The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1923 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross

Stronghurst Graphic Sept. 7, 1923

KILLED BY THE TRAIN: William Atwell, who had been employed as a guard on the Media Bridge since the railroad strike, was struck and instantly killed by westbound small train No.7 early yesterday morning while on duty. Previous to being killed he was conversing with M. D. Drain and a man named Leftwich, also employed as guards. On finishing the conversation the two latter named, left Atwell at the west end of the bridge and they crossed to the east side. They were only on the east side a short time until NO.7 came through. They then immediately crossed the bridge after the train passed and were horrified when nearing the west end of the bridge to see the lifeless body of the man who they were talking with only a short time before. The body was lying on the intersection of where the bridge and land joins. The supposition is that he had sit down at this place protruding mechanism on the locomotive or step had struck him, fracturing his skull and causing the fatal death. There was no evidence that the body was moved any distance after being struck.

Coroner Emerson was called and an inquest held. The coroner's jury reached a verdict that death was caused by being stuck by west bound mail train No.7. The body was then brought to W. C. Regan's undertaking parlors where it was prepared for burial. The deceased leaves a wife and five children to mourn his untimely end. After a short service in Media, the body will be taken to his former home in Bucklin, Mo. for burial

DROWNS IN THE STONE PIT: Another victim was claimed by the old quarry pit in the southwest part of Biggsville early Tuesday morning when the body of Miss Mattie McDill, a well known resident of that place was found floating in a shallow part of the water at one end of the pit.

For several months Miss McDill had been suffering from a nervous breakdown and her mind had been affected by her poor health. Early Tuesday morning about three o'clock she got up and went into the dining room of her home. Her sister heard her up and asked her what she wanted and she said she wished to know what time it was. Miss McDill went back to bed and was soon sleeping soundly. In the morning when the other members of the family arose about six o'clock, she was missing. The doors of the home were all locked from the inside, but one window in Miss McDill's room was unlocked and it is thought that she must have left the house by this means.

A search party was organized immediately and her tracks were followed to the quarry pit. Her body was found floating at one end of the pit at 6:45. It is not known how long she had been there. One of the Biggsville residents living near the quarry pit stated that she had seen Miss McDill walking across the bridge twice yesterday and it is thought that she must have been brooding then about ending her life. Coroner Emerson of Lomax was called to Biggsville and held an inquest that day.

Miss McDill was a member of one of the old and prominent families of Biggsville and had spent all of her life in that community. Her parents were early settlers in Biggsville. She had been an active member of the United Presbyterian Church as long as her health had permitted. She made her home in the west part of town with her brother Will and sister Rachel. Beside these she is survived by two other brothers, Robert McDill, county sheriff, and James McDill, cashier at a bank in Bushnell.

BIDED FAREWELL: About thirty friends gathered at the park for a farewell party for Dean Burrell and bride who returned to their home in Chicago last Friday. Luncheon was served and a rousing time was given the newlyweds that they will no doubt long remember. The families represented were Mr. Nat Curry, G. W. Worley, John McMillan, H. Haben, Mrs. John Salter, Helen Burrell, Mrs. Ida Wood, Miss Odessa Bruen, Mrs. Grace Lant, Mrs. Ingerson, John McGovern and L. Higgs.

HE'S LEAVING: Drs. Marshall and Emerson have dissolved partnership, the dissolution being effective Sept. 10th. Dr. Emerson will leave here, but as yet has not decided where he will locate. In all probability he will enter some institution where surgical work is required, he having specialized in this line while in medical school.

HE WAS SHOT! Clyde Zimmerman, age 28 of Blandinsville, was shot and probably fatally wounded shortly before noon yesterday on the streets of Blandinsville by Milton Knox, age 40, of Colchester, as the result of an argument over the cutting of coal prices. Both men are coal haulers and it is said that the shooting was the direct result of the cutting of prices by Zimmerman.

The wounded man was sitting on a curbing hold his two year old baby when Knox drove up and accosted him. An argument started and Knox began shooting with a 22 caliber rifle. Zimmerman fell with a bullet in the lower part of his left lung. He was immediately taken to the Macomb hospital where his condition was critical. Knox was immediately arrest and was taken to the Macomb jail.

