The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Biggsville Village Board Says Ball Park is Available

By: Judy Gravgaard, Village Clerk

The Biggsville Village Board announced at their Wednesday, April 5th meeting that anyone who is interested in using the Biggsville ball park may do so by calling the Village of Biggsville Community Center at 309-627-2210. If no answer, leave a message, and someone will return the call as soon as possible. Baseball teams are welcome.

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with the pledge of allegiance. City employee Jimmy Rogers is going to move a building to behind the community building as soon as the weather permits to be used for storage. "Old Mary" will be taken to Jimmy's to store.

The concession stand at the ball park has a lock on it and the board needs a key so they can put the Christmas decorations away.

Some village repairs needed are:

Mick Olsen from Brunner, Cooper & Zuck, Inc. Engineering Firm stated the quote of $5000.00 for the bridge was only to obtain information. He estimated the cost to make a walking bridge would be between $200,000 and $250,000 dollars.

Kathie Curtiss made a motion and Dick Golf seonded and all approved to have the lawyer contact the railroad and state that the village does not want the bridge and to see if there is any compensation to tear it down.

Motion carried.

Brian Sterett made a motion to accept the budget for next year, Kathie 2nd it, the motion carried.

The board will look into the cost to acquire an accounting program for the village.

There was no discussion during the open forum.

The treasurer's report, invoices, and minutes were accepted.

Members present were: Kathie Curtiss, Richard Golf, Kevin Mortimer, Brian Sterett, and Nanci Sterett. Diane Gonzalez was absent.

Other present were: Marilyn Simmons, Treasurer; Judy Gravgaard, Clerk; James Rogers and Mick Olsen from Brunner, Cooper & Zuck, Inc.

The meeting was adjourn ed at 8:09 p.m. Meetings are the 1st Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m.. They meet May 3rd.