The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Stronghurst Graphic, May 3, 1923
25 YEARS AGO-May 5, 1898: The people of Stronghurst were roused from their slumbers in the early morning hours of Monday, May 2nd, by the ringing of church and fire bells, the firing of anvils and shot guns, and the sound of martial music, shouting and singing, all occasioned by the receipt of the news that Admiral Dewey's squadron had annihilated the Spanish fleet in Manila Bay.
A letter from Lt. Louis Kaiser, written from Hong Kong, China to his brother Will told of the concentration of American war vessels in that part of the world and of the supposition on the part of naval officers that war with Spain was about to be declared. Lt. Kaiser was attached to the U.S.S. Concord, which belonged to Admiral Dewey's squadron and participated in the Manila battle.
Mr. R. B. Chase of Willow Springs, Ill. and Miss Rosa B. Spike of this place were untied in marriage on the evening of May 4th at the Mustain home in Stronghurst. Rev. J. A. Cornelius, a former pastor of the Baptist churches of Raritan and Stronghurst, died on April 20th at Seneca, Ill. Between 50 and 60 Henderson County volunteers for the Spanish-American War met here on April 30th for their first practice drill. E. G. McClure, a government engineer, who had received military education, had charged of the drill and was assisted by Hon. J.O. Anderson, Captain Martin and Lt. Moir and Anderson. Local markets reported were as follows: Hogs, $3.65 to $3.70; Cattle, $4.50-$4.75; Oats, 27 cents; corn, 28 cents.
WILDCATS vs TIGERS: The students of Stronghurst Community High School have chosen a business-like method for earning money with which to purchase the library and athletic equipment the school wants. They have launched the course in salesmanship provided by The Curtis Publishing Co. of Philadelphia, which given them training in salesmanship and at the same time provides them with a method of earning this money through securing subscriptions for The Country Gentleman outside of school hours this week...The school is divided into two teams, the "Dawson Wildcats," with Mary Mahaffey as leader and the "Larson Tigers" with Agnes Findley as leader. Gold and silver pencils will be awarded by the school to the boys and girls making the best record in salesmanship. Keen rivalry has developed between the opposing sides.
(This issue has a subscription list for the Stronghurst Graphic and provides a glimpse of local population; if interested go to the Henderson County Library and look up this issue.)
OBITUARY: MRS. CHAS. KIRBY-This community was profoundly shocked this afternoon by the news that Mrs. Adda Kirby, wife of Chas. Kirby, had passed away at her home in the east part of the village at 4:40 o'clock. Mrs. Kirby had eaten a hearty dinner and was apparently in her usual health when her daughter Hazel, who is a teacher in the village grade school, left her alone in the home and returned to work. Shortly, after reaching the school room Miss Hazel received a telephone message from her mother asking her to come home at once as she felt very ill.
When the daughter reached the house, she found her mother lying on a sofa in an unconscious condition. Dr. Marshall was immediately summoned, but the sufferer was beyond all human help when he arrived and soon passed away.
TAXI AND TRUCK SERVICE: I am now prepared to furnish passenger or truck service with either 5 or 7 passenger car. Special prices offered on loads of 4 or more passengers on long drives. Call and get my prices-Phone 31, W. V. Curtis, Stronghurst.
WHO WILL REPRESENT THE SCHOOL? As the result of the preliminary contest held at the U.P. church, the following contestants were awarded the honor of representing the local high school at the coming Military Tract, Bi-County and County meets. Harold Lukens will represent the school in declamation, and Miss Francis Worley in oration at the Military tract meet at Knoxville; Doris Dixon will be the representative in declamation, Joseph Dixson in oration and Clidean Simpson in essay at the Bi-County meet at Roseville; Harold Lukens will represent the school in the boys' division and Miss Faye McMillan in the girls' division in declamation at the County meet at Oquawka.
A STEREOPTICON LECTURE: "The Earth, the Theatre of the Universe," is the subject of a lecture to be given by Rev. Clarence Benson of the Moody Bible Institute Wednesday evening at the U.P. Church of Biggsville. He has a large number of colored slides showing views of the sun, moon, star clusters and constellations. Many are reproduced from drawings of pictures in the recent book, The New Heavens, by Prof. Hale of Mount Wilson Observatory, Calif., whose photographs were taken with the new Hooker 100 inch reflecting telescope, the largest in the world. Views shown are nothing short of marvelous in their close-up revelations and it was of some of the glories of God's immeasurable universe. An offering will be taken. (Stereopticon-a slide projector that combines two images to create a three-dimensional effect, or makes one image dissolve into another.) (This would have been the latest news about the universe and people would have marveled at what was said as we today to do with the pictures of Pluto.)
