The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1923 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross

Stronghurst Graphic, May 24, 1923

FALL FROM THE ROOF: William Bray, a carpenter and well known resident of Blandinsville, met instant death May 17th when he fell from the roof of the house of Jud Johnson which he was shingling and landed on the cement top of a cistern. Mr. Bray had been a resident of Blandinsville since 1883 and was 77 years of age. He is survived by his wife, two sisters and one brother.

LOST HIS EYE: Several years ago while Fred Mudd was driving a spike into a board, the spike flew up and struck him in the eye. The injury was sufficient to destroy the sight of the eye, but the eye itself was saved. Lately, he has been having considerable trouble with the injured optic and the doctors decided that its removal was necessary. He according went to the Burlington Hospital where the eye was removed last Tuesday. He is reported as getting along well at this writing.

25 YEARS AGO: Messrs Dunnsworth and Campbell had finished the installation of a lot of new machinery in the local electric light plant and the lights were again burning brightly after an interval of about three months of darkness. David Thompson, who was for a long time a resident of this community making his home on what is known as the John Irons place, died at his home in Anthony, Kans. on April 30th at the age of 73 years. Andrew Hageman, one of the pioneer residents of Raritan, Ill. and well known as a poet, artist and gentleman of the old school, died at his home in the village on May 14th. An unusual amount of rain seriously hindered farming operations in this vicinity. "Shorty" Taylor caught a five lb. carp in the creek south of town.

WON BIG HONORS: Finishing one point behind the winning school in the athletic meet, capturing as a permanent trophy the relay race cup, scoring but three points behind the leading school in the literary events and winning the chorus contest at the annual Warren-Henderson High school meet at Roseville, the representatives of Stronghurst High School fulfilled the prediction made in last week's Graphic that they would bring home a nice slice of the bacon hung up at the meet. (Long article about event giving the particulars-read it on microfilm at the Henderson County Public Library).

SANTA FE BRIDGE AT FT. MADISON BURNED: A fire which started this morning shortly after midnight partially destroyed the railroad and wagon bridge which spans the Mississippi at Fort Madison and as a consequence, train and mail While but meager details of the fire have been received here, we are informed that the deck was burned off the east half of the east span of the bridge, and that 30 bents of the ballast deck were completely destroyed. The fire is supposed to have originated from sparks from an engine. Train No. 5 which passes through here at about midnight did not succeed in getting across the bridge and was backed up to Galesburg, at which point, we understand, through trains are being detoured over the "Q" to Burlington and from there to some point on the Santa Fe's main line west of the river. We presume that a shuttle service between Galesburg and East Ft. Madison will be installed and maintained until the bridge is again in shape for traffic. Just when the mails will arrive and depart it is impossible for us to say and it is a little uncertain as to just when some of our subscribers will receive this number of the Graphic.

An engine and way car which went west through here this morning is expected to return some time this afternoon and pick up passengers for the east, but this is all the information which has been received thus far from the railroad officials.

***WEDDING BELLS***FORRESTER-ANDERSON: William Forrester, who has been employed by Hugo Johnson on the latter's farm near Stronghurst, and Miss Faye Anderson, daughter of Mrs. Wm. Pulch, also of this vicinity, were married at the M.E. parsonage in Burlington May 22nd. The couple was attended by Mr. and Mrs. Pulch, who live on a farm occupied by Carl Jacobson southeast of town. Mr. and Mrs. Forrester will continue to make their home in this vicinity.

TO HONOR SOLDIERS: Stronghurst will pay homage to the memory of the departed defenders of our country's flag in a union service at the U.P. Church on Sabbath morning, May 27th, at which time Rev. J. A. Mahaffey will deliver a sermon appropriate to the occasion. On Wednesday, Memorial Day will be observed with appropriate exercises at the Lyric Theatre and at the village cemetery. Rev. M.L. O'Harra has been secured to deliver the address...

SALE OF MILCH COWS: Auctioneer J. W. Decker disposed of 23 head of dairy cows here last Saturday afternoon with a total of a little over $1,200 realized for the herd. The cows were mostly Jerseys from the southern Illinois dairy district and were shipped here by W. A. Arney of Ava, Ill. While the average price per head from the sale was rather low considering the quality of the offering as a whole, Mr. Arney believes that the satisfaction which the purchasers will experience will make it possible for him to do more business in the future.

