The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
West Central School Board
May Meeting
At the Wednesday, May 18, 2016, regular Board meeting of the West Central C.U.S.D. #235 Board of Education, the following items took place:
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 the West Central Elementary School cafeteria by Board President Lonnie Brent. All board members, with the exception of Mike Lenahan and Kathy White, were present at roll call. Mike Lenahan entered at 6:32 p.m.
President Brent led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Under Good News Items the following items were highlighted:
- Report from Elementary Enrichment Class
- Early childhood team planned both a screening and a family night which were well attended.
- Fourteen WCMS students advanced to the state track meet.
- The WCMS Scholastic Bowl team won regionals and placed 3rd at sectionals. This was their first ever trip to sectionals.
- Seniors were honored with various awards and scholarships on May 3. We had a great turnout for Honors Night!
- The District administered the required Illinois Science Assessment which completes our state testing for the year.
- Showcase Night provided a great opportunity for the district to share projects, presentations, and classroom activities with community members. Over 60 families/community members were in attendance. Over $150 was raised through a silent auction for the PRIDE fund at the high school.
- Several students throughout the district participated in the Courageous Smiles track event bringing back many medals.
- IPA sponsored a recognition breakfast for students within the district who exhibit the characteristics of good citizens. The following students were recognized for their outstanding contributions to the school culture and academic success: WCE: Lily Lenzer and Kadie Dieckow, WCMS: Dylan Gibbs and Carly Lafary, WCHS: Vanessa Russi and John Clem.
- The Stronghurst Lions Club and the Henderson County Soil and Conservation Department graciously donated trees to the 4th grade students in observance of Arbor Day.
- West Central is one of the top five chapters who participated in the Harvest for All - FFA Challenge Campaign.
- WCHS FFA is 3rd in the State of Illinois Chapter and Harvest for All Campaign.
- The State Livestock Judging Team of Andrea Fullerton, Brianna Akers, Kami Endress, Alec Vancil, and Jenson Bowman tied for 9th in the state and received a superior rating.
- FFA received a Gold rating and section winner in Farm Bureau Heritage Program. Nick Brokaw will be going on a free trip to Washington DC.
- FFA received a gold rating and section winner in Farm Bureau Cooperative Program. Jon Anderson will be going on a free trip to Washington DC.
- Kami Endress was named as one of the top 10 Chapter Reporters in the state of Illinois in FFA.
- Ali Link received Bronze in Chapter President Award in FFA.
- FFA received the National Program of Activities Gold Emblem. Chapter and community development areas were both a gold rating and student development received a silver rating.
- WCHS FFA was named Top Rated Chapter in Section 4 Illinois FFA.
- WCHS FFA received the State Banker's Award at the State Convention for being one of the top 25 chapters in the State of Illinois.
- The WCMS Track Team participants were recognized. Recognized for their performance were: Jordon Roller: State Champion in the Hurdles, 14th place High Jump, 12th Long Jump; Payne Porter: 14th place High Jump: Sadie Lenz: 14th place Long Jump, 22nd place 400m; Mady Reed: 35th place 800m; Kaitlynn Hornbeck: 30th place 100m, 25th place 200m; Landen Beelman: 47th place Hurdles; 4x200 Relay Team of Megan Schaley, Laurel Beelman, Mady Reed, Sadie Lenze: 30th place; 4x100 Relay Team of Brenna Lillie, Jessica Smith, Courtney Torrance, Kaitlynn Hornbeck: 20th place.
- WCHS student Kendra Spiker qualified for the state IHSA track meet in Long Jump.
- The WCHS Softball Team won their first regional game and advance to the Regional Championship on Saturday, May 21.
- Twenty-nine WCMS students who had no infractions for the entire school year were treated to ice cream at the Cone Corner and free time to play in the park.
- Family and Consumer Science students raised over $200 for the Relay for Life through a silent auction of products they created for Nine of Mrs. Slater's students entered artwork in the 48th Annual Town & Country Exhibition: Jacob Ford - Pencil Drawing, 2nd place; Ashley Shultz - Pencil Drawing, 1st place; Ross Vancil - Pencil Drawing, 2nd place; Mona Patlan - Pencil Drawing, 2nd place; Johanna Sterett - Colored Pencil Drawing, 1st place; Nacayla Bole - Acrylic, 2nd place; Lilah Fosmore - Mixed Media, 1st place; Madison McBride - Pencil Drawing, 2nd place; and Diana Reyes - Clay Sculpture, 2nd place.
- After graduation practice, the seniors went on their Graduation March through the elementary hallways.
- Graduation was held on May 15, 2016 at 2:00 p.m. The Class of 2016 graduated 54 students.