BANISH THE THOUGHT! It is said that a petition is being circulated in this county asking for a reduction in toll charges for vehicles crossing the Mississippi road bridge at Burlington. The fact that the bridge has already practically been paid for from the tolls collected is urged as a reason for the reduction. The persons behind this movement for lower tolls have evidently forgotten or chosen to ignore the fact that the business men of Burlington have been planning for some time to accumulate a bridge fund from these tolls with which to erect a monument to the memory of their loyal patrons from this side of the river in the shape of a beautiful city hall. Why discourage such a noble enterprise at this time with a suggestion of lower tolls? (Many remember the 25 cents charged each way across McArthur Bridge and now how the city of Burlington must do without this revenue now.)
MAUSOLEUM ASSOCIATION: The annual meeting of the Hope Abbey Cemetery Association was held at the office of Dr. H.L. Marshall. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Pres.-Geo. Chant, V.-Pres-H.L.Marshall, Sec.-G.W.Worley, and Treas.-G.E.Chandler. A resolution was passed providing for an upkeep fund to be created by the setting aside of one-half of the $10 entombment fees paid into the association. ($135.74 in today's values)
MUST LEAVE THEIR BOOZE OUTSIDE: The Supreme Court delivered a jolt to foreign steamship companies and their respective governments as well when it handed down a decision controverting the theory which these foreign governments have held to since the U.S. adopted prohibition, that their "booze" followed, or rather went in with their flags into any port of the United States regardless of the restrictions contained in the 18th Amendment or the Volstead Act.
The court made it pretty clear that while this government may not have the right to enforce prohibition on any vessel beyond the three mile limit even the vessel that sails under our own flag, it has the right to say to any and all countries, "Keep your intoxicating liquors out of United States territory" which means outside the three mile coast line limit...
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: G.C.Ewing left on a business trip to Wisconsin. Prof. Goldberg, the optician who was located here in an earlier period of Stronghurst history, was a visitor in the village. A force of workmen under the supervision of A.E.Moore are engaged in building a retaining wall for the sidewalk in front of the Loomis building two doors north of the post office (post office was located north of Main Street at this time). Mrs. and Mrs. John Staley returned from Lomax where they helped care for the family of their son, Ernest, three members of which, the mother and two children, all being down with the measles at the same time. Bob Chase was over from Burlington and purchased from the Graphic a quantity of type and cases for which we have had no use since installing a type setting machine. Bob picked up the printer's trade here in Stronghurst many years ago and says that he finds more pleasure and profit in employing his spare evening hours at his cases and press than he would be likely to fine in loafing around pool halls or attending the movies and he probably is not far wrong.
A blaze supposed to have originated from crossed electric wires started in the basement ceiling of Earl Beardsley's new bungalow in the south part of the village. The fire was fortunately discovered before it had eaten its way into the ground floor rooms above and with the aid of some men who were engaged in cement work on the place was soon subdued by a stream of water from a hose connected with the water supply system of the home. On exhibition in a glass jar at the Jones grocery is a hug spider which was found in a bunch of bananas after nearly half the fruit had been plucked from the stem. Whether it is a real tarantula or "Wolf Spider, whose bite is supposed to be fatal or one of the less venomous kind known as the Texas trarantula, is a matter of conjecture. It, however, looks big and ugly and wicked enough to cause spectators to exam it with undue familiarity.
Fred Wilson of Streator and Robt. Wilson of Ottumwa, Ia. were visitors with their mother, Mrs. Sarah Wilson. Mrs. A.B. Myers and two children of Fairfield, Iowa spent time in the home of her aunt, Mrs. May Woodward. Miss Phillips, a trained nurse from Roseville, has been employed to care for Mrs. Amanda Bell at the home of her sister, Mrs. Clair White. She relieved Miss Anderson from Burlington who returned to her home. Mrs. Marion Fort and infant son arrived from South Bend, Ind. to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Anderson. Miss Florence Cortelyou, who underwent an operation at the Burlington Hospital is reported to be getting along as well as could be expected. Mrs. Meredith Lovitt left for Lincoln, Nebr. to visit her sister, Miss Margaret O'Connor, who is a student at the Nebraska University. Mrs. Lovitt will continue her journey to Scott's Bluff, Nebr. to visit another sister. Silas Apt shot a large female wolf on his farm north of Terre Haute and later found and dispatched a litter of six young cubs on the Siegworth farm nearby. The amount of the bounty which he will receive for the scalps is $33.00 ($452.76 in today's values). Miss Martha Rehling and her pupils of the Fort School west of town enjoyed a picnic at Crapo Park in Burlington. Albert C. Garrett, prominent citizen and grain dealer of Disco, Ill. was found sitting unconscious in a chair in his grain office with a bullet hole in his forehead and a 22 caliber rifle between his knees. He was removed to the Burlington Hospital where he died the same morning. An inquest was held by Coroner Blodgett of Hancock County and a verdict of accidental shooting returned. C.L.Decker who has held the position of local agent for the Santa Fe at this point for several years left for McCook, Ill. where he will be employed by the company in a supervisory position carrying with it a nice increase in salary. His family will remain here until the end of the school semester. Shore Hollingsworth is temporarily filling his position here.
