The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1923 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross

Stronghurst Graphic, May 31, 1923

MEMORIAL DAY EVENTS: Fitting tribute was paid to the memory of the nation's defenders in two public services held in the village. On Sabbath morning in a union service held at the U.P. Church, Rev. J. A. Mahaffey delivered an eloquent sermon based upon the words of the apostle Paul: "I have fought a good fight; I have finished my course; I have kept the faith."...He asserted that the soldiers who had given their lives in these conflicts had been good soldiers who had kept the faith committed to them by the founders of the republic.

On Wednesday, appropriate exercises were held at the Lyric Theatre followed by the placing of wreaths and bouquets of flowers upon the graves of the soldier dead in the village cemetery. Previous to this, the Stronghurst band rendered a number of patriotic selections on the street in front of the theatre. A quartette composed of C.E. Larson, Chas. Fort, Mrs. McAndrews and Miss Francis Worley opened the program in the building with a vocal selection. An invocation was given by Rev. W.H. Cross of the Christian Church. Robert Mathers gave a fine reading in which was told a tale of devotion even unto death of an English soldier in one of the wars. Mrs. Marie McAndrews then offered a beautiful vocal solo. The speaker for the occasion, Rev. M.L. O'Harra of Galesburg, launched at once into an oration which was a master piece both in thought and delivery and which held the undivided attention of the large audience for almost an hour. The them that was the progress of human liberty which was shown to have ever followed the westward course of empire from Abraham to the Crusades, the Lutheran Reformation, the discovery of America, the American Revolution, the Civil War and the great World War, etc. Two old veterans, Mr. George Fort and Mr. L. D. Collier who represented veterans of the Civil War, were on the rostrum.

Following the address, the quartette gave another selection and then the "Roll of Honor" containing the names of the soldiers of this community who have answered the final summons and gone to their reward was read. After the dismissal, the audience formed a line of march to the cemetery headed by the band. Next were the children from the grade schools carrying the wreathes and flowers followed by a decorated auto bearing the old veterans and a long line of private autos.

The ceremonies at the cemetery consisted of a selection by the band, a beautiful and fitting flag exercise by the children, the decoration of the grave, a vocal selection by the quartette, the sounding of "taps" by bugler Roland Davidson and the benediction by Rev. Cross.

DENVER SHRINERS TO GIVE BURLINGTON CONCERT: Dr. I.F. Harter has received a letter from Peter Groome, Jr. of Denver, Colo. stating that two train loads of Shriners from that city enroute to the national convention of Shriners at Washington, D.C., will pass through Burlington on the evening of June 2nd and that their plans are to gave a band concert and patrol drill there provided time will permit. If the trains arrive at Burlington at about 10 p.m. as scheduled for an hour's time will be available for the concert and drill. Mr. Groome promised to wire Dr. Harter from Omaha stating whether or not the concert and drill would be given. Mr. Groome states that the band is a 65 piece organization with a drum corps in addition of 55 men and that the patrol consists of 55 men.

WINS FIRST PLACE: Harold Bainter of this place won the first prize of $10 for the best work in declamation in the annual freshmen contest in Philo Society at Monmouth College last Thursday night.

WINS COUNTY MEET: By finishing first in six events, second in four events and third in two events, giving them a total score of 44 points, the Stronghurst High School proved an easy winner in the third annual county field and track meet held at Oquawka. Besides winning the meet and placing in each one of the 13 events with the exception of the 220 yard hurdles, the Stronghurst boys won the relay race by a wide margin.

The individual star of the meet was Myers of Biggsville, who won 23 of the 36 points credited to that school. The points won by Stronghurst were distributed as follows: Regan-first in the discus and shot put-10 points; Wilcox-first in the 220 yd. dash, second in the running broad jump and third in the 50 yd. dash-9 points; Smith-first in the 100 yd. dash, second in the Javelin-8 points; Kemp-first in the 440 yd. dash-5 points; N. McKeown-first in the pole vault-5 points; L. McKeown-second in the running high jump-3 points; Sullies- second in the standing broad jump-3 points Parish-third in the 880 yr. run-1 point. This record shows that the local school has one of the best balanced teams this year that it has ever had.

