The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1923 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross

Stronghurst Graphic August 17, 2016

M.W.A. PICNIC (I was told this was a really big event for the town and little children awaited for its wonders all year long.) The annual M.W.A. Picnic given last Friday and Saturday was a success is every particular and was attended by large crowds both days. All concessions at the park seemed to be pretty busy most of the time and the merry-go-round was heavily patronized by the children and some who have ceased being children for some time. The program was carried out as planned with the exception of the speech by Congressman Graham who did not appear as advertised. The Roseville band furnished music both days and the main attractions for both days were the ball games at Sanderson's field and Calvin's field.

Games on Calvin Field: The nine act vaudeville stunt staged by the Dixon twins at the first picnic game was not the hit that it has been at former times. The fans were all out to see a ball game and did not care for the Shakespearean efforts of the Oquawka battery. Consequently, they were accorded the "Razz" with a capital R and the home team opened on them with vigor that it was no question of supremacy from the start. Miller pitching for Stronghurst had the Oquawka boys helpers at all times, however, ragged support in the seventh inning gave Oquawka two unearned runs. Dixon was wild, both of them in fact, wild throws to second and wild pitches in all other directions being features of the game. Unsupported by the natural resources that favor them on the home grounds errors were numerous for the opposition and the game was not nearly so good a game as the score would indicate. Miller showed his contempt for an offer to buy him off by pitching himself out of some holes made by loose fielding and the final result showed him on the long end of the 6 to 4 score. The game was rather loose in fielding on both sides at times, but the Stronghurst boys tightened up sufficiently at the crucial moment to convince the spectators that the home team should have won.

In the second picnic game, Stronghurst defeated the Kirkwood nine by a score of 3 to 1 in one of the fastest games the locals have been engaged in this season. A grave error at second base, coupled with timely hitting by Stronghurst gave the locals three runs in the sixth while Kirkwood scored their lone run in the ninth when with two men down Cole got on with an error, advanced on a base on balls to Knutstrom and scored on a muffed fly. Knutstrom's reputation as one of the best pitchers in this locality did not suffer by his defeat as he was effective at all times and though opportune hitting contributed to his defeat, the side should have been retired before the scoring started in the sixth. The second game was conspicuous for the good sportsmanship displayed by both sides and gave the fans their money's worth from start to finish. Kirkwood hit rather hard, eight put outs outfield. Walker allowed but two safe hits, the locals getting 7.

Next Sunday the locals engage on the home ground the Colored All-Stars of Keokuk, one of the fastest teams in this section. The gait the locals have been going for the past number of games has entitled them to meet faster teams and they will get plenty of opposition in this feature game of the season here. The Colored All-Stars are well named and have won handily from most of teams in this vicinity.

S.S. Team Games on Sanderson's Field. The Stronghurst S. S. team met the Independent team of Reed, Ill. on the 11th and was defeated by a score of 10 to 5. The local team was out of practice and was up against a pretty stiff team. The Reed pitcher was from Monmouth and pitched on one of the teams that were members of the twilight league in that city. The team was also strengthened by players from other towns.

Second Day-Limbered up by the battle of the day before, the Stronghurst team met and defeated the fast Terre Haute S.S. team by a score of 24 to 12. Estel Mudd pitching for the locals had the game his way most of the time. Lot of "pep" was displayed by both sides and it was a better game than the score indicates. Stronghurst is still at the head of the league having won every game played this season. (Obviously, someone was not reading their previous copy as the Stronghurst S.S. lost to Reed.) This is also Terre Haute's first defeat.

***OBITUARY***MRS. H.G. KING: Amanda Viola was the second daughter of Isaac and Nancy Carter Nichols. She was born December 11, 1849 on her father's farm in Henderson County on which is now located in the town of Stronghurst. On Sept. 8, 1881 she united in marriage with H. G. King and most all of her life was spent on the farm on which she was born until with her husband she came to Forest Grove in 1901, which with the exception of three years spent in California, has been her home. She united with the Methodist Episcopal Church at Stronghurst in 1880 and has been faithful ever since. She never moved her membership from the church that she and her husband helped to build on her father's old farm.