The Sunday baseball season for 1923 opened on the local diamond one mile south of town last Sunday afternoon with a game between the home team and an aggregation of colored players from Keokuk. The score was 11 to 7 in favor of the latter team and the Galesburg Giants are scheduled for next Sunday.
MEDIA MEANDERINGS:: "Dust of the Earth," a four act comedy-drama will be given in the near future by the Junior and Senior classes. Roy Leftwich of Moline made a car trip home to visit his folks here. Miss Lillian Mink, one of our high school girls, is entertaining the measles at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Scott White. Roy Cavins is back in school this week after a two weeks tussle with them. So far there are no cases among town children. Assessor David Frye is busy at present assessing this township. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Graham and baby are now occupying their home in the west end of town which has been recently remodeled for them.
Mrs. Eldon White and daughter, Evelyn, are at home again after several weeks spent at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bricker, while her mother was a patient in Macomb Hospital. Mrs. Bricker underwent an operation for rupture of the stomach and appendicitis. She lives in Raritan. Mrs. W. W. Murtland represented the Media Community Club as a delegate to the 14th annual convention of the 14th district of Women's Federated Clubs of Illinois, which convened at Aledo April 25 and 26th. Mrs. Jno. Pogue returned from a few days visit with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ford at Chicago. The Sunday school baseball team held an organizational meeting. M. B. Drain, who is working for the Sinclair Oil Co. on their new pipe line near Lomax, came home for the weekend. Thursday at Monmouth occurred the marriage of Miss Treo Admire and Mr. Gerald Vaughn. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Admire of this place and the groom is a Monmouth boy; the couple is residing with the bride's parents. The ladies of the M.E. Church have organized a Home Missionary Society and will hold their first meeting at the church the Wednesday evening.
BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: It is with much pleasure that we understand we are again another year to have Miss Emma Wright in the primary room and Miss Morgan in the intermediate. Howard Berry has accepted the position to care for the cemetery for the present year. The Ladies Aid Society of the M. E. Church held all day sewing at the home of Mrs. John Gibson. A ten cent lunch was served during the afternoon with Mrs. Gibson, Miss Alice Dixon, Mrs. Elsie Churchill and Mrs. Mable Sloan as hostesses.
Robert Foster, who was appointed chairman of the committee to arrange for a special event for Commencement Week, which is to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the first graduating class from the high school under the teacher Prof. J. A. Strong of Oak Park, who also will be present; Mr. Foster wishes in this way to help reach anyone who at that time was in the class. Miss Emma Folmer received word from Miss Alverson, a former teacher of the high school who some time back was permanently injured in an auto accident, that she has been elected city treasurer of Urbana, her home town. Max Moore is carrying his arm in a sling as the result of falling off the teeter-totter board at he play ground at the school house. The May meeting of the Community Club was held at the home of Mrs. Irene Zimmerman. It being guest day, each member was asked to bring a guest. Mrs. O. M. Erwin had charge of the meeting. Mrs. Clarence Patterson of Monmouth, district chairman of music was present and gave a paper on music of the colored race which was illustrated by local singers with Negro melodies which proved to be interesting. Reports of the district Federation meeting were given. Hostesses for the afternoon were Madames Irene Zimmerman, Maggie Burrus, Bird Dixon, Rean Pearson, Mary Kelly, Fern Jamison and Ethel Gridley. Miss Josephine Pence has been suffering from a painful accident. Last Saturday when attempting to crank her car, she received a severe kick on the arm which resulted in cracking the bone. The play, "The Time of His Life," was given by the Zetetic Literary Society of the high school. Bernard Smith of Kirkwood has been hired by the school board to fill the vacancy of Mr. Gady next year.
RARITAN REPORTS: Mrs. Poff of Ohio came to see her father, Fred Detwuiller, who suffered a paralytic stroke. He is gradually gaining the use of himself again. Mrs. Nelson Voorhees of Nebraska is visiting in the home of Mrs. Kate Hunt. Mrs. VanDoren died at the home of her son, W.B. VanDoren on April 28th.