The meet was held on Oquawka's new athletic field, which had been put in fine shape, the track especially being in excellent condition which in fact no doubt contributed to this breaking of the county league records for the 440 yr. dash, the 880 yd. run and the 220 yr. hurdles. The weather conditions were ideal for a meet and there was a good attendance of fans to lend encouragement to the contestants.

DECLAMATORY CONTEST: Held at the Oquawka Opera House in the evening, Oquawka's representative, Miss Mary Ellen Rose won first place in the girls' division and William Pogue of Media won first in the boys' division.

LEGAL DELAY IN SCHOOL BUILDING PLANS: The members of the board of Education of High School District No. 104 were served with notices that a petition for leave to file information in Quo Warranto proceedings, relative to the purchase of site and issuing of bonds for the proposed new Community High School Building, had been filed with Judge Hillier of the Circuit Court and that the case would be heard at the October term of said court. The petition was signed by E. E. Marks and G.W. Barnett, two tax payers living in the district by their attorney, Wm. Hartzell of Carthage, Ill.

It is set forth in the petition that because of certain irregularities connected with the election under the Community High School District No. 104 was organized, the members of the board of education of said district are serving in an illegal capacity and consequently had no right to call an election for the purpose of deciding the question of building of a new school... (The feeling was the board was within their legal rights and this was a delaying tactic making the community suffer.)

A PART IN SPRING FESTIVAL: Three Stronghurst Girls had a part in the Spring Festival, which is an important annual event on the calendar of the Western Illinois State Teachers College at Macomb, Ill. Mrs. Rhoda Wolford took the part of a soldier and sailor in naval drill of the revolutionary period and the Misses Lorene and Helen Beckett represented early American settlers. Six Indian warriors begin the first American scene with a bow and arrow dance. Early American life is represented by a minuet of colonial dames and gentlemen, a march representing the soldiers of '76 and a group dance which bring together the Puritan, Quaker, and Dutch settlers. The mysterious actions of the Ku Klux Klan will picture Southern life. With them will be the gaily coated cavaliers ready for the fox hunt and a group of mischievous Southern maidens. Western life will be pictured in a solo dance representing a maiden who has been captured by Indians. Cowboys and girls in frontier attire will do a western dance. The closing scene represents America at play. Group dances will present the athletics and play spirit of today with the final number being a navy drill by all the girls of the collage. The white suits of the soldiers against the campus green and the impressive mass formation make a fitting close to the patriotic festival.

TRAINS RUNNING REGULARLY AGAIN: The whistle of "No.9" as that fast California train sped through Stronghurst last Monday afternoon was a welcome sound to the inhabitants; for it meant that the bridge at Fort Madison was again open for traffic and that the passenger, mail and freight business at this point would soon be restored to normal condition after five days of badly crippled service. The heavy traffic which the Santa Fe was obliged to divert over the C.B. &Q. between Galesburg and Fort Madison on account of the burning out of a section of the Fort Madison bridge is now passing through here and the rust which had begun to accumulate of the rails is fast disappearing.

The restoration of regular service here was probably not welcomed by any one more than it was by post master J. G. Mains who was kept busy during the five days in figuring out ways and means by which some fairly satisfactory service could be rendered to the patrons of his office. At his suggestion, a good share of the mail address to this office was sent to the Burlington post office and an auto mail service instituted between the two points. This plan helped to prevent the dumping of a undue accumulation of mail at this office when the local train which was kept in service between Galesburg and East Fort Madison arrived each afternoon; although the mail which arrived on Friday evening was perhaps the largest single consignment ever received here, taxing the capacity of the truck operated by C. S. Forbes to transfer it to the office from the railroad station.

