The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Hancock County Board Meets

 Carthage Clerk Kerry Asbridge reports on the Hancock County board meeting held December 22, 2015 at the courthouse. Chairman, Cary Gray called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m..

There was considerable discussion concerning an amendment to a motion offered by Mr. Stuckwisch regarding the question  What is the county going to pay for employee premiums, and spousal or family premiums?

If the employees pay more than 9.5% for their employee only health insurance coverage, Hancock County could face a penalty (fine) according to the Affordable Care Act.

Also important, is the cost for spousal or family premiums, and any cost share between Hancock County and the employees.

Mr. Bolin said Ramsey Financial Service informed him they received all information from employees to submit to insurance underwriters.

Consequently, the following was inserted into the minutes to clarify the matter:

The legislative intent of the amendment was to establish a health insurance program for 2016 whereby Hancock County, as employer, will pay 75% of the employee s individual premiums, and 50% of any family or spousal coverage.

The board then entered executive session at 6:44 p.m. to discuss personnel and pending litigation. They re-entered open session at 7:12 p.m.

Mr. Bolton presented the report of a meeting held by the County Highway Committee on November 25, 2015, and moved the report be approved, recommendation of the committee be concurred in, and the report be placed on file with the minutes of this meeting. Motion passed.

The consent agenda was approved and included:

Mr. Bollin presented the report of the meeting held by the Finance Committee on December 10, 2015.

He moved the report be approved, recommendations of the committee be concurred in, and the report be placed on file with the minutes of this meeting. Motion passed on a 13-1 vote with Janet Fleming casting the lone no vote.

Chairman Gray presented a proposal to acquire Real Property immediately West of the Hancock County Sheriff s Office and County Jail.

The acquisition is to relocate the ambulance service. The existing ambulance building will be retained-but potentially be sold in the future.

An additional structure will be built to supplement the garage on the new site. The motion passed 13-1 with Fleming casting the lone no vote.

Mr. Scheetz presented the report of a meeting held by the Building, Grounds, and Insurance Committee held on December 14, 2015, and moved the report be approved, recommendation of the committee be concurred in, and the report be placed of file with the minutes of this meeting. Motion passed.

Mr. Gray presented a letter from the Illinois Department of Public Health, stating  No deficiencies were identified.

No violation of compliance with the federal certification requirements for nursing homes participating in Medicare/Medicaid were identified.

Mr. Gray announced the appointment of Kelly Joiner as Supervisor of Assessments is for four years.

Mr. Cramer asked,  When might Tyler Wilson become Ambulance Coordinator? It was explained that Mr. Wilson was doing many ambulance runs as an EMT/Paramedic and the pay was much more than the Ambulance Coordinator salary. An estimate that between $4,000 and $5,000 in additional pay in recent weeks would have been surrendered by Mr. Wilson.

It was explained by Ms. Schell that it is hoped that will soon change, and additional employees are hired, and sick employees return to work. Then it may be financially beneficial to Mr. Wilson for him to accept the appointment at that time.

In other business:

Present were: Chairman Cary Gray; County Clerk, Kerry Asbridge; Trustees, Wayne Bollin, Steven Bolton, Dennis Castlebury, Stephen Finney, Janet Fleming, Pat Cramer, Don Little, Thomas Scheetz, Jeanne Schell, Jerry Smith, Bryan Stevens, Harold Stuckwisch, David Walker; Guests, Sheriff Scott Bentzinger, Economic Developer Dustin Berg, County Engineer Elgin Berry, ambulance administrative assistant Terri Girffin, Dallas Nett and Joy Swearingen, Reporter.