She took a general nervous breakdown during the past winter and gradually grew weaker until the end which came on July 26th. Her age was 72 years, 7 months and 15 days and she was the last survivor of her father's family. The funeral was held from the Forest Grove Undertaking parlors. Those attending from a distance were C.M. Clever and family, Mrs. Nora Kemp Barnet, Miss Flo Kemp and Mrs. Mildred Kalez, all of Portland.

Mrs. King was confined to her bed only the last three days. Everything was done for her that loving hands could do and she seemed to be more concerned about her husband than about herself, always saying you ought not do so much for me, I know you are tired-Washington Count News-Times (Forest Grove, Ore.) Mrs. King was an aunt of Frank and Nettie Wilsher of this city.


We are in the army now. We don't mind it much, but it was hard to get used to. We are in the signal corps and the work is interesting. We work with wireless sets and other instruments needed for communication. We are also given some drill but not a great deal. For three days were on the automatic pistol range shooting a Colt 45 and we are all very handy with a revolver now and hope to outdo Bill Hart's marksmanship.(movie star)

We notice in the Graphic that the main drag is being remodeled so we won't know where to stop and we are liable to drive right through and never recognize the "Old Home Town."(Trees in the downtown business district were being cut down.) Most of us would say, "I doubt that statement." This is our favorite saying here for we are often told we will get an hour or two of rest or an afternoon off but it never happens.

The fellows in Battery O did not consult us in regard to joining the army and we went to take this opportunity to state that those of us in this company have no such intention, but on the other hand we will agree with them that nothing is appreciated so much as a letter for "The Old Home Town."

We had a fine trip up here stopping at Deer Park and Starved Rock. The roads were fine with the exception of the roads between Farmington and Peoria. We drove this in the mud and a down pouring rain. The rest was cement and gravel roads.

We spent Saturday evening, Sunday and Monday a.m. in Chicago leaving there and spending the night in Benton Harbor, Mich. We arrive in Camp Custer on Tuesday morning, August 2 to spend a month in the open. The only objection we have to this place is the dust. The soil here is very sandy and dusty. When marching, the dust is so thick one can hardly breathe...We are stepping out in society here. We have an invitation to supper Wednesday evening and one to a big chicken dinner one week from Sunday and we sure are going to accept. "The Filver Five" (Local boys in camp)

DIED IN A CRASH: "George Brockway of Monmouth is dead and Mrs. Brockway and daughter Dorothy and Theo Hess of Roseville are lying in the Monmouth Hospital all seriously injured while Howard Fletcher, Harry Woodward, Eldred Stanley and Mike Harrell, all young men from Roseville, are confined to their homes nursing serious bruises as the result of an automobile collision which occurred Sunday evening between 5 and 6 o'clock at the cross corner road a mile south of Larchland.

Mr. Brockway suffered the most serious injuries and was unconscious from the time of the accident until his death about 1:15 this afternoon. His skull was badly fractured and he also received a number of other bruises and cuts. The condition of Mrs. Brockway and daughter is serious although it is not believed they are fatally hurt. The mother received a number of ugly gashes on her arms and head which required many stitches to close while the daughter had one of her arms practically severed from her body. It is believed they were ditched through the windshield when the collision occurred.

The Brockways were in a Ford touring car and were traveling east on the road a mile south of Larchland. The other car containing the Roseville young men was a Studebaker sedan, and was traveling south on the main Roseville road. Just at the corner the two cars met with an impact which was heard for some distance. The heavier car stuck the Ford squarely in the middle, turning it over and pinning the occupants beneath it. The sedan then turned over on its side in a ditch on the east side of the main road. As it struck the ditch, all of the young men with the exception of Hess were thrown clear from it. Hess was pinned under the wreckage and sustained severe injuries. He received a number of bad bruises and also several cuts. He was brought to the local hospital with the Brockways and will probably be kept there several days to await developments. At first it was feared that all four had sustained severe internal injuries, but investigation at the hospital failed to show that such was the case.

