The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Hold July Meeting
The July 6th Village of Biggsville Board meeting was called to order by acting president Kathie Curtiss with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Members present were Kathie Curtiss, Diane Gonzalez, Kevin Mortimore, and Jeff West.
Absent were Brian Sterett and Nanci Sterett. Others Present were Marilyn Simmons, Treasurer; Judy Gravgaard, Clerk; and James Rogers.
Kevin Mortimore made a motion to accept the treasurer, minutes, and invoices and Jeff West seconded the motion passed.
Jimmy reported that everything has been sprayed in town and at the lagoon.
There is a pothole down at the old Dr. Lindo office that needs to be filled in. Jimmy will go next week and get a storage container that will be put behind the north side of the town building.
There is a burn ordinance in town that prevents anyone from burning trash or any chemicals in Biggsville. Only leaves and sticks can be burned in a burn barrel.
We have the paint to paint the community building.
The legion will take down the boards. We will all gather to paint the building.
We have not moved on with the reading of the meters because we do not have some lids for some of the meters.
Nova Cable has been laying cable in town. They will send out a mailing to everyone in town and let them know prices when they are ready to connect.
Jeff made a motion to approve the Appropriations Ordnance #522, and Kevin 2nd motion carried.
After owing for two months water and sewer bill a disconnect notice will be given on the 15th of the month.
The water will be shut off on the 26th if not paid.
Jeff made a motion to adjourn at 8:05 p.m. Diane 2nd motion carried
Respectfully Submitted
Judy L. Gravgaard, Clerk