The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Village of Raritan Meeting Held

The trustees met in the meeting room of the Raritan Fire House June 9, 2016 with Trustees Sammy Blender, Phil Anders, Rob Williamson, Dwayne Magee, Yvonne Knapp, Michael Knapp, President Earl Waller and Clerk Jim Blender answering roll call. President Waller called the meeting to order and led the trustees in saying the Pledge of Allegiance. Trustee Blender opened with prayer. On a motion by Trustee Magee, seconded by Trustee Anders the minutes were approved as presented. Motion carried.

Guest: Raritan Village Attorney Bobi James and Jim Nisius.

Bills presented were as follows: Phil Anders $84.00; Dennis Rankin $158.00: Waste Management $1,036.37; Dallas Rural Water $647.04; PDC $16.00; Ameren $2,102.86; Jay Blender $850.00; Raritan Township $582.44; Henderson County Collector $34.18; USPO $48.00; IRWA $265.90. A motion was made by Trustee Blender, seconded by Trustee Williamson to approve the above bills. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Trustee Blender, seconded by Trustee Y. Knapp to approve the agenda. Motion carried.

Old Business:

A discussion was held about the survey on lots 204-206 S. Trenton. Attorney James is working on getting legal descriptions fixed. A motion was made by Trustee Magee, seconded by Trustee M. Knapp to get a plat done on this property. Motion carried.

Attorney James reported to had met with the Louie Arnold's and told them to get a permit. If it was a shed on runners, don't need permit.

It was reported that the Mitch Cook property had been cleaned up. A discussion was held about other properties which still need cleaned up. It was decided to have the Sheriff deliver undelivered letters. It was decided to have the attorney hire someone to clean-up the properties. Attorney stated that she had prepared an ordinance amending the permit cost and fee. A public hearing needs to be held to change the ordinance with a 15 days notice. The attorney will handle public hearing.

Trustee Y. Knapp stated the Raritan Community Improvement Committee is on the County Board agenda, June 14.

It was reported that the drive way pipe for S. Trenton Street (Allaman house) has been put in.

The renewal contract for the Water Operator for EPA has been signed.

Trustee Knapp will get playground chips on the playground.

Jim Nisius reported the county says they do not own any tile. A discussion was held regarding the tile hole in front of his house and the Baptist Church. Jim Nisius will try to get on the County Board agenda about this matter.

New Business:

The President of the Cemetery Board asked if the Veterans Memorial could be moved to the village lot at Main and Trenton Streets. A motion was made by Trustee Blender, seconded by Trustee Williamson to not allow the Veterans Memorial to be relocated to the village lot. Motion carried.

Water fee refunds will be given to CJ Stull and the Teels if there is a balance due. One customer will be shut-off.

Art Kane asked if the village would like the North 1/2 lot 1, Block C. The President will check with Art about the above and will report back at the next meeting.

A motion was made by Trustee Magee, seconded by Trustee Blender and unanimous approval of the board the meeting was adjourned to the next regular meeting night. Motion carried.

Clerk Jim Blender