The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Stronghurst Graphic June 14, 1923
NEW SUPERINTENDENT FOR SCHOOL: Prof. L. O. Dawson, who was teacher of History and Physics and athletic coach in the Community high school last year, has been employed as superintendent of the school for the coming year by the board of education. Prof. Dawson has arranged to take a summer course at the University of Illinois to further prepare himself for the duties he will assume. Two other members of next year's corps of high school teachers have been engaged, namely, Miss Ethel Seaton of Little York, Ill, who will be instructor in English and Albert Nicholas of Springfield, Ill., who will have charge of Mathematics and will also act as coach tot he athletic team.
***OBITUARY***FRED ESSEX: Fred Essex, a life long and well known resident of Oquawka, died at this home there last Saturday evening at about six o'clock. He was 44 years of age and was engaged in the carpenter's trade until recently when he became the proprietor of the Happy Hour Cafe in Oquawka. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Lulu Essex; one daughter, Ruby Essex; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Essex; two brothers, Clyde and Clifford of Oquawka and four sisters, Mrs. Ed Louck of Keithsburg; Mrs. Loren Morey of Stronghurst; Mrs. Emma Boatman of Chicago and Mrs. Harry Noble of Oquawka. Funeral services were held at the home with interment in the Oquawka Cemetery.
WEDDING BELLS-BURG & WARNER: Elmer Burg of the north country and Miss Frances Warner of Blandinsville were united in marriage at Burlington on June 9, 1923. The groom is the second son of Mr. and Mrs. Albin Burg and is an industrious young farmer. For several years he has operated the R. M. Cassell farm, known as the Coquillette place one mile north of the city and he and his bride are making arrangements to start housekeeping there. The bride is a daughter of Charles Warner, the well known insurance man of Blandinsville. She is well educated and accomplished young lady in many ways.
LOST MONEY: The B.F. Johnson estate lands which were left to the city of La Harpe for school purposes at the death of Mr. Johnson some sixteen or more years ago and a good share of which has been dissipated in costly law suits, are to be sold on July 9th for delinquent taxes amounting to $2, 439.61 (in today's values-$33, 471.45). This seems to be one case where there is a will, but no way of having its provisions carried out.
SHE DIED IN IDAHO: Mrs. Susie M. Perrine, widow of the late Percy Perrine, who was a well known farmer and merchant of Raritan, died at the home of her son, Doren Perrine, at Idaho Falls, Idaho last Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. The deceased was about 72 years of age. She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Ethel Bricker and one son, Doren, besides four grandchildren. The remains were taken to Wichita, Kans. for interment.
LOCAL AND AREAS NEWS: The KuKluxKlan staged a big demonstration at East Galesburg near the second Purington brick yards one night last week. Two fiery crosses about 20 feet in height and standing 300 feet apart were lighted and attracted the attention of people for miles around. About 2,000 spectators were kept outside of hearing distance by a double row of guards stationed about the place of the conclave.
The wagon driveway on one side of the Santa Fe Bridge at Ft. Madison was opened for traffic last Friday. There remains, however, a great amount of work to be done before the work of rebuilding the structure is completed. A nurse from Burlington has been called to care for Mr. Wm. Adair at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Perce Veech and family and W. H. Cross were dinner guests at the Joe Huff home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Emory Cavins of Media are the happy parents of a young son born on June 10th. Miss Sara McElhinney, who has been engaged the past year in teaching at Sioux Falls, S.Dak., is home for summer vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Perkins of Goodland, Kans. arrived in town to visit at the O.W. Beckett home. Mrs. Perkins will be better known to our readers as Blanch Randall who at one time lived here with her mother, Mrs. O. W. Beckett. Mrs. Augusta Burg and daughter, Marie and Margaret, arrived home from Albuquerque, N.W. Regretfully, the hopes which has been entertained of an improvement in Marie's health through a change of climate have not been realized (many went West when they had tuberculosis trying for a return of health; don't know if this was true in this case). The Nauvoo Rustler has changed from a weekly to a twice a week newspaper. Editor Hudson, during the short time he has been in charge of the Rustler has shown himself to be a wide awake newspaper man.
Ernest Jackson of Bushnell, who had his back broken recently when an auto under which he was sitting and making repairs slipped off the jacks and fell on him, was taken in charge by Palmer, the head of the Chiropractor school at Davenport after the other doctors had declared his case to be hopeless; and the backbone was set; the man was placed in a plaster cast and his recovery is expected. While Charles Lindgren and family of Media were driving in their car to Stronghurst Wednesday evening, the lights of the car suddenly went out and they discovered that a fire was raging under the hood of the machine. Charlie succeeded in beating out the flames but got his hands badly scorched in the process. Some of the wires of the engine were burned off and the car had to be left in the road to be taken home by the garage man. The Stronghurst Lutheran Church will hold its annual mid-summer festival Saturday evening on the church lawn. Ice cream, strawberries and cake will be served. At an election held at Seaton, Ill. on the question of building a new consolidated school building, the result was in favor of the proposition.
Mrs. Wadsworth and Mrs. McCall who have been operating the Wadeworth Hospital here for the past year and a half held a public sale of their furniture and other equipment last Saturday and took their departure for Portland, Maine. We understand that they did not consider the amount of patronage accorded the institution as sufficient to justify their continuing the same.
BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: The Community Club met at the home of Mrs. Albert Menchoff, Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. Dixon being assistant hostesses. "Bertha Holmes" was discussed, Mrs. John Sandstrom read a paper on a "Model Kitchen" and Mrs. McHenry read a paper on "Decorating and Furnishing the Home." A general discussion on furnishing and the conveniences of the home followed. The Misses Lucille Zimmerman and Evelyn Dixon sang two vocal duets and Miriam Pearson played a few pieces. Prof. Johnson, who has been engaged for the high school, will move his family here from Farmington into the Chas. Kilgore house. The oil has come for the streets and preparation is being made to spread it, but the gentle showers we are getting keep the work back. The Teas held at the home of Mrs. Norman Wiegand for the benefit of the Cemetery Association was well attended and a neat sum taken in. Ice Cream, Strawberries, cake and coffee were served. The date for the Harvest Home Picnic has been set for the 30th and 31st of August. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence McCormick are the parents of a fine baby girl.
Mrs. E.J. Epperly entertained the adult class of the M.E. church last Saturday evening at her home. It being Mr. Epperly's birthday, it was intended as a surprise, but by accident he got next to it, but it did not keep him from enjoying the occasion. The company was divided into groups according to the month which their birthday was in and each group to put on a stunt for the entertainment. The Sabbath School orchestra gave several selections and vocal numbers were given and at the close refreshments of brick ice cream, strawberries and two kinds of cake were served by Mrs. Epperly. Some 70 people enjoyed the happy occasion and Mr. Epperly as the recipient of many kind wishes. Mrs. Lorimar left for Monmouth where she in company with several ladies of the Presbytery will leave for Los Angeles, Calif. to attend the general meeting of the Women's Missionary Societies.
MEDIA MEANDERINGS: Mr. and Mrs. Emory Cavins are the proud parents of an 8 lb. boy born to them Sabbath evening. Mrs. Cavins was quite ill for several days but is doing nicely now. Mr. Thrasher, who is state inspector of high schools, visited the local school and after going over all details with Prof. Hoffman and the Board of Education, informed them that Media High School would be placed upon the highest accredited list afforded high schools. Mr. Ausmus of Camp Point, Ill., who is to be principal of the school next year, has been here getting a line on his work and also looking after prospective students. Mr. Ausmus come highly recommended and all who have met him seem pleased with his appearance and the interest he is already manifesting.
SAYING FAREWELL: A large number of people of the community met at Weaver Academy for a farewell reception to Prof. and Mrs. Hoffman. A splendid program had been prepared after which the honored guests were invited to be seated at a long table in the center of the room prettily decorated in the school colors. Those at the table were Prof. and Mrs. Hoffman, Prof. and Mrs. Murtland, members of the graduating class of 1923, Rev. Morton, members of the high school board, members of the Academy board, Mr. E. G. Lewis, Co. Supt. A. L. Beall, Mr. Thrasher and Mr. Ausmus. Members of the junior class acting as waiters, served brick ice cream and cake, the rest being waited upon by other students. After refreshments, Rev. Morton took charge and spoke of the appreciation the people of the M. E. Church held for Prof. and Mrs. Hoffman and their regret at the losing them and introduced Mr. E. G. Lewis who gave a talk along similar lines from the high school board and community. He presented them with a sandwich tray from the ladies class of the U. P. Church and also a child's set of silver for baby Robert. Albert Swanson spoke in behalf of the students; Mrs. W.W. Murtland from the Women's Community Club spoke and presented Mrs. Hoffman a sterling silver spoon. Mr. Murtlannd on behalf of the faculty and students present them one dozen silver knives and forks. Mrs. A. L. Beall, in behalf of the U. P. Church and the Ladies Missionary Society added a hand painted sugar and creamer. To all, Mr. Hoffman responded and expressed their appreciation to the good people of Media for their love and esteem as we as the gifts. The entire community is in grief over the loss of this most excellent young couple who have endeared themselves to everyone during their three years here. While their going is regretted, all join in wishing only success and happiness for their future.
OLENA OBSERVATIONS: Plenty of home grown strawberries on the market are selling at $3 per crate. Cherries will soon follow the berry crop so there will be little rest for the busy housewife for some time. Mrs. Wm. Hicks, whose home is west of the village, is quite poorly having had her teeth all extracted; she is under a doctor's care. The oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Watson of Gladstone was so unfortunate as to get a broken arm Sabbath day trying to crank a car while at the home of his grandmother, Mrs. Emily Long. Mr. S.C. Lant has begun the erection of a new house on his farm east of Olena. Mr. Gear Peterson and family have moved from Burlington, Iowa, to one of the John Peterson homes near Hopper, Ill. Mrs. Peterson who has been in very poor health for some time is reported better. Mr. H. S. Lant purchased a new Oliver typewriter. A young son was recently born to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hedges west of Olena. Mrs. Margaret Peyton has been caretaker and nurse in this home for the past several weeks. Mrs. Geo. Babcook, Edna Babcook and Cheryl returned home to Carman from Oskaloosa, Ia. where they have been attending a Holiness Camp meeting. Miss Harriet Salter, who has a position as bookkeeper for an automobile concern in Chicago, visited relatives and old friends.