The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
The Village of Biggsville will contact Nova Cable to set up a time for them to come and present information and answer any questions the public may have.
The regular meeting of the Village of Biggsville was called to order at 7 p.m. on February 10th by Mayor Amanda Guyton with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Brian Sterett made a motion to accept January Minutes, treasurer's report and invoices. Nanci Sterett 2nd motion carried.
Rick Olsen is concerned about the water that gets in his building when it rains. Jimmy will contact a company out of Monmouth to come and check the drain as to why it is not draining properly.
Jimmy has ordered tickets for violations.
We received two invoices from Cory that go back to 2014. Amanda will contact Cory and the Village of Kirkwood and see who needs to be paid.
If anyone would like an application and variance for chickens they are asked to call the community building at 309-627-2210 and leave a message and I will mail one out to you.
Training for the meter reading has been set for Thursday, February 18th at 9 am.
We cannot do another electric box for the fire department. We will need to set a lease price for them to use the box that is already there.
Scott Kammerman discussed the letter everyone received from Test, Inc. The problem with the water is not from Dallas Rural Water. That water is fine. The problem has to do with home owners pipes.
Kathie Curtiss made a motion to adjourn at 8:10 p.m. Kevin Mortimer 2nd, motion carried.
Trustee's present were: Kathie Curtiss, Kevin Mortimore, Brian Sterett, Nanci Sterett, and Diane Gonzalez. Jeff West was absent. Others present were Judy Gravgaard, Clerk, James Rogers, Rick Olsen, and Scott Kammerman.
Respectfully submitted,
Village Clerk
Judy Gravgaard