameras would be installed in the summer of 2017.
- Superintendent Markey discussed with the board the desire to work with Dr. Donna McCaw to conduct a meeting with our stakeholders in each of our communities in order to seek input to create a Vision for the West Central School District. With this input, the board, administrative team, and staff would then be able to review, modify, and set new goals for the District.
The board took the following action in regards to personnel:
- approved the employment of Matthew Stewart as WC District Music Instrumental Teacher,
- approved the employment of Bonita Worthington as a WCES teacher,
- approved the employment of Tom Williams as a WCHS Assistant Football Coach,
- approved the employment of Allie Rothzen as the WCHS Cheerleading Coach,
- accepted the resignation of Jason Kilburn as the WCHS Head Girls' Basketball Coach,
- accepted the resignation of Jason Kilburn as the WCMS 8th Grade Girls' Basketball Coach,
- accepted the resignation of Josh Harkness as a WCHS Assistant Football Coach, and
- approved raising the regular route bus driver pay for substitutes to $75.00 per day per driver effective May 1, 2017.
The board entered closed session at 8:37 p.m. to discuss matters related to personnel and contract and exited at 9:45 p.m.
The next regularly scheduled meeting will be Wednesday, May 17, at 6:00 p.m. in the Elementary cafeteria, and the Board Reorganization Special Meeting will be Tuesday, May, 2017.
There being no other business to come before the board, the board adjourned their meeting at 9:45 p.m.