The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Stronghurst Graphic, April 26, 1923
OPPORTUNITY DAY EVENTS: Owing to the lateness of spring and the fact that yesterday was an unusually fine day for working, the lure of the field proved stronger for many farmers than that of the special inducements offered by the business men of Stronghurst in the way of buying opportunities. As a consequence, the crowd of people in town during the day was not overly large. The merchants report, however, a volume of sales much above the average during the afternoon while the band concert at night proved to be a drawing card which kept the sales forces in the stores on the jump up to a late hour.
There were not very many contestants during the afternoon for the special prizes offered by some of the merchants; and as a consequence the winners had rather easy pickings. The five dollar gold piece prize offered by W.C. Ivins to the most freckle bespatted boy went to Orville Detrick, the 12 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Detrick of Olena; Leonard Brokaw had a walk away at the Jones grocer in the "tall Man" contest for $3.00 worth of groceries, all intending competition evidently getting cold feet when they saw Leonard's name on the register; the "longest distance" prize of $4.00 worth of groceries at the Lovitt store was captured by Paul Galpin of Williamsfield, Ill. who drove over from that place in his Ford car; G. W. Voorhees brought a load of six people to town in his car, and by registering at the Farmers' Co-Operative store, pulled down the $5.00 worth of groceries prize offered by that firm for the biggest load of people. In the hazelnut guessing contest at Lovitt's grocery, Leonard Knutstrom, Elzie Gilliland and Joe Browning tied on their guess of 475 as the number of nuts in a giant fruit jar, the correct number being 480; in the drawing contest for cash customers at the Dixson Hardware store, C. E. Fort proved to be the lucky man and drew the handsome carving set offered by that firm.
Failure of the entertainment committee to come across with the attractions promised for the afternoon proved a source of disappointment to quite a number of people and was a matter of regret to those interested in the day's success who believe in keeping faith with the people in the matter of promises. We believe that every effort will be made to prevent a disappointment of this kind occurring on any future occasion of this kind.
LOOKING FOR A FACTORY SITE: Fred Keisling and Thomas Dailey, two young Burlington mechanics who engage in a small way in the manufacture of a line of high grade mechanical toys there were here Tuesday conferring with some of the commercial Club members in regard to the organization of a company and the erection of a factory building in Stronghurst, which would afford them facilities for manufacturing their toys in larger quantities than they can produce at present. They claim to have already created a demand for their product through a well equipped selling agency and are confident that a large output could easily be disposed of. A committee of business men of the village consisting of E. R. Grandy, G. C. Rehling, W. C. Ivins, J. F. Mains, L. McAndrew and A. E. Moore went to Burlington today to look over the present plant of the toy company and to gain such information as might be useful in determining the question of the town getting behind the preposition presented by Messrs Keisling and Dailey.
DONATION TO MONMOUTH COLLEGE: James A. Patten of Evanston, the former Chicago grain king, has presented Monmouth College with a block of stock in the Union Carbide and Carbon Corporation, the present market value of which is about $31,000 ($425,320 in today's values). The income from this stock will help the funds of the college quite materially. Monmouth College has been made the object of former beneficences of Mr. Pattens and his total gifts to the institution amount to $125,000 or over ($1,715,000).
SHOT IN THE HOG LOT: Last Sunday evening Oscar Beckett heard a disturbance in the hog lot on his farm south of town and on investigating, discovered an animal of some sort attacking a small pig. He telephoned Frank Gustafson and Emil Robertson, who was at the latter place, who went over to the Beckett farm with a shot gun. The animal had been frightened a way in the meantime; but it returned in a short time and again attacked one of the small pigs. Although it was quite dark at the time, Emil succeeded in shooting and killing the animal, which proved to be of the wolf variety, although having the characteristics which indicated a cross with some other species. He brought the carcass to town where it was on exhibition for a day or two at the Gregory garage and was the subject of considerable comment and conjecture as to its proper classification. The animal was about the size of an ordinary coyote, which it resembled in many respects. There is evidently a den of these animals somewhere in the vicinity of the Beckett farm as different persons have reported catching glimpses of the same sort of creatures in that neighborhood at various times and also of hearing their howling at night.
