The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Oquawka Village Board Security Cameras Will Secure Park

By: Lisa Ray, The Quill

At the April 4th Oquawka Village Board meeting, Mayor Sandra Fullerton-Moody opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance. She also wished all candidates running for office, "Good Luck" and "Thank you" for running in the election.

A motion made by Scott Ray and 2nd by Robert Eldridge was approved to install security cameras at the Village Square area including basketball courts, skate park, playground and pool areas at a cost of no more than $2500.00.

Nancy Bundy stated partitions need to be installed in the bathrooms at the pool. Village workers will do installation.

Engineer Mick Olson was present to discuss summer street repairs and oil and chip of roads. Discussion was tabled until May meeting.

Motion was made to install back-up generator for the water tower as recommended by the state. Bigger Electric was awarded the bid at a cost of $21856.60.

The Village accepted a bid by Bigger Electric to update the electrical service to the Village Hall at a cost of $2171.10. Motion was made by John Fedler and 2nd by Nancy Bundy. Motion carried.

A motion made by Nancy Bundy and 2nd by Robert Eldridge was approved to purchase pallet forks from Scott Equipment in the amount of $600.00.

Motion was made by John Fedler and 2nd by Bob Lafferty to update the furnace and air conditioning by Independent Refrigeration and Heating in the Village Hall at a cost of $6200.00.

The repair of the sign over the Village Hall was tabled until May.

One zoning permit was issued for the month March.

Attorney Andy Youngquist is working on an ordinance regarding confiscated items by the police department.

Police Chief Keith DeJaynes stated in his report there were:


3 domestic batteries, 1 resisting police officer and 1 battery.


1 Fire Department

4 County

Juvenile Calls: 3 calls, 1 arrest

Tavern calls: 3

Ordinance Violation: 5 citations

Dog Calls: 5

2 citations for dogs running at large

Golf Cart/ATV/Side by Side inspections: 7


9 speeding

1 stop sign

1 no valid driver's license

Warning citations: 9

Other calls: 41

Warrant arrest: 4

$2264.35 Total fines paid


Fines paid: $1400.00

Golf Cart/ATV/Side by Side: $210.00

Impoundment fee: $250.00

Warrant fees: $280.00

Ordinance violations: $102.35

Vehicle fund: $20.00

E-Citation: $2.00.

Motion was made by John Fedler and 2nd by Scott Ray to approve bills and minutes for March as well as February Treasurer's report. Motion carried.

Discussion regarding a contract for Chief Keith DeJaynes was tabled until the May meeting.

All board members were present.

Motion made by Jon Fedler and 2nd by Bob Lafferty to adjourn at 7:46pm.