The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1923 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross

Stronghurst Graphic August 24, 1923

A BEAUTIFUL HOME WEDDING: The beautiful country home of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Rankin was the scene of a most happy event Tuesday evening when their daughter, Miss Margaret, became the bride of Mr. Charles F. Heisler of near Stronghurst. As the hour of eight o'clock drew near Mesdames Ralph Millen and Thomas Richey, sisters of the bride, sang a duel, "Blossom Time," with Miss Lucille Rankin at the piano. The bridal party entered the parlors led by Mrs. Millen singing the Bridal Chorus from Lohengrin followed by the matron of honor, Mrs. Thomas Richey, and the bride leaning upon the arm of her father. They took their places under a large wedding bell covered with pink and white carnation, baby breathe and snow on the mountains. They were joined by the groom and best man, Mr. Lyman Ross. Kneeling upon a white satin pillow, the pair received the solemn vows which bound them as one. The double ring ceremony was performed by a former pastor of the bride, Rev. H.B.

McElree now of Indianola, Iowa.

During the congratulations Miss Betty Bailey sang, "O Promise Me, Believe Me, If All Those, Endearing Young Charms and Beloved, It is Morn."

The bride was lovely in her charming dress of white beaded georgette crepe over crepe de chine with a veil of Tulle caught up with orange blossoms and carried a bouquet of white bride's roses. The matron of honor wore pale lavender and white organdie and carried a bouquet of Ophelia roses. The groom is a young man of sterling qualities and worthy the charming bride he has won.

Following congratulations, an elegant two-course supper was served by Mrs. Eliza Smith of Monmouth with Mrs. Emory Cavins, Misses Marjorie Thompson, Lois Spears, Gertrude Gibb, Gertrude Moore, Emma and Verna Rankin as waitresses to the eighty guests present.

The couple departed on train No. 5 of the Santa Re for Denver and Colorado Springs and upon their return will be at home to their many friends on the groom's farm where a fine new house is waiting them. The bride's going away gown was of brown crepe knit, blue and tan crepe knit cape with hat, gloves and shoes to match.

Those in attendance from a distance were Mrs. Charles Moore and daughter Gertrude and Mrs. Austin Demmon of Mt. Carroll, Ill.; Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Park, Mr. and Mrs. D.B. Hardin, Mr. and Mrs. Philo Kettering and daughter Marie of Monmouth.

WEDDING BELLS: BROOKS-SMULLEN-Mr. B.S. Brooks of Omaha, Nebr., and Mrs. Addie B. Smullen of Los Angeles, Calif. were married August 16, 1923. The bride is a niece of Ed Brewer and nursed here and around Roseville two years ago during the flu epidemic. They will make their home in Omaha where the groom is connected with a large wholesale plumbing and heating concern.

BURRELL-MICHAEL-The many friends of Dean Burrell received quite a surprise when the fact became known that he had been married in Chicago last Saturday. The wedding which united the happy young people in the holy bonds of wedlock took place at the German Lutheran parsonage, Rev. A.E. Meyer performing the ceremony. They were attended by Alfred Ott and Miss Verna Seiffert. Immediately after the ceremony, a four course dinner was served at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Michael and which was attended by a large concourse of relatives and friends. The bride and groom left Chicago Sunday morning arriving here in the evening where a three course 7 o'clock dinner awaited them at the home of the groom's mother, Mrs. Helen C. Burrell.

The bride is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Michael of Chicago, Ill. She is a graduate of Lake View High School and is a very accomplished young lady and is very popular among the younger set in that community. The groom is the oldest son of Mrs. Helen C. Burrell of this city. He received his education in the Stronghurst schools and left here about two years ago to accept a position with the American Multigraph Sales Co. at Chicago and in which concern he has made rapid progress. They will be at home to their many friends after Sept. 1st at 2019 Cullom Ave., Chicago, Ill.

CASTO-MCELHINNEY: A pretty wedding took place August 9th when Hattie McElhinney was united in marriage to Joseph Casto of Connersville. The ceremony was performed by Mrs. Sipe, retired Minster of Petroleum at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. French in Nottingham Township. The newlyweds will make their home near Connersville and Mr. Casto's large circle of friends will wish her every happiness. Mr. and Mrs. Casto were entertained Thursday evening at the supper given by the Miller threshing ring of Old Salem after which the bridal couple was given an old time belling.-Bluffton, Ind. (Evening Banner)

SCHOOL BEGINS SEPT. 5TH: The school year will open at 9:00, Tuesday, Sept. 5th at which time all students should be in their places at the building. A meeting of all grade and high school teacher is called for Monday. All students from the surrounding community who are planning to enter the freshmen class and anyone entering high school for the first time should report at the high school on Monday.

