The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
by Rebecca Quivey, La Harpe
While visiting with Jay Jones on Tuesday, he said he had an editorial from "The Quill" that he wanted me to read. "Great, bring it in," I replied.
Upon his return he explained that Cathy had been cleaning out at her parents, going thru boxes of papers and other items, deciding what to keep and what to throw away.
Noticing a few Quills, she sat them aside to read later.
While visiting, Lance Adkison was reading thru them and drew her attention to the editorial on the front page.
"The Quill" is dated January 3, 1979. "It was like it was just written," Jay said when he gave me a copy.
I agree and think it should be run again.
There is much wisdom in these words, and it goes to show we have all faced struggles in our community in the past, present and future.
Here is the article as printed in the 1/3/1979 Hancock County Quill:
Some New Year's
Resolutions for La Harpers
New Year's Day is a time for resolutions, a time when nearly every one assesses his life and decides to make some needed improvements.
Why not a time for trying to improve the civic side of daily living too?
In that vein some suggested resolutions might be:
We will keep our walks clean of snow, broken glass and other hazards.
We will take an active interest in civic affairs, participating constructively in government, civic projects and all other activities which promote and benefit the community.
We will expect and support competent and fair law enforcement for all within our city.
We will refrain from badmouthing local institutions unless we are willing to participate, cooperate and support them.
We will form our opinions only after studying all available facts, rather than forming prejudices based on rumor and biased half-truths.
We will take pride in our town, support it, promote it, and work to keep it the good little town that it is.
We will be alert to local problems; we will not blind ourselves to areas where improvement is needed and we will seek always to endeavor to improve this community, its government, its institutions and its environs.