The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
By: Shirley Linder, Quill Editor
Mike Lenahan, representing J & M Displays, brought proposals of cost for a fireworks display to the village board on Monday, April 4th.
According to Lenahan, the proposal gave a breakdown of shell count, discount, insurance shoot fee, delivery, etc. It would also include a ten million dollar insurance policy for coverage to the village, fair board, fair property, fire department equipment (which would be on standby), and the firemen.
The show which is shot electronically would require about 4 or 5 volunteers to do the shoot, along with one licensed shooter.
A discussion as to when to hold the fireworks finally resulted in the decision of July 27th, Family Night at the Henderson County Fair, and they will be shot at the fairgrounds.
However, a vote to the proposal had to be tabled until next month due to the item not being on the agenda.
Ronnie Gittings reported on a couple of power poles and a line that was blown down during the recent wind storm. He called Police Chief Arbry Vancil out for traffic control since the power company didn't arrive until around 2 or 3 in the morning to replace the poles. The downed wires were taken care of earlier.
Gittings said the park benches that are completed turned out very nicely and have been placed on the concrete pads in the park.
He then went on to display a drawing of the area he would like to pour concrete to place eight, 8 foot benches around the spray pad.
He said this will cut down on maintenance when mowing. The cost of concrete for this project would be $1440 and village employees would do the work.
Mayor Gary Root asked, Where's this money coming from, to which Gittings replied, This here if you choose to do that, the city is going to have to pay for that, as part of putting the park benches around the spray park.
Mayor Root said, Well we have a lot of sidewalks and stuff we gotta get done how much time do you need to do this if we decide to do this?
Gittings replied, Well I think it would probably take, huh, most part of a week. Course, we won t all be working on it all the time.
Root said, Well so what Ronnie is saying if we do this, if you guys elect to do this, I think it is enough money we spend on the park for a long time. My opinion, mine only.
Following more discussion and the opinions of all board members Amanda Kane made a motion that if the Booster Club would pay for the concrete around the spray pad for the village to get it done as soon as possible. Bohnenkamp seconded the motion. Roll call: Spiker, yes; Kane, yes; Bohnenkamp, yes; Vancil, yes; Waterman, yes; Schaley, no.
The board also voted to paint the picnic table with four benches and a frame at a cost of $600.
In order to water flowers in the park the employees have a hose mounted on four wheels that takes two men to load and unload each time watering is done. Gittings would like to build a shed on the pad by the bathroom to accommodate this hose so it could just be rolled out and used by volunteers, who will be watering this year. He estimated the cost of this building to be $525.46. The board voted to approve this project.
Gittings also reported on:
They are still cleaning ditches and will continue this month and part of May. They had to replace a culvert at Mary and Nichols at a cost of $270. The MST Fire Department has blown out some of the culverts
The policy is to replace one fire hydrant per year and Gittings would like it to be the one on North Street this year and also to set it back a little to keep from getting hit. Rod Nichols is O.K. with them being on his land to do this.
Gittings reported on the procedure for the Median exchange at the pump house. They will need to pump the tower full and then shut everything off by 7 a.m. , drain the storage tank and the filter base by 8 o clock then the company will come in, suck out all the old debris and rocks, power wash the inside of the tank, check for damage and put the median back in (3 layers of rocks). This could be done within 8 hours. They would then immediately do a disinfect and back wash. The town would need to be on a boil order for at least 2 days until 2 test samples come back negative. A motion was made and approved to do this procedure at a cost of $18,615.
The police report for March included: 149.5 hours worked; 763 squad car patrol mileage; 9 traffic stops; 3 verbal warnings; 5 written warnings; 1 uniform traffic ticket; 6 service calls; 2 fire agency assists; 2 Henderson County agency assists; 1 press release/media inquiries; and 20 business courtesy checks.
Attorney Bill Rasmussen reported he has been contacted by Attorney George Hennenfent on behalf of the Bank of Stronghurst regarding the easement the village would need for the underground water main. The bank would like to have the water main to the new water tower re-located from where it was originally designed to be. This is due to the fact that should they build on their land they do not wish it running under the structure. Rasmussen in turn contacted MSA and was told this was not a big deal, just a fee ($3,000) and time lost for the IEPA to issue a permit. This was a month ago and no further word so Gittings will check with MSA and see what the hold up is.
In other business the board:
The board entered executive session at 8:41 p.m. for the purpose of employee pay raises.
They re-entered open session at 9 p.m. and voted a pay raise to: Lou Ann Nortrup-$12; Brody Haynes-$12.50; Bryan Bohnenkamp-$13; Jeff Nichols-$12.75.
Those present included: Mayor Gary Root; Trustees, David Vancil, Betty Waterman, Brendan Schaley, Jim Spiker, Amanda Kane, Mike Bohnenkamp; Employees, Lou Ann Nortrup, Ronnie Gittings, Arbry Vancil, Bill Rasmussen; Guests, Mike Lenahan, Randy Jarvis, Yvonne Knapp, and Shirley Linder.
The board adjourned at 9:02 p.m. until the next regular meeting on May, 2nd, at 7:00 p.m.
City employees Brody Haynes and Jeff Nichols work on a new storage shed that is being located alongside the Stronghurst Village Park rest rooms. The new shed is being sided and painted to match the restrooms and will be used for Spray Park and Village equipment storage as needed. Workers will begin to pour concrete around the spray pad to install benches on, next. Flowers are looking pretty in the park as well and all should be finished in time for the Dr. Bob Pogue Spray Park dedication that will be held on May 28th.