The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
West Central School Board Approves Tentative Tax Levy
The board approved the Tentative 2016 Tax Levy as presented at the regular board
meeting on Tuesday, November 15th. This year's tentative tax levy calls for an
extension amount of $5,141,459 which is an increase over the 2015 levy extension
amount of 4.97%. The Tentative 2016 Tax Levy is now on display in the District
Office. The board will vote to approve the Final 2016 Tax Levy at the December
14, 2016, board meeting.
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 the West Central Elementary
School cafeteria by Board President Lonnie Brent. All board members except Paul
Anderson and Mike Lenahan were present at roll call.
President Brent led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Under Good News Items the following items were highlighted:
- WCE hosted our annual Donuts with Dad event and over 113 families were present
to participate in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) activities.
Lots of creative projects were assembled.
- WCE participated in Red Ribbon Week activities designed to raise awareness of
the harmful effects caused by drugs. This event ended with a theme of Scare
Away Drugs where the students wore their costumes and participated in the
Halloween parade for the parents.
- Brent Nichols and Hannah McIntire have both accepted scholarship offers to
play golf and softball respectively at SCC next fall.
- Lexi and Jordan Kane donated pumpkins to FCCLA and Food Service class to use
in October.
- Families of Tim Johnston and Bradon Annegers donated eggs for use in Family
and Consumer Science classes.
- Family of Nancy Hull donated more fabric for use in Family and Consumer
Science classes.
- Members of the Biggsville Legion Post participated in the high school morning
announcements by leading the students in the Pledge of Allegiance. Some of
the veterans stayed to eat lunch with the students and to share their
- The WCMS Veterans Day program was very successful. We had a lot of positive
- Jacob Keever (Percussion) and Tucker Peterson (Baritone) were selected to
perform with the Bradley University Freshman-Sophomore Honor Band. Both students
performed at Bradley University on November 15, 2016 with students from about 25
other schools across Illinois.
- The WCMS Choir entertained the Henderson County Retired Teachers at their
meeting recently.
- On Saturday, November 12, 2016 six students were selected by audition to
participate in the Illinois Music Education Association All- District Band and
Choir. The students from WCMS were Emijah Jones, Grant Sibley, and Kaitlyn
Waugh. The students from WCHS were Tommy Murphy, Tucker Peterson, and Jason
- The WCMS Speech Team had ten 1st place and three 2nd place awards. The
following awards were given:
- Sami Strack - 1st for Individual Opening Night, Mother Goose
- Allie and Sami Strack - 1st for Duet Dud Wars
- Kadie Dieckow and Rachel Albers - 1st for Duet A Fine Line
- Clay Lafary, Brady McGraw, Dexter Ricketts, and Ross Vancil - 1st for Group Handsome Prince School .
- They also received five out of the eleven Judge's Choice Awards.
- The WCMS Glow Run raised $701.
- Football
- Honorable Mention All-Conference Running Back, Zach Vancil
- 2nd Team All-Conference Wide Receiver, Luke Arnold
- 1st Team All-Conference Defensive Back, Zach Vancil
- Academic All- Conference: Luke Arnold, Zach Vancil, Luke Ditsworth, and Nick
- 1st Team Academic All State - Zach Vancil
- The Hawkeye Newspaper 1st Team Wide Receiver - Luke Arnold
The meeting agenda was approved and the Consent Agenda. Items approved under the
Consent Agenda included the following:
- The minutes of the October 19, 2016, Regular Meeting and Closed Session
- The October 2016 bills, October 2016 building Activity Account Reports, the
October 2016 Treasurer's Report, and review of the District Financial Report.
In other business the board:
- approved offering a SAT Prep class 2nd semester at WCHS as presented.
- approved the WC Concussion Management Plan as presented.
- approved the 2016 District and School Report Cards as presented. They will now
be put on display on our District website.
- approved a Resolution Authorizing and Directing the Sale and Conveyance of
four lots in Stronghurst, IL as presented. Bids will be due to the District
Office by 1:45 p.m. on December 12,
- reviewed and heard reports from the building principals as well as a
Technology Report from Mrs. Frakes, a report from our District Psychologist and
Special Education Director, Shaila Ayers, and a report from Jason Kirby, our
Athletic Director.
- discussed selling the two modular buildings at the North campus in Biggsville
and has opted to sell them through private sale. An ad will be placed.
- entered closed session at 7:09 p.m. to discuss matters related to students,
personnel and contract. The board exited closed session at 7:55 p.m.
They took the following action in regards to personnel:
- accepted the retirement of Nick Roark with thanks for his service to the West
Central District,
- employed Kristi Lumbeck as a Homebound Instructor,
- approved Colin Rothzen as a WCHS Volunteer Assistant Boys Basketball Coach,
- approved Lucas Giertz as a WCHS Volunteer Assistant Boys Basketball Coach.
- was reminded that the next regularly scheduled meeting will be Wednesday,
December 14, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. in the West Central Elementary cafeteria.
The board adjourned their meeting at 8:08 p.m.