The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
The Village of Raritan Trustees met in the meeting room of the Raritan Fire House on February 11, 2016 with Trustees, Sammy Blender, Phil Anders, Rob Williamson, Dwayne Magee, Yvonne Knapp, President Earl Waller, and Clerk Jim Blender answering roll call.
President Waller called the meeting to order and led the trustees in saying the Pledge of Allegiance.
Sammy Blender opened with prayer.
The minutes and bills were approved as presented. Bills as follows: Phil Anders $114.00; Dennis Rankin $157.60; Waste Management $1,037.00; Dallas Rural water $523.97; PDC $16.00; Ameren $1,469.10; Bowlyou Tax $60.00; Thompson Insurance Co. $150.00; Eagle Enterprises $200.00; Julie, Inc. $67.25.
Motion passed to table the chips discussion and table the tree trimming discussion until the March meeting.
An oak tree will be planted, in memory of Dick Knapp, in the park.
The village attorney will be at the March meeting.
A motion was made by Magee, seconded by Blender and unanimous approval to adjourn the meeting.
Raritan Village Clerk: Jim Blender