The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
by Dessa Rodeffer, Quill Publisher/Owner
Wayne Humphrey, who will finish his 40th year working for the City of La Harpe, announced at the La Harpe City Council meeting Monday evening that he will be retiring at the end of the year.
Humphrey has enjoyed his job of taking care of the city streets, parks, and whatever else he was asked to do, and he said with a big smile, "or I certainly wouldn't have remained working this long!" When asked what made his decision to retire, he responded, "I'm not getting any younger!"
His annoucement came Monday evening (June 13) during the first regular board meeting in June.
Around thirty guests gathered at the La Harpe Clubhouse plus four of the six council members were present. Darrell Kraft, Amy Palmer, Dave Mershon, Marcia Stiller, answered roll along with City Treasurer Marcia Neff and City Clerk Lucretia McPeak.
Kenny Foster and Josiah Neff were both absent.
Everyone recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mershon made the motion to approve the May minutes. Stiller seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Mershon made the motion to accept the treasurer's report and pay all bills. Stiller seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Kraft reported under Public Property, that the cemetery needs to be surveyed south of the mausoleum to see where the city property line is so they know how much of the ditch is the city's to clean. He stated that Rod Myers has looked at the south boundary and estimated around $2,500 not more than $3,000 to do this.
Kraft made the motion to have Rod Myers survey the cemetery south of the mausoleum, but not to exceed $3,000.00. Palmer seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Kraft said they had a problem with someone leaving the water on at the park so they had to put a the padlock back on it. He asked the council for permission to let the "Love LaHarpe" group get a key for the water spigot in the city park to water flowers on Main Street. The council agreed to let this happen.
Tim Graves reported on a meeting with Engineer Eric Moe, and that he suggested three things that needed to be done at the water plant.
Graves also thought the city crew could do the repairs at the dog kennel at the city shed to save the city some money. He said, "I think we can pour cement quickly".
Graves will check on prices for materials, and will contact Alderman Foster.
Graves also inquired about getting 2 toilets for the water plants, and a sump pump.
Stiller made the motion to give Grave's the authority to make the purchases of 2 toilets, and a sump pump for the water plants. Palmer seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Graves also suggested running a water line to the dog kennel.
Kraft made the motion to table the repairs to the dog kennel at the city shed until the next meeting. Palmer seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Wayne Humphrey made a request for more blacktop to patch streets and Kraft made the motion to allow Humphrey to get more patch for the city streets using Motor Fuel Tax funds. Stiller seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Mershon made the motion to allow Humphrey to purchase a culvert, and to purchase paint for the streets. Palmer seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Deputy Spangler had a request for city signature patches for the police uniforms for $331.00 for 100 patches (the minimum that can be ordered at one time). Patches are sewn on each sleeve of their shirts, etc.
Palmer made the motion to purchase 100 city signature patches @$331.00 for the police uniforms. Kraft seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
McPeak asked, on behalf of the Golden Rule Club, for the council to permit Humphrey and Little to put up the back drop for Summerfest. The Council permitted them to do so.
Treasurer Neff will bring the Budget Appropriations to the next meeting, and will also provide the Insurance papers to be available for the council to look over at City Hall, and will put this on the next Agenda for council approval.
The City Attorney Diane Diestler has, and will be reviewing employee responsibilities, and she will have the appropriate committees to outline the employee duties.
She also touched on the issue of water deposits, so all meet the same requirements and suggesting grandfathering in those who are already water customers from having to make a deposit since they are not new customers.
New committee assignments were discussed. It was proposed to have the following committees:
Legislative & Finance Chairman Amy Palmer;
Josiah Neff, & Dave Mershon
Public Work
Chairman Josiah Neff;
Darrell Kraft & Mershon
Public Property, Safety, ESDA, & Public Inspection:
Chairman-Marsha Stiller;
Darrell Kraft & Kenny Foster.
Mershon made the motion to approve the 2016-2017 committees. Palmer seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Stiller made the motion to table the employee raises until the next meeting. Mershon seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Mershon made the motion to adopt Resolution #2016-D (Public Comment Rules) with suggested changes. Kraft seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Palmer made the motion to adopt Resolution #2016-E (clarify policy allowing employees expenditures without prior council approval) with suggested changes. Stiller seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Kraft made the motion to table the water/sewer Ordinance until the next meeting. Palmer seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Stiller reported the water/sewer audit is still being worked on, and should have results by the end of July.
Mershon made the motion to table the purchase of Police requests until the next meeting. Palmer seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Palmer made the motion to pass Ordinance #2016-3 (Prevailing Wage Ordinance). Mershon seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Kraft made the motion to table the Appropriations Ordinance #2016-4 until the next meeting. Stiller seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
The proposed FOIA Ordinance #2016-5 was tabled until the next meeting.
Kraft made the motion to table the work at the cemetery. Palmer seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Kraft made the motion to table re-hiring Carpenter until the new committees can meet. Palmer seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Attorney Diestler asked the council to consider moving to one meeting a month and there was some discussion buth nothing was decided at this time.
Palmer made the motion to authorize Treasurer Neff to sign the engagement letter with the city auditor Greg Butler. Mershon seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Kraft made the motion to cancel the executive session. Palmer seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Dallas Neff inquired about the Auditor preference.
Max Owsley asked about a sidewalk he had brought up at a previous meeting, and a tree removal on Archer Street.
He also asked why the city didn't contract out bids for consumables.
Palmer made the motion to adjourn the regular meeting. Kraft seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Regular meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.
Also present were: Tim Graves, Monalisa Graves, Dean Spangler, Diane Diestler, David Little, Wayne Humphrey, Megan McNeill, Jan Stokke, Bette June Mapes, Barb Oliver, Kevin Oliver, Carol Stevens, Todd Stevens, Wayne Yetter, Jason Siegworth, Dan Carpenter, David Carpenter, Richard Wood, Chad Burt, Bart Thompson, Dan Gillett, Mark Stokke, Dallas Neff, Max Owsley, Dessa Rodeffer, and several others which didn't sign in.
Editor's Note: There was quite a bit of discussion about the attorney's Resolution No. 2016-D governing public comment. Suggestions were to limit public comment to 30 minutes, but Mershon didn't think that was enough time, so it was increased to 45 minutes. Each person would be allowed 5 minutes instead of 3 minutes to speak. If you haven't signed it, you will not be allowed to comment. It was to keep the repetition of comments down and allow the board to get on with business. no action was taken.