The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Biggsville Village Board Meets

The January meeting was opened by Mayor Amanda Guyton at 7:00 p.m. with the pledge of allegiance, and Trustees: Kathie Curtiss, Diane Gonzalez, Kevin Mortimer, Brian Sterett, Nanci Sterett, and Jeff West, as well as Mayor Amanda Guyton, Treasurer Marilyn Simmons, Clerk Judy Gravgaard, and James Rogers present.

Last month s minutes stated that a motion was made to not allow chickens in the town limits. The motion was to not allow a variance for chickens at this time. The invoices and minutes as amended, and the treasurer's report were accepted.

Rogers reported that the village's water usage is up and he has checked for leaks and cannot find any reason for the usage to be so high. He will continue to check for leaks.

Bob Onion has a sink hole on his property that needs to be filled in. Jimmy will look into it and take care of it.

Jones Septic would like to dump at the village's lagoon. Jimmy looked into the matter and was told by our consultant that it was not a problem. It was voted to allow Jones Septic to dump at our lagoon for $25.00 a 1000 gal. Rogers will set up a system to keep track of the times they dump.

It was reported there are two homes that water bills can not be delivered to. Rogers will tag those houses and give them ten (10) days to pay and get an address or they will be shut off.

In other business:

The next regular meeting has been rescheduled from February 3, 2016 to February 10, 2016.

The January meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.