Eyewitnesses of the accident say that the Studebaker machine was traveling at a high rate of speed when the collision occurred and that the machine in which the Brockways were riding had no chance to avoid getting hit. The larger machine belongs to Baker Fletcher of Roseville and was being driven by his son Howard. Young Fletcher and also Woodward, Stanley and Harrell were considerably shaken up but were able to be taken to their home where they gave a correct account of the accident. Medical aid was summoned from Roseville and Monmouth and it was only a short time before ambulances were on the scene to bring the more seriously injured to the local hospital.

The Ford machine was a total wreck and is amass of bent iron and broken glass. The larger car was not so badly damaged although when it turned over on its side considerable damage was done to it. Members of the sheriff's force motored to the scene this morning and took some pictures of the accident and got other information which may be necessary for the coroner's inquiry.

The Brockways reside at 211 South C Street and have made their home in this city for a number of years. Mr. Brockway was employed as a salesman for the Standard Oil Co. and was well known throughout this vicinity"...Monmouth Review

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Mr. Harry Hofstadt of Gorin, Mo. is visiting at the C.A. Hostadt home. Misses Marie Burg and Ethel Jenkins who are employed at the Stronghurst Telephone Co. office are now enjoying their vacation. Mrs. R. Kern and Mary Morgan are taking their places. Hortense Harbinson and Mary Morgan are now at Yellowstone Park and plan to be home soon. Mrs. Nell Long has been employed at the G. W. Worley drug store replacing Miss Agnes Kirby who resigned. Miss Naomi Cooper brought in a tomato that was grown in her garden weighing 2 pounds and 2 ounces. Mrs. Hulda Millen and her daughter, Miss Mary and little Dorothy of Biggsville were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C.M. Bell.

RARITAN REPORTS: Walter Halbert of New York is visiting relatives. E.F. Hamilton was operated upon in the Macomb Hospital and getting along nicely. Miss Cora Mabe who was operated upon last week is improving rapidly and intends to be home soon. Mrs. Cornel Schenck received a telegram from Kansas stating the death of her mother, Mrs. Hare last Monday evening; she was 83 years old.

BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Dr. and Mrs. Ellis and children, who have spent the past seven years as missionaries in Persia and who have been home on a visit with her people in California, arrived here and have been the guests of her brother, Don Lee and wife. Dr. Ellis spoke Sabbath night at the M.E. church talking about his work. Mrs. George Stout and O.T. Burrow of Sumner, Iowa visited the H. O. Garrity home. On their return they took Mr. and Mrs. Garrity for a couple weeks visit. The Chautauqua program commences Wednesday evening with local talent by the young people and a lecture by Rev. Paul Arnold Peterson of the Presbyterian Church of Monmouth. Other features of the program include The Ruby Brothers Orchestra, the Chicago Operatic Co., Rev. Roy Smith of Minneapolis and William Jennings Bryan who will be the great man of the last day. Mrs. Harry Plummer is a guest of Casper, Wyo. where her son Berhard has spent his summers at the home of his uncle Preston who will return with her.

An auto accident occurred on the road south of town Sabbath night when the cars of Lee Mekemson of Biggsville and Harvey Pence of Kirkwood collided. Little Herbert Mekemson had his collar bone broken and Mrs. Mekemson received bruises while Mrs. Pence had a shoulder badly hurt. After medical treatment here, they were able to go to their homes. Neither car received any injury. In the Gladstone area, Will Knutstrom's home is quarantined for diphtheria, which is only a mild form.

LOMAX LINGERINGS: Noah Wolf and family spent Sunday at the Henry Daugherty home south of town. Several from here attended the floating palace show at Dallas City. The Mitchell and Dodson tent meetings closed Sunday evening. A large crowd was present at the farewell sermon. Lee Pence of Mackay, Idaho, has been visiting relatives. Lomax 1st team played Dallas there with the score being 11 to 0 in favor of Dallas. Lomax's team was badly out of line having only five of their regular players. The fire department was called Sunday evening to quench a blaze in W. C. Freeland's garage and car. The blaze was soon put out with little damage to either.