There were no comments from the public.
The board approved the Consent Agenda. Items approved under the Consent Agenda included the following:
- The minutes of the April 20, 2016, Regular Meeting and Closed Session
- The April 2016 bills, April 2016 building Activity Account Reports, the April 2016 Treasurer's Report, and review of the District Financial Snapshot.
- The board approved the 2016-2017 Student/Parent Handbooks for West Central Elementary, West Central Middle School, and West Central High School.
In other business:
- approved Student Fees for 2016-2017.
- approved the board's continued membership in the Illinois Association of School Boards,
- approved the base bid from Kemper Construction to expand a classroom, replace a wall of windows, and to build a security corridor connecting the main building to the Industrial Arts and Ag Shop at WCHS.
- approved the request of two WCHS seniors to attend half day during the 2016-2017 school year.
- approved the Summer 2016 Behind the Wheel Driver Education Program.
- approved the agreement to use Twin Oaks Golf Course in Blandinsville as the Host Golf Course for the WCHS Golf team for the 2016 season.
- approved the purchase of technology equipment.
- approved moving the June Board meeting to June 22, 2016.
- approved putting milk and bread out for bid.
- reviewed and heard reports from the building principals; Ben Rees, Athletic Director; Melinda Frakes, District Technology Coordinator; and Nancy Smith, District Psychologist and Special Education Director.
- discussed attending the IASB School Board Conference in Chicago in November. Steve Lumbeck will serve as the district's delegate.
- heard and discussed new requirements for the CNA class. This class can no longer be offered outside of the school day. The district will look at having the class begin at 7:15 or 7:30 and continue through first hour. The issue will be finding a qualified teacher for the class.
- discussed low enrollment in the Work Study Program. Since this is the first year, the board agreed to continue with the program to give it an opportunity to grow.
- was informed that Mercer County was contacted about the possibility of a coop for Cross Country. Mercer County is not interested in a coop at this time.
- discussed possible erosion at the beltway on the ballfield at the middle school. Superintendent Markey will make contact to have it assessed to determine what needs to be done.
- was informed by Superintendent Markey of maintenance and general work that will be completed this summer including new boilers at the middle school and high school, new lockers at the middle school, and security systems at the main entrance of each building.
- Superintendent Markey presented the FY16 Amended District Budget which adds an additional $11,000 to the expenses for IMRF. The budget will be placed on public display for 30 days.
- discussed the possibility of waiving the physical education requirement for seniors involved in a competitive sport or marching band, who need to take an academic class in order to graduate on time, or in order to be accepted into a college of their choice.
- discussed the ROE #33 Board of Education Joint Board Meeting that took place on May 17, 2016 at Knoxville High School as a means to inform communities about the potential impact of no state budget and to urge community members to contact their legislators and tell their stories.
The board entered closed session at 8:30 p.m. to discuss matters related to personnel and contract. The board exited closed session at 10:15 p.m.
The board took the following action in regards to personnel:
- approved a maternity leave for Alyssa Hawk as presented,
- accepted the resignation of Nancy Smith as District School Psychologist/Special Education Coordinator,
- accepted the resignation of Rabeka Link as WCE Title I Associate,
- accepted the resignation of Chad Robertson as elementary teacher,
- accepted the resignation of Christina Ryba as Associate,
- accepted the resignation of Nancy Gibb as WCHS Physical Education/Physical Fitness Teacher,
- approved the transfer of Kim Strickler from Pre-K to 2nd grade teacher,
- approved the transfer of Jessica Winters from 5th grade teacher to 4th grade teacher,
- approved the employment of Jason Kirby as WCHS Assistant Principal and Head Football Coach as well as District Athletic Director,
- approved the employment of Stacey Wachter as WCE Title I Associate,
- approved the employment of Julie Nutt as WCE/WCHS Art Teacher,
- approved the employment of Amy Olson as WCMS Physical Education/Health Teacher,
- approved the employment of Christina Ryba as WCMS Special Education Teacher,
- approved the employment of Jill Colley as WCHS Special Education Teacher,
- accepted the resignation of Ben Rees as District Athletic Director,
- approved the employment of Amy Freitag as WCHS Spanish Club Sponsor,
- approved the employment of Ryan Muegge as WCHS Yearbook Sponsor,
- approved the employment of Brandon Rothzen, as WCHS Head Boys' Basketball Coach,
- approved 2016-2017 administrative contracts.
The next regularly scheduled meeting will be Wednesday, June 22, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. in the West Central Elementary cafeteria. The Board of Education will hold a Special Meeting on Thursday, May 26, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. in the West Central Elementary cafeteria.
There being no other business to come before the board, the board adjourned their meeting at 10:29 p.m.