Press reports are to the effect that the repairs on the bridge at Fort Madison will be of a nature sufficient merely to accommodate traffic until such time as the new $4,000,000 structure which has been under construction for some time has been completed.

BAND SOCIAL A BIG SUCCESS: The concert and social given by the Stronghurst band Wednesday evening in the village park was well attended and the refreshment tales liberally patronized. The boys gave an excellent program and the gross proceeds amounted $85 which is more than half of which represents profit and will be applied to the purchase of new uniforms for the band.

OBITIUARY: JOHN SIMONSON: John Simonson, son of Simon V.A. and Ann (Wortman) Simonson, pioneer settlers of what is now Raritan Township, Henderson County, Ill., was born on the homestead farm August 11, 1861 and departed this life May 22, 1923 at Wyaconda Mo., aged 61 years, 9 months and 11 days. His early life was spent on his father's farm and his education received in the public schools of the neighborhood. He spent three years of his young manhood days on a homestead in Kansas, but returned later to Henderson County, where the remainder of his life was spent.

On January 26, 1893 he united in marriage to Miss Carrie Harbinson of Stronghurst and to this union four children were born: Ralph, deceased; Harold, Grace and Jess, all of this vicinity, who with the wife survive him. He is also survived by four brothers and three sisters: Dennis and Walter Simonson of Kansas; Peter Simonson of Roseville, Ill.; Wilbur Simonson of Quincy, Ill.; Mrs. Ella Rankin and Mrs. Alice Worthington of this vicinity; and Mrs. Louis Hixson of North Dakota.

For many years Mr. Simonson was extensively engaged in farming and feeding and shipping livestock. He also found time to serve his township and county in various public capacities, being for four yours a member of the county board of Supervisors and also serving acceptably on the Board of Review for one term.

Several months ago Mr. Simonson suffered a stroke of an apoplectic nature, which left him in an enfeebled condition; and although advised by his physician to take life a little easier, his desire to do business led him to continue his activities as a dealer in livestock up to the time when the final summons came. The deceased was a man of generous impulses, always ready and willing to help any one in trouble and numbered a large circle of friends and business associates by whom he will be greatly missed.

The Funeral service was held at the Stronghurst U. P. Church with the capacity of the church taxed to accommodate the throng who came to pay their last tribute of respect. Interment was in the Stronghurst Cemetery. Those in attendance from a distance were the following: Mr. and Mrs. H.F. Turner and daughter Francis of Galesburg, Ill.; R.B. Higgason of Knoxville, Ill.; Mr. Alexander of the firm of Alexander, Conover and Martin, Chicago; Dennis Simonson of Halstead, Kans.; Wilbur Simonson and wife of Quincy, Ill.; James Weller and wife of Farmington, Ia.; John Turner and daughter, Mrs. Lottie LaFrenz of Wyaconda, Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Melvin of LaHarpe, Ill.; Fred and Ross Carmack of Canton, Ill.; and Mr. and Mrs. Truman Yard and son Ernest of Macomb, Ill.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Mr. G. C. Rehling has erected a neat garage on his premises on Mary Street. Frank Murphy accompanied three loads of cattle to Chicago belonging to C. G. Richey. Little Elizabeth Kimble of Media had the pleasure of making her first trip on the train unaccompanied by her mother when she came down to visit her little friend, Rosa Kamber, and her aunt Mrs. W. L. Spiker. Home grown strawberries have been added to the bill of fare in some local homes this week and their superiority in flavor over the shipped in product is unquestioned. Mr. Fred Mudd who underwent an operation in the Burlington Hospital for the removal of an eye returned home and is getting along as well as could be expected.

