The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Which Line Are You Using?

By Elaine Slater Reese - Spring Green, Wi.

Spring flowers in purple, white, blue, and yellow are in bloom. The grass is green - even have seen a few people out with their big mower toys in their yards.

And in our neck of the woods we've heard two people complaining about being bitten by a mosquito. Wasn't it just a few weeks ago we complained about more snow?

Spring is here, and we celebrate our first holiday of the season - Easter. Flowers, bunnies, eggs each are reminders to us of new life. But what does life really mean to each of us? Yes, some have it easier than others.

But, do we sometimes forget that life is a gift from God, our Heavenly Father? God's son Jesus was crucified on an old wooden cross to pay the debt for our sins. He died and was buried in the tomb, but on the third day rose again.

His blood had paid our debt forever. And God has given us a choice - we don't have to accept Jesus as our Savior. The Scriptures say "For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son that those who believe in him will not perish but have everlasting life."

Wherever I go, I see people constantly on their smart phones or other devices. They seem to have a direct line to numerous people and important news to convey. It appears that they can spend hours each day on that line. Many don't realize or reject the fact that they have another direct line.

That direct line is to God and can be reached through prayer. Prayer is simply pouring out one's heart to God.

Eternity is a long, long time. Where do we each choose to spend it? This Easter, let's all resolve to put our devices to rest for just 15 minutes and open a direct line from our hearts to God. I promise none of us will regret doing that.

Elaine Reese is a freelance writer who grew up in Hancock County, Illinois and considers that home even though she has now lived in Spring Green, Wisconsin for over 20 years. She says "The Quill" always keeps her updated.