STRONGHURST'S CHANCE: Senator Martin R. Carlson shared a copy of Senate Bill No. 376 relating to the second state-wide system of hard roads, the cost of which is proposed to be met by the much talked of $100,00,000 bond issue. The portion of the bill which the people of Stronghurst are especially interested in is that referring to Route No. 93 described as follows: Beginning at a point on Route 3 south of Aledo and extending in a general southwest direction to an intersection with route No. 95 at a point between La Harpe and Blandinsville, affording Little York, Biggsville (running along Route No.8 from Biggsville to a point north of Stronghurst) Stronghurst and giving the intervening communities reasonable connections with each other.
Should this materialize, it would mean a route running north and south through Stronghurst on the east line of Gladstone, Stronghurst and Terre Haute Townships and the west line of Biggsville, Media and Raritan Townships and connecting with the Monmouth-Burlington paved road at a site known as the Stevenson corner west of Biggsville.
Another proposed route begins in Farmington and extends in a westerly direction to an intersection with Route No. 94, west of Media connecting Farmington, London Mills, St. Augustine, Roseville and Media. This route would intersect the township line route at the Heisler corner north of Stronghurst(Olena corner) and would practically give Stronghurst both a north and south and an east and west road which would be an ideal arrangement.
THE INDOOR CHAUTAUQUA: This program was given by the ladies of the M.E. Church at the Lyric theatre and proved to be a very unique as well as pleasing entertainment. The affair was conducted after the manner of a five night Chautauqua with a curtain between each of the five programs. Chas. Fort appeared as the "superintendent with Clifton Regan and Clarence Burrell as assistants.
Program No. 1 consisted of an address to the farmers by a renowned speaker (Prof. Dawson) and a vocal selection by "Madam Modell"(Mrs. Marie McAndrews). Program No. 2 featured the "Faziole Carnival Four' (Mrs. Dawson, Mrs. Geo. Widney, K.E. Yoakam and Prof. Larson) and Madam Thiele, violinist (Mrs. Sullins). Program No. 3 found "Signor Daree and his famous Randa Roma (Roland Davidson and his company of local band boys. Program No. 4 saw "Madam DeCordora, the celebrated impersonator (Mrs. Marie Clausen) and the tight rope walkers (Harold Lukens and Joseph Dixson as Diorah SSnekul and Hpesoj Nosxid) who stirred the risibility of the audience by their antics in endeavoring to walk a chalk mark across the stage. "Children's Night" brought the series to a close with a very cleverly arranged production by the children entitled "The Fairies Tribunal."
The affair proved to be a financial as well as artistic success with gross receipts at the box office amounting to $74.55 ($1,022.83 in today's values).
LOCAL MARINE IN CUBA: Among the U. S. Marines who were recently assigned to duty at the naval station, Guantanamo, Cuba, is Arthur W. Jones, son of Daniel Jones of Lomax, Henderson County, Ill. He will probably remain in the West Indies for a year or longer and may visit other islands of the Caribbean before he returns home.
Guantanamo is a naval base for the Atlantic Fleet at the eastern end of Cuba close to Santiago where the famous battle was fought in 1898 that resulted in the destruction of the Spanish Fleet. It has one of the finest rifle ranges in the world and crews of various battleships frequently land there for target practice. The waters of Guantanamo Bay abound with big game fish and boating and swimming are enjoyed by the Marines every month of the year.
Jones joined the Marines at Chicago last November and for several months was stationed at Parris Island, S.C. Later he embarked on a naval vessel which left for the West Indies with detachments of Marines bound for Cuba, Haiti and the Virgin Islands.
DEATH OF FORMER HENDERSON COUNTY WOMAN: Word was received of the death about a week ago at Blue Mound, Kansas of Mrs. Maria (Brook) Barnes, a former resident of this locality. Mrs. Barnes was about 82 years of age and was the daughter of Isaiah J. Brook, one of the very earliest settlers of Henderson County, who established a home on Sec. 34 in Township 10-5 (Gladstone) and became one of the foremost citizens of the county.