From all indications this should be a record year for the Stronghurst schools. In the grades, all the teachers are the same as last year. In the high school, Miss Helen Landon of Rio, Ill. will return and have charge of the French and science work. Mr. L.O. Dawson of Heddick, Ill, has been employed as history teacher and coach. Mr. Dawson is a graduate of Shurtleff College and has spent the past summer at the University of Illinois. Miss Grace Freitag, a graduate of Normal University at Normal, Ill., is to have charge of English and public speaking. Mr. Leland Alin of Alexis, Ill., a graduate of Knox College, will be in charge of Latin and other subjects.

GASOLINE MILEAGE TEST: Mr. Lloyd Snyder, a representative of the Standard Oil Co., was in Stronghurst and put on a gasoline mileage test using gasoline that was purchased out of the pumps from the different dealer in town. The automobile used was the six cylinder Buick owned by Ed Walker and driven by Theo Knutstrom. The test was witnessed Perry Simpson, Roy Mudd, George Dixson, Albert Kaiser and L.E. McAndrews and was held on the road south of Stronghurst in the following manner: A quart of gasoline poured into the carburetors and the car started from a given point and run with the hand throttle set, the driver not using the foot feed, and the car driven until the quart of gasoline was exhausted. This same test was used on every brand of gasoline that is sold here. The result was as follows: Red Crown 4 3/10; 2nd 3 9/10 and 3rd 3 5/10 per quart.

HE DIED IN CALIFORNIA: Miss Clara Walker, a cousin of the deceased, has received a write-up from the Paso Robles, Calif. Star, Aug. 9th telling of the death of W. W. Walker, a Dallas City boy who left his native town several years ago for California where he has since made his home. "Jinks," as he was called by his associates, is remembered by many all of whom learn with heartfelt sorrow of his death. He was jolly, goodhearted and companionable, the stamp of man that makes friends and retains them.

"Although he had been suffering from a complication of stomach and heart ailments for the past five years, his death came as a severe shock to the entire community, for only a few hours before he had been seated on his lawn pleasantly chatting with his friends as they passed by.

He was one of the most popular men that Paso Robles has ever had the good fortune to claim as a citizen. His tender heart and his generous nature winning friends for him among all classed. He was particularly popular with the young people and the children all loved him. He is survived by a widow, a son and two daughters. He was born in Dallas City, Ill., April 21, 1861 and had made his home in Paso Robles for 36 years.

The funeral services were held Aug. 7th when Rev. J.H. Mitchell, a close friend, officiated and in brief, plain but forceful words paid eloquent tribute to his memory. The casket was banked with flowers and the seating capacity of the chapel was taxed beyond the limit. Every business house in the city closed its door during the funeral and the city bell was tolled as the procession wended its way to the I.O.O.F. Cemetery where the remains were laid to rest. Dallas City Enterprise.

STRUCK BY LIGHTNING: During the electrical storm on Tuesday evening, lightning struck a building that was a combination chicken house and work shop on the place occupied by Albert Myers in the east end of town. It immediately took fire. The fire discovered by Ralph Staley and Cliff Shafer who got busy and started a bucket brigade, but the fire soon got beyond their control and they turned in a fire alarm to which the fire department responded. Soon after their arrival the blaze was under control. The Myers family was not at home, being away on a visit.

THE LAST OF THE TREES: The two trees in front of the Graphic office paid the supreme sacrifice and were felled to the ground by Master Axeman, J.F. Murphy, and his able assistant, Chief Sawyer, Will Wright. Old Sol's (the sun) torrid rays now beam down upon us and make us long for the cool harvest fields and the burning sands of the Sahara. The tree in front of the Wallin garage is the only one that remains in the two blocks. It will be cut down soon. It will now be possible to have good sidewalks and better looking streets. (Trees used to line the street up and down Broadway.)

ABE LINCOLN'S STORE: Old Salem, where Abe Lincoln kept store, is being rebuilt just as it was when he was there. They are going to replace his old store and fill it with goods that date back to before the Civil War if they can find them scattered in old stores throughout the country.

BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Rev. and Mrs. Baker entertained a company of 15 gentlemen at their home Saturday evening in honor of Hon. W. J. Bryan (he was scheduled at the Chautauqua). Preston Plummer of Casper, Wyo. visited his mother, Mrs. Hattie Plummer. Mrs. Macinia and little grandson Jack spent Tuesday at the home of Eddie Sloan and attended the funeral of Mrs. Bertha Beebe. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Pearson and little son, John Edwin, of Genoa, Nebr., came for a visit with their parents and other relatives. John Millen, Jr., a member of the faculty of Rose Polytechnic School in Terre Haute, Ind., visited at the home of his sister, Mrs. William Whiteman. Funeral services for Mrs. Dave Beebe was held at the M. E. Church. For the past year Mr. and Mrs. Beebe have made their home in Burlington where he accepted a position as conductor on a street car line. Mrs. Beebe was taken ill a week ago last Friday and on Monday was removed to the hospital where she underwent an operation for peritonitis on Friday. She passed away on Saturday evening. A picnic party for Edith Renstrum Melvin of Minnesota who is visiting her parents was held in the park. D. W. Lee had a horn attached at the front of the Chautauqua stage and he reproduced music and the speech of Mr. Bryan on his radio at the Palace Theatre. Miss Lucile Zimmerman entertained a party of girl friends at her home Friday night. On Saturday the girls went to the woods taking their breakfast which they ate picnic style.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Miss Francis Lind is visiting relatives in Northern Iowa. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Apt at their Decorra home last Thursday. The new home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Beardsley in the south part of town is nearing completion as is also the Charles Heisler home in the country. Mr. and Mrs. L.O. Dawson who are moving here from Alpha, Ill. have leased the Sterling Simpson property. Mr. Dawson has been engaged as history teacher and an athletic coach in the high school. A girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shafer on Aug. 21st. O.O. Miller and wife of Jackson, Nebr., drove through in a car arriving here last Thursday for a visit with relatives and friends. Friday morning Mr. Miller was taken seriously ill with appendicitis. Saturday morning Dr. Emerson took him to the Burlington Hospital where he was operated on. Last reports are that he is doing nicely. He is the son of Henry Miller, a former citizen of this community. The R.E. White's Hudson sedan recently stolen from Monmouth was found at LaJunta, Colo. Miss Ruth McMillan is acting chairman of the play ground committee in the absence of Mrs. B.G. Widney. Adrian Meyer of Ft. Madison, well known among the musical fraternity of Stronghurst, is defendant in a divorce court; his wife has grown weary of his presence and asks the custody of their three year old daughter and $50 per month alimony ($686 in today's values). Lockery's "Uncle Tom's Cabin" company, which is to be at Stronghurst next Wednesday night numbers 40 people, which includes the Lockery Challenge band and orchestra. A conscientious production of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" is offered with a parade at noon and a band concert at 7:30.

RARITAN REPORTS: Luola Schenck has been laid up several days with lumbago. Mrs. Maude Stillwell and daughter, Marquerete, left to spend a short time with their aunt and sister, Mrs. Lelah Custer of Farmington. From there they expect to go to Chicago and then they will return to their home in California. The play, "All a Mistake" was given by the local talent in Smithshire and Oquawka. Harlan Monroe had the misfortune to fall and break his arm again. This is the second time that the same arm has been broken in a very short time. Mrs. Drew King spent several days in Galesburg helping to care for her sister, Mrs. Jim Campbell, who is the victim of pneumonia. Harland Day and Westley Davis left for Minnesota and from there they expect to go to North Dakota. The town was lighted up with street lights Monday evening. Rev. Ihrman expects to preach his farewell sermon in the Reformed Church next Sunday morning.

NAUVOO RUSTLER CHANGES HANDS: The Nauvoo Rustler, established in 1890 by Messrs Argast and Walther, has been sold to L.M. Hudson. Walther and Argast have not as yet made any plans for their future. Mr. Hudson is a Nauvoo boy of ability and has not had any active newspaper experience, but has had several years experience in the advertising game in Chicago and Boston.

MEDIA MEANDERINGS: Mrs. Lou Welder of Carthage is here organizing a Tri-State Lodge and is meeting with splendid success. Mrs. Joe Campbell will present her pupils in piano and voice in a recital Friday evening at the Community Club rooms. Mr. C.E. Spiker has finished the work of decorating the interior of the U.P. Church. Mr. Regan of Stronghurst donated the paper for the auditorium and Mr. Spiker donated the varnish for the floor. The ladies are loud in their praise and thanks to these gentlemen for their kindness and generosity. High school begins here Sept. 5th. The teaching force has been increased and new subjects added to the course so that everything points to another successful year.