The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Board Hears From Citizens

The Village of Stronghurst Board met for their scheduled meeting on Tuesday, September 6th.

Yvonne Knapp thanked the village for their help with the Health Fair and the use of the park. It was a success and all was appreciated.

She said the American Red Cross has a program for free smoke alarms and would like Henderson County to get a notice out that they are providing smoke alarms to people who doesn't have them and they will install them for free.

She suggested putting a notice on the water bills or possibly run an ad in "The Quill" to help support the American Red Cross in getting the information out.

They also have special alarms for the deaf or hard of hearing people.

Yvonne also stated that there will be a disaster train derailment exercise on Thursday, September 15th at 4 p.m. to prepare for a disaster if one would occur.

Randy Jarvis said it was a positive suggestion about having the fireworks but, the money could have been spent on repairs for the roads and sidewalks before considering spending money on fireworks.

He had made a list for his side of town that needs work done and brought to it to the board meeting.

Diana Doran had a couple of questions for the lawyer about the contract on the insurance coverage.

She questioned the wording on limiting the liability on the underline policy in which the contract has a 5 million dollar umbrella.

It was discussed with the lawyer that all liability is as stated.

She also said the assistant living has been approved by the State of Illinois and will be adding on 10 more rooms on the north side. She will get with Ronnie Gittings about the septic tanks later.

Ben Hawk let the village board know that they have purchased the land from Knutstrom and are asking for sewer and water to be put in.

They purchased four acres and asked about the extension west to city limits on West North St. Gittings will contact the MSA about getting a permit for the water and sewer and also MSA will make a recommendation on the size of culvert they need to purchase and the village will install the culvert.

Amanda Kane made at motion to accept the extension and David Vancil seconded it. Motion passed.

Gittings asked for a port-a-potty and a hand washing station to put at the park for the September 17th Fall Festival. Cost will be $175. Board approved.

Gittings also said the restart is tripping out the electric at the pumping station.

They will wait until they know if it will work with the new tower.

The boil order had taken so long because 66 feet of new pipe had to be replaced in well #4.

It was hard to get the test to pass clear so, he got help from other people and got other chemicals to try. He disinfected every 12 hours after that.

He had taken samples to the lab today (September 6th), to be analyzed to see what's in the sample of water and will go from there.

Both wells had a leak at the same time is why they had the boil order for so long. If that hadn't happened at the same time they could have run off of the other one.

The board is sorry for the inconvenience but needed the water to pass the test before the boil order could be lifted.

Arbry Vancil gave the police report.

There were $138 hours worked, 1023 miles put on the squad car, 9 traffic stops, 3 verbal warnings, 6 written warnings, 0 traffic ticket, 2 ambulance assists, 3 assists with the county, 4 service calls, and 28 business checks.

Old Business:

A discussion continued regarding the burning ban in the village. It will continue next month. Amanda Kane is working on an ordinance to present to the board about the burning ban.

WIRC will hold a meeting September 15th at 6 p.m. to meet with the home owners to discuss the income guidelines, application process, and other criteria pertaining to the program.

The water tower deed was accepted and good to go. The village accepted the Bank of Stronghurst proposal of the Quit Deed on a motion by David Vancil and seconded by Betty Waterman.

The lawyer is to get a hold of George Hennenfent and receive the deed.

The lawyer asked about how long it will take to tear down the building on the premises.

Gittings said they have to take out the retired water lines and it depends how thick the cement will be. It shouldn't be over a week.

New Business:

Inspection fee for plumber is to be paid directly to the plumber not the village.

The Tax Levy Ordinance was passed on a motion by Mike Bohnenkamp, seconded by Amanda Kane.

Amanda Kane and Brendan Schaley volunteered to be on an insurance committee.

Brody Haynes has quit and Betty Waterman gave her notice to quit after Lou Ann Nortrup takes her week of vacation in September.

Ronnie asked if Jeff Nichols could become full time so he could get benefits. Motion passed.

Nortrup asked to run an ad in the "Quill" for a part time assistant. Motion made and passed.

Ronnie also asked if they could hire Gary Ricketts as a part time employee to fill in as needed at $12 per hour. Motion was approved.

Trustee Report:

David Vancil says streets, alleys, and sidewalks still need worked on.

Brendan Schaley asked to extend the Spray Park closing because it is still hot and because of it being closed for the boil order. The board agreed.

Nortrup reported the city wide garage sales will be September 17th and clean-up day for the village will be October 7.

Gittings asked about Trick-or-Treat night and it was decided to have Trick-or Treat on Monday, the 31st from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.

The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. until October 3, at 7:00 p.m.

Present were:

Mayor Gary Root;

Trustees, Mike Bohnenkamp, David Vancil, Brendan Schaley, Betty Waterman, and Amanda Kane, (Tom Crotts, absent);

Employees, Lou Ann Nortrup, Ronnie Gittings, Arbry Vancil, and Attorney Bill Rasmussen;

Guests, Diana Doran, Mrs. Robert Corzatt, Ben Hawk, Yvonne Knapp, and Randy Jarvis.

Respectfully Submitted

Lou Ann Nortrup