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Earl G. Grodinier's company will play here all next week. He has always had an excellent company and given good clean show. The opening play will be "Mickey" which is a four act comedy. Cecil De Mille's "Fools at Paradise" will be shown at the Raritan opera house next Saturday night. The 71st annual convention of the Lutheran Illinois conference of Augustana synod will be held at Monmouth May 1-6. The Graphic was glad to render an important service to the community by reconstituting the list of high school graduates which had been lost in the school house fire. The Old Bedford Church of Christ was organized in 1848 when a company of people met in a brick school house. (short history of church in this issue).
Joe Huff and family drove over from Blandinsville to spend the day with his mother. Howard and Harold will be the names of twin boys born to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Walker in this village on April 19th. F. J. Brown, a former Coal City, Ill. boy who was relief agent for the Santa Fe here some four years ago is now traveling auditor for that company. Dixson Jones, who returned from a visit to California left for Chicago. From there he expects to go to Kankakee, Ill. to join a Redpath Chautauqua outfit which expects to open up for the season in the Carolinas. "Dick" will be engaged in the capacity of tent man. Miss Phyllis Steffey, who has a position with the Pioneer Lumber Co. of Dallas City, visited her mother, Mrs. Mollie Steffey. W.G. Kershaw of Somerville, N.J. dropped in unannounced on his brother, A.H. while on his way to Lincoln, Neb. on business. D. S. Simonson, wife, two daughters, Zelma and Mrs. Mills, and son George, all of Bushnell, drove over in their Cadillac and spent a day with the gentleman's sister, Mrs. W. H. Cortelyou. Miss Florence Cortelyou, daughter of Mrs. W. H. Cortelyou, was taken to the Burlington Hospital for an operation. Mrs. John Lant of Olena, who recently underwent an operation for gall stones at the Burlington Hospital, is reported to be recovering gradually; although it will probably be some little time before she returns home. Eleanor, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dixson, has been at the Burlington Hospital for some time suffering from an infection of the mastoid process, which followed an attack of measles. A delicate operation for the removal of pus was performed and hopes for the child's speedy recovery are now entertained.
F. M. Cox of Burlington has taken the contract for clearing away the debris of the old burned school building and preparing the site for the proposed new building. He has quite a force of men at work and will, no doubt, be able to accomplish the task in a short time. Alex Peterson of Galesburg, inspector for the division of Foods and Dairies of the Illinois Dept. of Agriculture, was in the village looking into the sanitary condition prevailing in grocery stores and restaurants and giving special attention to the manner to which eggs are being handles. Mr. Peterson says that strict enforcement of the regulations concerning the sale of stale eggs is being insisted upon by his department and violators are pretty apt to feel the weight of the law laid upon them.
Mrs. Odessa Brewer and children spent Sunday at the home of her mother, Mrs. Helen Burrell. The pupils of the fourth grade class and their teacher, Miss Hartquist, enjoyed a picnic in the village park in honor of Lillian Salter, who will make her future home in Galesburg. Prof. Dawson brought his high school Physics class to the Graphic where they were given a half hour's demonstration of the manner in which type for a newspaper is set by the wonderful modern invention, the Linograph.
OBITUARY: LEWIS CAMPBELL-Lewis Campbell, the third child and eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Campbell, was born March 13, 1883 at Gladstone, Ill. and departed this life April 15, 1923 at the age of 40 years, 1 month and 2 days. On March 14, 1906 he was united in marriage to Miss Bessie Hicks of Olena and to this union two children, Zelma and Clifford, were born. Feb. 22, 1914 he laid his beloved wife away and the children have been tenderly cared for by their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Campbell. About 20 years ago Lewis took up the work of a bridge man which he had followed up to the time of his death. While working on a new crane runway high in the air, the crane ran over his left leg almost severing it at the hip. Fellow workmen came to his assistance and an ambulance summoned to remove him to the hospital. He was conscious and able to talk to his brother, Earl, who was with him until he was given an anesthetic. His brother Joe got to him as soon as possible, but all that the two brothers, kind friends and medical aid could do could not save his life. It seemed his time had come and owing to the shock and great loss of blood, His life passed out about 3:30 p.m. at the Ohio Valley Hospital, Steubenville, Ohio. His body was accompanied home by his brothers, Joe and Earl and Earl's wife and two friends, Messers John Limerick and George Townsend. Mr. Campbell is survived by his children, Zelma and Clifford; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Campbell; three sisters-Mesdames Charles Hutchinson of Akron, Ohio, and George Stanley of Roseville,Ill. and David Gilliland of Media; two brothers Joe of Media and Earl of Steubenville; also a host of other relatives and friends. His wife, three brothers and two sisters have preceded him to the Great Beyond...Funeral services were held at the U.P. Church and attended by a large concourse of relatives and friends. The floral offerings were many and beautiful. The body was laid to rest by the side of his wife in the Ellison Cemetery east of town, (Letter of condolences from Fred A. Long, Superintendent for McClintic-Marshall Co. in this issue.)