DEATH'S SUDDEN SUMMONS: This community was greatly shocked when word was received that John Simonson, the well known farmer and stockman who lived four and a half miles southeast of Stronghurst in Raritan Township, had been found dead in bed in a hotel in Wyaconda, Mo. at about 7 o'clock this morning.

Mr. Simonson, accompanied by his son Jess, drover over to Farmington, Ia. last Saturday afternoon on a cattle buying trip stopping at the home of James Weller, who was formerly employed by Mr. Simonson on his farm here. The father and son stayed at the Weller home Saturday night, the son returning home Sunday afternoon. Mr. Simonson stayed at the Weller home again Sunday night and spent most of the day Monday looking at cattle. Not finding what suited him, he left for Fort Madison in the evening evidently intending to return to Stronghurst Tuesday morning. He went to a hotel in Fort Madison and retired, but about midnight he arose and announced his intention of going to Wyaconda, Mo. He took Santa Fe train No.5 for Wyaconda, being accompanied by a traveling man bound for the same point. It is said that he spoke to the traveling man about not feeling well and that he was undecided about taking a room at the hotel when the train arrived there. He, however, engaged a room and retired some time around 2 a.m. This was the last that he was seen alive. He was found in cold in death at bout 7 a.m. Tuesday morning with everything to indicate that there had been no death struggle and that the end had come while he slept.

Mr. Simsonson's son, Jess, and A. A. Worthington drove to Wyaconda Tuesday and arranged for the shipment of the remains to this place. The body arrived on No. 24 Wednesday morning accompanied by Mr. Jas. Weller and was taken to the home southeast of Stronghurst. Funeral service will be conducted at the Stronghurst U.P. Church with Interment in the Stronghurst Cemetery.

PUBLISH BOOK OF POEMS: "Poems of Good Seed" is the title of a neat little 46 page book of selected and original poems compiled by the Misses Fronie and Priscilla Apt of this place and just off the Graphic press. The most of these poems are by well known writers of worthwhile verse while a few of them are original with the compilers and of a degree of merit which justifies their being included in the volume. The high and distinctly Christian sentiment which pervades the entire collection of poems makes the title peculiarly appropriate...As the edition is limited to 200 copies, we recommend that those who appreciate the worth of good literature and who believe in encouraging such a commendable enterprise as attempted by these two sisters, whom nature has deprived of the blessing of sight, get in touch with these worthy people at once and secure a book.

(Anyone have a copy?)

OLD BEDFORD CHURCH DEDICATION: Sunday, May 20, 1923, will go down in history as one of the greatest days in the annals of the Old Bedford Community.  One of the largest crowds ever assembled in that neighborhood was there to attend the dedicatory services in which the new church building was set apart for sacred purposes; and all those who were present will no doubt keep the day long in remembrance.

H.H. Peters, secretary of the Illinois Christian Missionary Society, was master of ceremonies and during the day raised more than $4,000 to be added to the $8,000 already pledged toward the cost of the new structure, thus making it possible to give the church to God and the community free of debt.

The basket dinner served cafeteria style at the noon hour was a feature of the occasion greatly enjoyed by all, not only because of the bodily refreshment provided, but also because of the fellowship privileges which it afforded...

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Attorney W.C. Ivins has been engaged to deliver the Memorial Day address at Dallas City.   In this issue of the Graphic appears a display ad pertaining to the appearance of Bud Fisher s famous cartoons,  Mutt and Jeff made over and into a Dramatic Farce Comedy which will be offered here in Stronghurst under a big tent theatre, one nite only, May 30th.  There are three acts of loud, long, lingering laughs with Mutt & Jeff in person.  The entertainment is clean in every respect and constructed for laughing purposes only.  The Tent will be located on O Gren pasture lot. J. Y. Gearheart, Wm. Voorhees and Roy Hixson of Raritan were here Saturday attending the sale of milk cows held by W. A. Avery.  Mrs. Doug Billups and little daughter spent a few days at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank Graham, Jr., north of Stronghurst.  Rev. W. H. Cross, pastor of the Christian Church here has received and accepted an invitation to preach at Burlington next Sunday morning.  Samuel Curry, an aged Roseville citizen, and the uncle of townsman, C. H. Curry, suffered a paralytic stroke recently and is in a serious condition at his home.  Mrs. W. T. Weir, who has been a patient at the Wadsworth Hospital here for several weeks, returned to her home at Coloma and is now under the care of Mrs. Kimble, a Media nurse.

