The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
West Central Expects A Decline In Students In Next Five Years
At the Wednesday, January 20, 2016, regular board meeting of the West Central
C.U.S.D. #235 Board of Education Superintendent Markey presented the five year
enrollment projections.
It is anticipated that enrollment will decline by approximately 50 students over
the next five years, particularly at the high school level.
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. in the West Central Elementary
School cafeteria by Board President Lonnie Brent. All board members were present
at roll call except Kathy White.
Under Good News, the following were highlighted:
- In partnership with the local Girl Scout troops, WCE participated in a
hat/mitten drive, which were given to many of our students. We also had a canned
food drive where the students collected 1,054 items to donate to the local food
- The elementary students collected enough Box Tops to earn $769.40.
- The West Central Education Foundation awarded grant money to the Pre-K and
kindergarten teachers to purchase technology devices to be used within the
classroom and to an elementary special education teacher to purchase books for
her classroom library.
- WCHS Departmental Students of the Month:
- T.J. Peterson - Physical Educat.
- John Clem & Chase Stewart - Science
- Whitney Finley - CTE
- Ashley Gyovai - Social Studies
- Brimmie McBride - Fine Arts
- Braeden Reed - English
- Kamryn McCabe -Math
- Dennis Lawson, Substitute Custodian was approved as an addition under XIII.
Action Items.
The board approved the Consent Agenda. Items approved under the Consent Agenda
included the following:
- The minutes of the December 16, 2015, Regular Meeting and Closed Session
- The December 2015 bills, December 2015 building Activity Account Reports, the
December 2015 Treasurer s Report, and review of the District Financial Report.
In other business the board:
- approved the implementation of a Work Study Program at WCHS.
- approved the Athletic Booster's request to host a Bi-County Conference Alumni
Basketball Tournament.
- approved an IMRF resolution to include compensation paid under an Internal
Revenue Code Section 125 Plan as IMRF earnings.
- approved a resolution providing for the issue of approximately $1,675,000
General Obligation School Bonds, Series 2016, for the purpose of altering and
reconstructing school buildings and purchasing and installing equipment therein
for fire prevention and safety, energy conservation and school security
purposes, providing for the levy of a direct annual tax sufficient to pay the
principal and interest on said bonds, and authorizing the sale of said bonds to
the purchaser thereof.
- approved a Life Safety Amendment to replace the modular roofs at WCHS.
- approved the Alta Mae Brokaw Memorial Scholarship Fund.
- reviewed and heard reports from the building principals; Ben Rees, Athletic
Director; Melinda Frakes, District Technology Coordinator; and Nancy Smith,
District Psychologist and Special Education Director.
- Mrs. Lafary updated the board on her and Mr. Rees participation in Crisis
- Mrs. Burns reported on the number of students with no minor infractions 2nd
quarter and 1st semester and the successful impact of the PBIS program.
- Mr. Schneider updated the board on additional Dual Credit offerings for next
- Mrs. Frakes recognized the members of the Technology Team.
- Mr. Pilger and Mrs. Frakes reported on the Technology Team's recent visit to
a 21st Century classroom.
- Mr. Rees reported that Mr. Blender would be recognized at the February 1
girls' basketball game.
- discussed a request from the West Prairie School District regarding a possible
golf coop.
- Superintendent Markey and the Building and Grounds Committee updated the board
on outstanding life safety projects and a timeline for completing them.
- discussed the possibility of expanding the high school cafeteria.
- discussed security and the possible need for additional classrooms.
- discussed the possibility of purchasing three backup generators over the next
three years (one each year) for the heating system in each building.
- discussed possible options for the Media facility.
The board entered closed session at 8:08 p.m. to discuss matters related to
personnel and contract. The board exited closed session at 8:50 p.m.
The board took the following action in regards to personnel:
- accepted the resignation of Chaim McGuire as the Elementary Enrichment
- employed Dennis Lawson as a substitute bus driver and a substitute custodian
pending all pre-employment requirements,
- employed Kayty Wilson as a Home Bound Instructor,
- employed Sheena DeBock as the Elementary Enrichment Sponsor,
- employed Logan Wood as the WCHS Assistant Baseball Coach pending all
pre-employment requirements .
The board was reminded that the next regularly scheduled meeting will be
Wednesday, February 17, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. in the West Central Elementary
There being no other business to come before the board, the board adjourned
their meeting at 8:57 p.m.