MRS. LYDIA SCHENCK OF RARITAN: Mrs. Lydia Schenck, an old time resident of the community, passed away at her home April 20th at the age of 88 years. She has live in and around this community most of her life. Her husband preceded her in death a number of years ago. She was a member of the Reformed church where her funeral was held. Interment was in the local cemetery. Miss Loretta Schenck of Pueblo, Colo. was called here by the sudden death of her grandmother.
CARMAN CONCERNS: Mr. and Mrs. Chester Gillis of Burlington called on their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gillis between trains Saturday. Mr. B. F. Wisbey accompanied his granddaughters, Mrs. Ruby Fisher and Mrs. Aletha Wilson as far as Chicago where they would visit their brother, Carl Marsden on their way home to Aberdeen, N.D. Carman has a notary public official now; Mrs. Golda Babcook has qualified. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Dixon visited at the Kirby School it being their daughter Pearl's birthday anniversary. They took ice cream, cake and candy and gave a treat to all the school.
LOMAX LINGERINGS: Mr. Robt. Scott was called to Galesburg to see Mrs. Thos. Howard who suffered a stroke of paralysis. Four children of Geo. Worley's are seriously sick with the measles. The W.Q. Crane and F. A. Strickler sale of household effects was well attended and most everything brought a fair price. Ursal Porter has got a siege of measles; they seem to be very plentiful in the community. Lester Clark is building a new garage and various other improvements about his place. Bock's nursery man of Burlington was distributing and planting shrubbery and trees in town on Monday. The Sinclair Pipe Line Co. are laying pipe just east of town. The fire department was called out to put out a fire west of town in a vacant field set out by the C.B. &Q. No damage was done.
BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Rev. and Mrs. Morton are the proud parents of an eleven pound son that came to gladden their home last Friday night. Mrs. Paul Henderson, who has been at the Dr. Henderson home for several days after coming from the hospital, will return to her home in Little York. W. D. Henderson was called to Hamilton by the illness of his son-in-law, Howard Mekemson. Mr. Schaeffer who has been visiting his cousin, Mrs. Mary Jackson, returned to his home in Iowa. The town and surrounding community are well supplied with measles as several families in all directions are under quarantine. Miss Lola Brown is quite ill with measles and pneumonia. The garage has again changed hands; D. W. Lee has leased it from the Rankin brothers.
The Book Club of the north country was entertained at the home of Mrs. Harry Foster. The members of the club came all dolled up in old fashioned bonnets and dresses and shawls, two of the wedding dresses being 35 and 40 years old. A good time was enjoyed during the afternoon visiting and an appetizing lunch served. Jack Stevenson is driving a new car. Jane Kilgore entertained a crowd of girl friends. Games were played outdoors and Mrs. Kilgore served a dainty lunch of brick ice cream, two kinds of cake and candy, the table was decorated with a lovely bouquet of red carnations. Those present were Ruth Burrus, Dorothy Millen, Gertrude Gibb, Dorothy Perdue, Wilanna Lormier, Majory Olson, Ethel Trowbridge, Phillis Rowley, Edna Mark, Donzella Glenn, Mary Esther Glenn, Doris Jamison, Helen Brewer and Lois Kilgore. Mrs. Dr. Henderson attended the 90th birthday celebration of her aunt, Anna Morgan, in Monmouth. Mrs. Gail Edwards of Burlington and Mrs. J.Y. Whiteman attended M.D. Club at the home of Mrs. J.M. Graham.