Mrs. Suzanna Maynard Knappenberger, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. L.P. Maynard of Terre Haute neighborhood, passed away at her home in Dallas City on May 22nd following an illness of a year and a half. The old brick church building at Old Bedford was sold piece-meal at public auction, the brick in the various, the studding, the roof, the floors, the windows, etc. all being sold separately and the total sum realized $369 ($5,062+ in today's values). The Lukens home on the corner of Nichols and Elizabeth Streets has been improved by raising the structure, the excavation of a basement, and the building of a new brick foundation. The work was done under the supervision of Cox and Fisher, the new contracting firm which recently located here. Blandinsville's handsome new Masonic temple is being dedicates this week with impressive ceremonies which began on Tuesday evening and will continue until Friday evening. Every lodge within a radius of 40 miles of there was represented at the gathering. Dr. O.R. Gent and K.E. Yoakam left for the national Shriners' convention meeting in Washington, D.C. Dr. E.E. Nordeen of Dallas City and Dr. G.F. Morris of Roseville will care for Dr. Gent's chiropractor patients. Mr. R.H. Davies arrived from Mazon, Ill. to take up his duties as local agent for the Santa Fe R.R. to succeed Mr. C. L. Decker, who was transferred to McCook, Ill. Mr. Davies' wife and children will soon follow as soon as suitable place of residence is found.

Mr. and Mrs. Len Curtis of Gladstone had a narrow escape from death last Saturday night when a freight train struck the auto in which they were riding and reduced it to junk. The accident occurred at the second crossing east of the station at Gladstone and Mr. and Mrs. Curtis escaped by leaping for the car in the nick of time. Thomas Howard, Jr., a son of Thomas Howard of Lomax and well known to many people living in the southern part of Henderson County, ended his own life by hanging in the basement of his home in Galesburg. Mr. Howard was a railroad man and is supposed to have been led to the rash act through despondency caused by his being out of employment. Funeral service and interment were held at Lomax.

The matter of the location of a toy factory in Stronghurst is till being seriously considered by the members of the Better Stronghurst League. A meeting, in which any one interested whether a league member or not may participate, has been called for Thursday evening at the Simpson-Widney Garage. Mr. J. H. Cummings of Riverside, Ill. and Fred Keisling of Burlington, Ia. will be present to explain the proposition and answer any questions.

Twenty-five Years Ago-1898: On the evening on May 18th, the marriage of R.N. Marshall and Miss Anna Brook occurred at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Brook. Heavy rains had caused the high embankment of the Santa Fe R.R. just west of town to crumble, and the traffic was suspended for a day while some twenty or more carloads of gravel were being dumped in to fill up the breach. A small cyclone which passed over the country south of Stronghurst on the afternoon of May 20th wrecked the farm building on the Harvey Garrett farm 5 miles northeast of Raritan and did considerable damage to other buildings in the vicinity of Smithshire. William E. Gladstone, "grand old man of England," died May 19th at Hawarden Castle. The graduating class of Stronghurst High School consisted of R.B. Parsons, Bessie M. Brown, W.A. Powell, Virgil Harter, Lois Lovitt, A. L. Beall, Leroy Kline, Clara Davis, John S. Lant and Ruby Crenshaw. Three prisoners, Clyde Ammerman, Chas. Ryason and Chas. Richards, escaped from the county jail at Oquawka on the night of May 31st by digging out through the walls of the institution. Stronghurst's first moving picture show was written up as follows: "A novel entertainment for the smaller towns was given at the opera house last evening. Living and moving pictures are produced by the cineograph which is a decided novelty here. A fair crowd was present last night and the entertainment was highly appreciated. Another similar entertainment will be given tonight and will doubtless draw a much larger crowd." News of Commodore Schley's victory at Santiago in which the fortifications of that city were completely battered down was received." (Spanish American War).

 MEDIA MEANDERINGS: The members of Henderson County American Legion stopped here Sabbath Day and held Memorial Services on the lawn of the Weaver Academy at the memorial tree planted in honor of Bruce Rankin who is one of our unknown dead (must be they don't know where he is buried). Mr. C.R. Pendarvis had draped a large American flag around the tree and also strewn some flowers around it earlier in the day. A salute was fired which was answered by the bugler. The services were quite impressive. A number of citizens were present. The Legion was making a tour of the county that day to pay honor to our soldier and sailor dead.