OLENA OBSERVATIONS: The Thursday evening Bible study in the Olena Church will serve light refreshments of watermelon and ice cream for a nominal price. Some two weeks ago, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Davis received a message stating that their son Wilbur was in a hospital in Aberdeen, S.D. quite sick with diphtheria. Later word received reported the patient better and he would be sent home in the near future. Mrs. Allen, the general storekeeper, has traded her store and Olena property to Galesburg people who will move her and conduct a general store. It is reported that Mrs. Allen will locate in South Ben, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Hicks drove to Ft. Madison where they placed their son Roy in the business college. Mr. Daryl Dowell, Mr. Keith Hicks and Miss Hazel Hicks accompanied them. Mr. Dowell and Orville Fox have also register for a full course in this institution. Mr. Lee Davis, who has almost finished a full course, will return in the near future. All these are worthy young men and here's hoping the all make good.

Most schools opened up for business on Monday. Mr. McCartney of Oquawka has charge of the Olena School; Miss Burrell, the Burrell School; Miss Grace Marshall, the Marshall School; Miss Thelma Peterson; the Heisler School; H. S. Lant, Gladstone; and Miss Headley, the Hopper School.

BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Mrs. Harry Plummer and son returned home from a visit at the Preston Plummer home at Casper, Wyo. Clyde Pearson returned to his home in Kansas after a visit of several weeks with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Steven Graham and son returned home after a visit with relatives at Fairfield and New Virginia, Iowa. Harold Detrick of Eldon, Iowa spent last week at the home of his grandfather, Wm. Stevenson. The reunion of the George Kilgore family was held at Crapo Park. A fine dinner was served; the older members enjoyed visiting after dinner while the children and younger people enjoyed the amusements. Mr. Dorle and family of Galesburg moved into the Kilgore house; Miss Dorle is one of the teachers at the high school. Mr. and Mrs. Wright of Stronghurst moved into the Campbell house, Miss Wright is a teacher of the primary room in the public school. Biggsville residents were again shocked when the word spread over the town that Miss Mattie McDill had suffered a nervous breakdown and later found drowned. Miss McDill was a daughter of one of oldest and most prominent families and all her life had been spent here. She was a member of the U. P. Church and an active member and always doing good wherever her hands found anything to do. Funeral services were held at the U. P. Church.

RARTIAN REPORTS: Ed Wells, I.V.D. Perrine and Mr. and Mrs. C.E. Perrine arrived home after several days spent at the fair in Des Moines. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Worley on Aug. 31st. Ezra Ross, Fitz Brent and James Barry of the Smithshire neighborhood stopped in town for a short time enroute to Iowa where they intend to purchase hogs. The Community Club was to hold a fried chicken supper on the Baptist lawn, but owing to the shower which came up later, it was held in the Club room. The gross receipts were $38 ($521 in today's values). Mr. and Mrs. Lee Mesecher are mourning the loss of their two year old daughter; death was due to cholera infantum-she was sick only a few hours. Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Barnes spent Sunday in the Elmer Simonson home. Mrs. Barnes remained to help care for Mrs. Simonson who is suffering from an attack of appendicitis. Dean Cortelyou is the owner of a new Ford sedan purchased last week from Charles Callow of Sciota. Mr. Hardesty of the south country has been suffering with an attack of appendicitis.

CARMAN CONCERNS: Glenn Gillis returned home after a short visit to Ferris. School commenced here with Earl Marsden and Mrs. Rozetta Bradway as teachers. Joseph Clover, Glenn Gillis and Ruby Tharp registered in Dallas City High and Richard and Joe Howell went to Stronghurst. Miss Margaret Vaughn and Frank Farquar have gone to Hot Spring, Ark., to visit Troy Vaughn. Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Coffman are moving into the Rehling property. Mrs. Faye Vaughn visited her mother, Mrs. Maud Vaughn at the Burlington Hospital.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Miss Carrie Williams is recovering from a very serious attack of peritonitis at her home south of town. Joe Peasley is filling his silos this week. On account of the La Harpe fair going on, it was impossible to get a crew so he has imported strikers from West Burlington shops (railroad shops). Miss Sara White began her first term of school in the Cox District. Miss Marjorie Thompson has been employed to teach in the public school at Blue Island, Ill. The Young People's Society of the U.P. Church held a very pleasant social at the Cecil Brook home. Mr. Charles Lind, Miss Francis and Miss Esther and Rev. Nels Olson and son drove to Rock Island visiting the arsenal and points of interest. Miss Esther remained and entered Augustana College. Miss Mildred Voris is training at the Burlington Hospital. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Johnson on Sept. 2nd, a daughter who has been named Doris Jean. Miss Sara McElhinney has accepted a position to teach Drawing in the public schools of Sioux Falls, S.D. Mr. and Mrs. George Brokaw are the proud parents of a fine baby boy who arrived Sept. 4th and has been named Daryn George. Miss Frances Fitz left for Galesburg to attend high school.

