The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

WC Grads Encouraged to Be True To Self


Biggsville, IL

The West Central High School Graduation this past Sunday saw fifty-four seniors receive their diplomas on a cool Spring afternoon inside West Central s High School gymnasium.

The top ten scholars in the graduation class wearing Gold Cords were recognized: Brianna Lyn Akers, Landon David Bowman, Andrea Rose Fullerton, Somer Rae Hill, Mallory Jo Lafary, Mia Marie Lange, Alison Renee Link, Dakota Lynn Parks, Hannah Noelle Parsons, and Audrey Fay Vice.

Also recognized were National Honor Society members: Brianna Lyn Akers, Andrea Rose Fullerton, Somer Rae Hill, Mallory Jo Lafary, Alison Renee Link, and Audrey Fay Vice.

Salutatorian Brianna Akers said,  Determination and goals is what gained her the privilege of this year s class Salutatorian.  I have chosen to live my life in a way that I work to make my life the way I want it while helping others around me live their life to the fullest, whether I give a simple smile or drop everything to give a helping hand.

And four Valedictorians - Somer Hill, Mallory Lafary, Dakota Parks, and Audrey Vice gave sound advice in each of their addresses. (more on the addresses next week).

Officer's Address was given by the Class President Dalton Pullen and Landon Bowman, Student Council President.

West Central Senior Audrey Vice, a Valedictorian, shown brightly as she sang eloquently, Laurie's Song from the classical Opera The Tender Land (1954) .

In Laurie's Song, Laurie on the eve of her high school graduation wonders that her childhood has passed so fast; she feels like she has outgrown her hometown.

Before turning the class over to board President Lonnie Brent for presentation of their diplomas, Superintendent Paula Markey gave the following advice and message to seniors:

 Graduates, as we have heard today, you began school as young children. Today you are leaving here as young adults. You are in control of your future. Each of you will travel y our own path and strive for your own dreams.

 No matter where you go or what you do, there will be challenges ahead.

 I recently saw a quote that said,  You don t always get to choose the music in your life, but you do get to choose how you dance to it.

 Think about that statement and apply it to your life. Believe in yourself. We all go through life bristling at our external limitations, but the most difficult chains to break are those inside of us.

 To quote Steve Jobs, Don't let the noise of other s opinions drown out your own inner voice. Most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

 My challenge to each of you is to do all that you can do to reach your full potential. Follow your passions and stay true to yourself. Work hard and work smart. The future is in your hands, so make the most of it.

As you walk out those doors today, please remember they do not lock behind you.

It is my hope that you will always consider West Central home. Come back and visit on occasion and let us know how you are doing.

Be safe as you celebrate this milestone. On behalf of the entire West Central staff, congratulations and best wishes for a successful and self-fulfilling future.

 It is my privilege and honor to present the Class of 2016 to the West Central Community Unit School District #235 Board of Education.

 .....Dr. Brent and members of the West Central Board of Education, I recommend these students for graduation with no reservations and with all rights and privileges so accorded.

(more next week)

WC Salutatorian Brianna Akers

Four WCHS Valedictorians from left clockwise: Audrey Vice, Mallory Lafary, Somer Hill, and Dakota Parks.