The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Board Hears Update On New Water Tower

By: Shirley Linder, Quill Editor

Stronghurst-Oct. 3rd:

Ronnie Gittings reported an old septic tank at the building on the site of the new water tower has been removed and a water line needs to be retired. The building, which once housed a restaurant, known as the Humdinger, needed to be demolished by October 15th and is now just a memory.

Abby Kraemer with MSA Profession Services updated the trustees on the new water tower project at the regular meeting held Monday, October 3rd. The amended construction permit from IEPA and the deed to the land have now been received. The village has executed a contract with MSA for contract preparation, bidding and construction related services. This includes part time construction inspection with anticipated 15 site visits, which will be billed on a time and material basis, as needed as level of service is unknown at this time.

The anticipated schedule for proceeding with the project is January 2017: MSA will finalize design and prepare bidding documents and construction contract.

March 2017: The bidding process and bid letting will take place.

May 2017: Construction on the tower is targeted to begin.

July 2018: Targeted date for water tower completion.

Chris Cooper, also with MSA, noted the village had requested MSA services for design and permitting of a water main and sewer main utility extension along North Street from the intersection of Elizabeth Street. The scope of the project includes extending both utilities roughly 900 feet to the west along North Street. The village has executed the contract prepared by MSA and MSA has received the check in full.

The design of the utility extension has begun and a survey scheduled for Thursday, October 6th.

Mr. and Mrs. Countryman, David and Leroy Waterman were present to request UTVs be permitted on village streets, the same as golf carts. After a lengthy discussion it was turned over to the police committee to come up with an ordinance, to be brought to the board next month.

Randy Jarvis told the board he had poured 40 yards of concrete for the new house he is building. He will be meeting with Ronnie Gittings in approximately 3 weeks to set up water lines. He has spoken to Jones Septic, who will be putting in the septic tank around the first of November. He also has a Nicor representative coming to decide where gas lines can be placed. The Amish will be coming in two weeks to begin putting up the structure.

Randy also told the board he had informed Rick Smith, who is living in a trailer on the Jarvis property, at the old gas station, that he in violation of the village ordinance. The board will be in contact with Smith and give him a time frame for relocating.

Ronnie Gittings reported well #5 passed the tests and they are working on well #4 to get it passed.

Police report for September included: 176 hours worked, 732 miles on squad car patrol, 7 traffic stops, 3 verbal warnings, 3 written warnings, 1 uniform traffic ticket, 4 service calls with county, 2 service calls with ambulance, 1 warrant arrests, 27 business checks

The burning ordinance was tabled due to Amanda Kane not being present.

The village will know around January 1st if they have been approved for the housing renovation grant. Mike Bohnenkamp expressed the board's appreciation to Randy Jarvis who took care of the interviews and paper work.

The board decided no raises will be incorporated for the newly elected trustees. David Vancil, Betty Waterman, and Mike Bohnenkamp's term will be expiring, they make $65 a meeting. Brendan Schaley, Tom Crotts, and Amanda Kane makes $50 a meeting. The mayor, whose term expires also, makes $80 a meeting.

The election will be for 3 trustee positions for 4 year terms; 1 trustee position for 2 year term; and the mayor position.

Lou Ann Nortrup, Clerk/Treasurer has not advertised for part time help as she would like to retire in a year and asked the board's permission to hire full time and she will move to part time. The board approved the request and will place an ad for help wanted in the papers.

Gittings was directed to get bids for removing dead and dangerous limbs in trees around town, as opposed to cutting the entire tree down and will bring will bring this information to the board next month.

Present were: Mayor Gary Root; Trustees, Mike Bohnenkamp, Brendan Schaley, David Vancil, Betty Waterman, Tommy Crotts (first attendance since being sworn in June), (Amanda Kane, absent); Employees, Lou Ann Nortrup, Ronnie Gittings, Arbry Vancil, Bill Rassmussen; Guests, Virginia Ross, Randy Jarvis, Leroy Waterman, David Waterman, Mr. and Mrs. Countryman, Abby Kraemer, Chris Cooper, and Shirley Linder.

The next board meeting will be held at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, November 7th.

The site has been cleared east of the Bank of Stronghurst where a new city water tower is to be placed. The downed building once housed a popular fast food restaurant in the 50s-the Humdinger-owned by Henderson County's Republican chairman the late Clarence Neff, and ran by the county's Democratic chairman the late Bob Caldwell.