A farewell picnic for members of the high school was held Tuesday evening after school. The senior class is holding their picnic today at Crapo Park, Burlington. The members of the class are Albert Swanson, Henry Collins, Fern Cook, Paul Erickson and Martha Collins. Media was well represented at the county track meet at Oquawka. Wm. Pogue was awarded first prize in the declamatory contest.

C. G. Richey was in Chicago buying cattle last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Hanna of Riverside, California, visited a few days at the home of Mrs. Hanna's cousin, Edgar D. Rankin. Ruth Howell, who has been ill for several days past, was taken to Burlington Hospital where she underwent a serious operation immediately after arriving. She was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Howell and Miss Waneta, Mr. and Mrs. C.R. Pendarivis, Edwin Erickson and Dr. Erickson of Lomax. She rallied from the anesthetic and was resting as well as could be expected. The streets were given another treatment of oil last week. Raymond Leffler and Waldo Erickson, two of our most estimable young men, will leave for Chicago where they have employment. The Farmers Stock Co. is shipping six car load of stock from the local yards today.

BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Friends received word of the death of one of the little twin daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Gibson of Galesburg. The little one has been treated at Rochester by the Mayo Bros, having a tumor back of the eyes causing her to lose the sight of her eyes. Death was caused by tumor the brain. Mrs. Gibson was before her marriage, Miss Jeanette Campbell of this place.

Joseph Rodman, a former resident of this place, passed away at his home in Galesburg Monday at 1:30 o'clock following a five years illness, having since March been in a serious condition. The greater part of his life was spent at Biggsville having moved 16 years ago to Galesburg. The body will arrive here Thursday morning and funeral services will be held at the cemetery.

Mrs. Will Davenport of Omaha is visiting at the home of her father, J.R. Johnson. The garage has changed hands again. Don Lee sold last week to Mr. Johnson who has been the workman. Biggsville seems to be quite a busy place this past week since the Santa Fe trains pass through. There is a train screaming on the track most of the time. A goodly number of people visited the grade school and were very pleased with the work being done there. Mrs. Chas. Burrus is confined to her bed owing to a fall in her cellar after striking her head on a shelf. What might have proved a real bad cut proved only to be a bad scratch across the eye of Miss Dorothy Millen while at play at school. The boys on the play ground were striking small sticks with larger ones when one was whirled at Dorothy's head. Only closing the eye lid was all the saved the eye ball for a serious injury.

OLENA OBSERVATIONS: Mrs. Margaret Peyton has been spending the past few weeks in Stronghurst at the Frank Johnson home helping care for Mrs. George Deitrick, mother of Mrs. Johnson. Mrs. M. J. Green and Mrs. Mills of Stronghurst were calling on friends near Olena; they had been to the Olena Cemetery with flowers and flags to decorate graves of their loved ones. The Cemetery has a very neat appearance thanks to Mr. Brown, who is the custodian and his helpers. Mr. Albert Dean has been adding to the appearance of his new house west of the village by painting and screening. Mr. P. J. Johnson has been shelling and delivering his corn crop to Mr. Walter Carothers. Corn prices are good but not a large amount for sale in this locality. Mrs. John Lant is slowly improving in health and is now doing most of her work. Mrs. Rurth Browning and Mrs. Sharples of Stronghurst were efficient help.

LOMAX LINGERINS: The remains of Thomas Howard, Jr. arrived from Galesburg; the funeral was held at the Christian Church with burial in the Crane Cemetery. Wm. Babcook of Carman loaded the ear corn of Adam Foggy into cars for shipment to feeders. The Lomax Lumber Co. has received a car of Franklin County coal, being the first of several cars for the coming winter. W.R. Gaddis and wife have moved from the Lowry place to the property recently purchased by Dr. Emerson.