The threshing season was brought to a close with the exception of quite an amount of clover hulling. The crop yield has been good, wheat averaging from 30-35 bu. in many places. Oats were a big surprise as the appearances up to the time of threshing were not good. Perhaps, the largest yield in this locality was at Herman Calvin's on the Foote land, a small field yielding 72 bushels per acre.

NOT ENOUGH RAILROAD CARS: Cars for the moving of bumper grain crops and the winter coal supply are going to be in great demand during the coming months if early indications can be relied upon. The Transportation Department of the Illinois Agricultural Association is urging Farm Bureau members who expect to make carlot shipment to place orders early.

A coal car shortage of 25 to 35 per cent is anticipated and the under supply of cars for shipping grains and grain products is already causing the railroads to use emergency measures to increase the supply of grain cars. This is being done in one way by relining damaged box cars with compressed paper.

GO TO THE MOVIES: All lovers of good motion pictures are congratulating M. E. Beardsley, manager of the Lyric Theatre, on the class of pictures he is now showing in Stronghurst. This theatre also observed National Paramount week last week and was booked solid with high class Paramount productions.

HOME FROM ABOARD: Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brooks arrived home from their honeymoon trip in Europe. While away, they visited France, England, Germany, Holland, Italy and Belgium.

AFTER 20 YEARS: Mrs. R.A. Ingerson is enjoying a visit from her brother, W. A. Hilbert of Oklahoma City who arrived yesterday. They have not seen each other for twenty years and it is certainly a pleasant reunion. Mr. Hilbert is an engineer on the Santa Fe system, a position he has held for thirty-five years.

 LUTHERAN CHURCH HEARS LECTURE: Dr. P. H. Nehleen from Sweden gave a very able and interesting lecture at the Lutheran Church, his subject being “The Religious, Social and Economic Condition of Sweden.”  He pointed out the great heritage of the church and what it had received from the past.  He also reminded the audience of the heritage that the Augustana Synod (a daughter of the church of Sweden) had received from the mother church of Sweden, which is not a state church as so many think.  Dr. Nehleen also pointed out the dangers of false individualism, pietism and rationalism when these tendencies go to the extreme within the church.

RAIDED THE PARTY: While between two and three hundred people from Burlington were enjoying a picnic at the Turners’ Club grounds at the Illinois end of the river wagon bridge last Monday evening, their festivities were suddenly interrupted by the arrival of Sheriff Davenport of Henderson County with his trusty Lieutenant, Sam Duncan, who produced a testing apparatus and proceeded to investigate the alcoholic content of the beverage which was being freely dispensed to the picnickers.  Finding the samples to test 4 ˝ % of alcohol, the officials proceeded to confiscate the remaining supply consisting of several kegs.  A man by the name of Brick who was acting as bartender and another man by the name of Brown, who was operating a spindle wheel on the grounds were arrested and taken to Oquawka.  A Mrs. Bartholomew, who is aid to be the caretaker of the club grounds, has also been summoned to appear before States Attorney Nolan for questioning. (Prohibition was the law.)

25 YEARS AGO-1898: One of the largest crowds ever assembled in Stronghurst celebrated “Old Settlers Day” on Sept. 8th.  The program included a basket dinner, speeches by dignitaries, and music by a quartette composed of Lyman and Charlie Fort, Madge Ivins, Mildred Dunsworth and Wardie Campbell and the Wagner quartette of Monmouth.  The presentation of a gold headed cane went to Samuel C. Gibson of Media and Mrs. Sarah C. Lant of Olena, his sister, who residence in the county dated back to 1831.  Thompson McCosh, the Chicago-Burlington manufacturer and promoter, was getting a lot of free advertising for his plan to found his big manufacturing city in Lomax Township to be known as “Ferrodale.”  The Santa Fe Railroad after a practical test of the water from Stronghurst’s deep well had decided that it contained too much soda to allow its being used by them for steam making purposes and negotiations which were under way for their purchase of the well were dropped.  Dave Moore and Pete Lauritsen of this place had gone to Dallas City to purchase a small boat to which they expected to descend the