The Lomax Canning Co. is putting about 140 acres in tomatoes this year with the idea of increasing the output of their factory, which last year amounted to about 15 car loads.  A violent rain storm which came up about 9:30 last Saturday night cut short the band concert which was being given and sent the large crowd which had assembled in town scurrying toward their homes or other places of shelter. Abe Magee has been busily engaged with his team during the past week in clearing away the fallen trees and other debris about the village left in the wake of the terrific wind storm of last week.  Earl Randall of Mt. Hamel, Ia., came in on the train for a short visit with his mother, Mrs. O.W. Beckett.  He reports a backward season in Southeastern Iowa the same as here.

Miss Florence Cortleyou, who was in the Burlington Hospital for three or four weeks, has recovered sufficiently to allow her being brought home.  She is making a satisfactory recovery from the operation she underwent.  Will Hodgen and wife of Omaha, Nebr., were amongst those in attendance at the Old Bedford church dedication.  They are visiting at the home of his brother, E.R. Hodgen of the south neighborhood.  Mr. Hodgen is in the commission business(he sold livestock) in Omaha, a position he has held most of the time since going there 33 years ago. 

Fred Keisling and Thomas Dailey, the Burlington toy makers accompanied by J.H. Cummings of Riverside, Ill., who has a nation wide reputation as a sales manager, ere here consulting with the members of the Better Stronghurst Association in regard to the factory proposition of which mention was made weeks ago.  Mrs. M. L. Evans, Jr. of Decorra, who was at Rochester, Minn. for an operation for throat trouble, is expected to be able to return to her home Friday.  Mrs. W. C. Black, who has been a patient sufferer with neuritis for several weeks, is slowly improving and unless something unforeseen develops, she will be able to leave the hospital in a week or ten days.  Prof. Olin of the local high school was called to Alexis by the death of his brother, Hawley Olin, which occurred May 18th.  The deceased was a student in the Alexis high school and was a young man who ranked high in the estimation of the Alexis community. 

The row of big cottonwood trees which bordered the B.L. Mudd residence lots along Nichols street, have fallen victims to the woodman s ax during the past week, the village authorities having decided that they had become a menace to adjoining property and to the safety of individuals.  Sam Ayres and Sam Howell ran down and captured a young sand hill crane on the river bottoms near Carman.  Although but a fledgling, the bird measures six feet from toe to tip of beak.  It has beautiful gray plumage and is attracting much attention at the Simpson-Widney garage where it is on exhibition.  Mr. and Mrs. J.F. Hanna of Riverside, Calif. stopped off here for a short visit with relatives while enroute to Ohio where a brother of Mr. Hanna is ill.  Mr. Hanna is formerly a resident of this vicinity and Mrs. Hanna is a daughter of the late David Rankin, former owner of the Edgar Rankin farm east of Stronghurst and afterward a large land owner near Tarkio, Mo.  Mr. and Mrs. Hanna were the guests of Mrs. Mary Thompson and afterward visited at the Edgar Rankin home.

MEDIA MEANDERINGS: The members of the U.P. church congregation gave a reception for Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Rankin and Miss Lucille who are leaving soon to make their future home in Los Angeles, Calif. Mrs. John Weaver and daughter, Helen, of Kirkwood, who have been visiting at the home of another daughter, Mrs. M. B. Drain, returned home Sabbath evening. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Lewis and family invited Prof. and Mrs. Hoffman to accompany them to the dedication services of the Bedford Church Sabbath afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Barnard White, Mesdames David Gilliland, Joe Campbell and Miss Zelma Campbell attended the meeting of the Tri-State Mutual Lodge at Roseville. Miss Faree Mathers, who has been teaching in the Lomax school, is at home for the summer vacation. Mrs. Grace Kimball is nursing Mrs. W. T. Weir of Coloma. The Junior and Senior Classes of the high school were greeted by a large appreciative audience at the presentation of their play, "Dust of the Earth." Mr. and Mrs. Victor Horrell are occupying the house recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Joe Campbell. H. O. White and T.B. Palmer are treating their residences to a new coat of paint. N. J. Gram has recently painted his store building.

RARITAN REPORTS: Louis Deuturler and little daughter of Nevada came to see his father, Fred Deuturler who suffered a paralytic stroke some few weeks ago and who is now in the Monmouth hospital. The Committee Club gave a waffle supper and realized $12. Mildred Gearheart was operated upon at the Monmouth hospital for appendicitis. Miss Marie Barry who has been confined to her home on account of sickness for the past several weeks was able to resume her work as sales lady in the John Callow store.