The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
La Harpe City Council
May 9, 2016-
The regularly scheduled meeting Monday evening was pleasantly more accommodating from the start as newly elected attorney Diane Diestler and council members moved quickly into Executive Session by using an upper room inside the La Harpe Clubhouse.
This allowed the approximately 90 guests to stay inside the building rather than out in the rain.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m with the following answering roll call:
Amy Palmer, Dave Mershon, Marcia Stiller, Kenny Foster, Josiah Neff, Darrell Kraft, Marcia Neff, and Lucretia McPeak and Mayor Ryan Kienast.
Darrell Kraft had made the motion to go into Executive session to discuss personnel issues. Stiller seconded the motion which carried unanimously.
The regular meeting ended at 7:03 pm. and the executive session was called to order at 7:05 p.m. with the treasurer Marcia Neff included, this time, after being excluded by Mayor Kienast in the previous meetings.
Answering roll call were: Amy Palmer, Dave Mershon, Marcia Stiller, Kenny Foster, Josiah Neff, Darrell Kraft, Marcia Neff, Lucretia McPeak and Mayor Ryan Kienast.
Attorney Diane Diestler was present in executive session as well. Foster made the motion to end the Executive session and go back to the regular meeting. Neff seconded the motion which carried unanimously. Executive session ended at 7:51 pm.
Regular meeting was called back to order at 7:53 pm.
After some confusion about a property line between two residences, the resident said he would pay for the culvert that city worker Wayne Humphrey recently installed there. A replacement will be bought for the city and Marcia Stiller made a motion to allow Humphrey to spend up to $200.00 on another culvert. Kraft seconded the motion. It carried unanimously.
The salary increase for the city deputy will be tabled until the next meeting in executive session.
Kraft said there were no bids for the docks at the reservoir, or the roof for the bandstand as yet, so this will be tabled till the next meeting and put on the agenda.
Foster made the motion to compensate Marte McKee $100.00 for beaver control and it was seconded and all approved the motion.
Foster made the motion to deny requests for adjustments on residents water/sewer bills for filling swimming pools. Stiller seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. It was discussed that pools were luxuries and part of the expense, and that those watering lawns and gardens would want the same consideration.
Brian McIlheney To Be Sent Termination Notice
Kraft made the motion to terminate the position held by Brian McIlheney, by registered mail, sent by the city attorney, with a 30-day notice, and have Tim Graves moved back as Water Superintendent. Palmer seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Kraft made the motion to remove Brian McIlheney from the ROIC water system operator, and put Tim Graves back on as the ROIC water system operator, and to have McIlheney assist Graves for the remainder of his 30 days.
Neff made the motion to have Graves be the official water sampler collector. Foster seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Official Custodian and Administrative Contact
The Council will discuss and approve replacements for the official custodian, and administrative contact for the ROIC at the next meeting.
The Council and Graves discussed purchases made by McIlheney for the water plant. The coffee pot was not approved.
Foster made the motion to reimburse McIlheney for the aqua trend, and one of the PH meters. Neff seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Kraft made the motion to lift the hour restriction for the city attorney fees from 4 to 8 hours per month until issues are settled. They can be discussed again later.
Foster seconded the motion. Motion carried.
City Clerk Lucretia McPeak announced the dates, times and locations for the City council meetings for the fiscal year. City Council meets every 2nd and 4th Monday of the month, at 7 pm., at the La Harpe Community Clubhouse, unless otherwise posted.
City Attorney Diestler announced the Freedom of Information (FOIA) regulations, and procedures to the audience. She also addressed removal of elected officials, and duties of elected officials. She had information for anyone who wants to look into it as it is quite lengthly to read during a meeting. It can be obtained by the city clerk.
She stressed for the public to address their Alderman if they had any concerns, and that she will be working on a Resolution for the council to adopt a Public Meeting policy.
Graves addressed the issue of a resident taking an amount off their water bill for Jackson's failing to pick up their garbage 1 week. The council agreed to not let the resident take any amount off their bill.
Graves recommended purchasing a valve for the water plant which he was asked to purchase by McEIlheney. Neff made the motion for Graves to purchase a valve for the back wash for $1,400.00, for the water plant. Kraft seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Foster brought up that the signs at the reservoir for camping hadn't been posted yet.
The dog kennel at the city shed needs some attention. Possibly a concrete pad, and insulating the dog house. This will be put on the next agenda, along with the key to the police department..
Public comments:
Gary Jackson asked why McIlheney is being given another 30 day notice.
Dan Carpenter asked if McIlheney has ever given proof of insurance. He also asked if the city attorney could look over his paper work since he was fired.
Kraft made the motion to allow the city attorney to review Carpenter's request to look over his paperwork. Neff seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Brian Covert reiterated the McIlheney issue and told Mayor Kienast he still hasn't gotten his apology.
Dave Clover thanked and commended the city attorney for her work that she is doing. He also repeated the issues with McIlheney. He also asked that the Mayor, and Alderman Stiller to please not contact his place of work regarding his comments made at this meetings and try to get him fired.
Dallas Neff gave a lesson on Democracy and Civics.
Rick Sturek asked the council how McIlheney got hired as the temporary water contract worker.
Mark Finch repeated the issues with McIlheney mentioning the unnessary money being spent because of it.
Jerry Brown asked about the water/sewer audit and its purpose.
Alderman Neff read from a list, what the auditors were asked to do. He then read from a list of what the council was told they were going to do. He asked Stiller why the audit was misrepresented to the council.
The city attorney responded that she is looking to use the results of the audit as a tool for revamping the water billing Ordinance.
Delbert Kreps asked if there was a contingency plan for a new water plant.
Foster summarized that the new city attorney is an added benefit for the city.
Treasurer Neff announced that there will be a Budget meeting on May 16th, at City Hall at 6 pm.
The regular meeting was adjourned at 9:35 p.m.
The next reguar meeting will be held at the La Harpe Clubhouse on May 23rd at 7:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Lucretia McPeak, city clerk