The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Stronghurst Graphic April 5, 1923
(Long article and floor plans concerning the new school in this issue) IMPORTANT SCHOOL ELECTIONS: Two very important elections will be held in Stronghurst on April 14th-one for the voters in Community High School Dist. No. 104 and the other for the voters in School Dist. No.30. The election for Dist. No. 104 will be held in the building on the east side of Broadway, formerly the Morgan barber shop, now being used for grade school purposes. The matters to be voted on will be the selection of one member of the board of education of Dist. No. 104; for against the proposition to build a new school house in said district; the location site for such new school building; for or against the proposition to issue the bonds of the district to provide a fund with which to build such new school building and purchase site for same.
The election for Dist. No. 30 will be held in the Hollingsworth building on the west side of Broadway now being used for grade school purposes. The questions to be decided at this election will be the selection of one director for said district for the full term; for or against the proposition to build new school house in said district; for or against the preposition to issue the bonds of the district to provide a fund with which to build such school house in said district.
It is not often that a citizen has the privilege of voting at two public elections on the same day; but this will be an occasion when those citizens residing within the bounds of district No. 30 (Stronghurst school district) will be given such opportunity as this district is included in the larger high school district No. 104. It is important that every legal voter realize the issues which are at stake and vote at these elections.
DISTRIBUTIVE FUND: There were in Henderson County on June 30, 1922 just 3,895 persons under 21 years of age as determined by the census that was taken by the clerk or secretary of each school district in the county with the exception of the four year high schools. County Supt. A. L. Beall received a warrant from the State Auditor for $9,304.80 and another warrant for the interest on the same of $91.30 making a total of $9396.10. This was distributed to several township treasurers...
There are still about half a dozen schools in the county that will not participate in this fund because the building or equipment is not up to the standard required by state law. Two or three schools were brought up to the requirements during the last year and will receive the portion that has accrued to the credit of the district for the first time in several years.
SEED COMPANY BUSY: The E. G. Lewis Seed Co. at Media are having to run their Seed Corn Grader day and night in order to get their seed corn double graded. This is the first time in the history of the company that they have had to run a night shift for the second grading.
OBITUARY DOROTHY IRENE LONG: Dorothy Irene Long, daughter of Wm.J. and Nellie Long, was born June 22, 1922 and died March 30th, 1923, aged 9 months and 8 days. The young babe had recovered from an attack of measles and contracted pneumonia, which soon proved fatal. She is survived by her father and mother, seven brothers and three sisters, who all feel keenly the loss of this loved member of the household. Brief funeral services were held at the Stronghurst M. E. Church with interment in the local cemetery.
***JOSEPH MORE***Joseph Morey, one of Oquawka's eldest and best known citizens and former sheriff of Henderson County died last Friday morning at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Robert Wilson, after an illness of several weeks from heart trouble. Mr. Morey was a Civil War veteran and a member of the G.A.R. He is survived by his widow and four children, namely: Mrs. Robert Wilson of Oquawka, Mrs. Lena Holmes of Rozetta, Loren Morey of Stronghurst and Will of Oquawka.
PASSING OF A GOOD WOMAN: The people of this community learned with sorrow last Monday that Mrs. C. H. Curry had passed away at her home in the village at about 10 o'clock a.m. on that day. The news did not come as a sudden shock, however, as it had been known for some time that the life of this woman was hanging by a very slender thread and that no hope for recovery was being held out.
Nancy Annetta, daughter of Gideon H. Mosher and Mary Ann (Harsha) Mosher, was born at Fort Edwards, N.Y. June 5, 1855. When one year of age she came to Illinois with her parents, who settled on the farm near Olena, Ill. now owned by Alex Marshall.
In 1876 the subject of this sketch was married to Dr. Wm. Stuart Bailey, and soon after, moved with her husband to Wayland, Iowa. They remained there for two years and then returned to Olena, where Dr. Bailey died on Oct. 29, 1890. In 1892 Mrs. Bailey was married to C. H. Curry, who was then living on his farm at Olena. They made this farm their home until the fall of 1908 when they moved to Stronghurst into the well appointed residence which has been their home since.
Mrs. Curry was a woman of more than ordinary intellectual ability, being possessed of a good mind, trained at the Kirkwood Academy and Monmouth College.
She found a field of usefulness in the employment of her talents in the work of the Women's Christian Temperance Union, the Women's Society of the U.P. Church, the Sabbath school and other organizations of like nature. She was a good, kind and considerate wife and mother and a true neighbor and friend. She could always be depended upon to be found on the right side of all moral and religious issues.
On moving to Stronghurst she transferred her membership from the Olena U.P. congregation to the Stronghurst U.P. Church and was a regular and faithful attendant upon its services until failing health interfered.
Mrs. Curry leaves to mourn her departure, her husband, C.H. Curry; one son, Gideon S. Bailey of this place, one daughter, Mrs. Esther C. Ross of Olena; one step daughter, Metta Beardsley of Stronghurst and four grandchildren. The whole community joins with these relatives in their sorrow.
Funeral services for the deceased were held in the Stronghurst U.P. Church on Wednesday afternoon, April 4th at 2 p.m conducted by the pastor, Rev. J. A. Mahaffey. The large concourse of people present as well as the unusually beautiful floral offerings testified to the great esteem in which Mrs. Curry was held. Special music for the occasion was furnished by a quartette consisting of Mrs. Alice Painter, Mrs. Marie Mc Andrews, W. J. McElhinney and A.D. Prescott. The pall bearers were C. R. Kaiser, C. E. Fort, R.N. Marshall, C. R. A. Marshall, A. E. Jones, and Alex Marshall. Interment of the remains was in the North Olena Cemetery.
Friend from a distance present at the funeral were Mrs. Wm. Lauenroth and son William of Burlington, Iowa; Miss Lou Curry and niece of Roseville, Ill.; and Miss Lucile While of Monmouth, Ill.
REMEMBERED BY HER FRIENDS: Mrs. Wm. Worthington of the south country, who is recovering from a protracted illness, was made the recipient of an "Easter Shower" of post cards, flowers and other remembrances from about 80 of her friends. She wishes to convey to these friends her sincere and heartfelt appreciation.
UPDATE AT THE GRAPHIC: A new Linograph type setting machine was installed in the Graphic office Tuesday and we will now be able to save considerable time in getting the news in type and will also be able to make use of a greater variety of sizes and faces of type, both in our news and advertising columns, which will add materially to the typographical appearance of the paper...
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Miss Florence Fort was taken to the Galesburg Hospital to receive treatment for a condition which developed as the after result of an attack of measles. The cornerstone laying of the new Methodist Protestant Church at Ferris will take place Saturday afternoon, April 14th at 2 p.m. Rev. Dr. Frederick J. Baylis, present of the Illinois annual conference, will be present and assist the pastor, Rev. D.M. Harris. There will be music and singing and speaking.
While an auto load of young people were coming toward Stronghurst from Decorra last Saturday night, they noticed an object lying in the road a short distance west of town. They stopped to investigate and one of the party started to get out of the car. At that moment a figure was seen to spring up from the side of the road and approach the car. The driver of the car at once decided on "safety first" and lost no time in getting under way again. After reaching Stronghurst, the parties left their valuable in safe keeping and drove back to the point where they had stopped. They found a bandana handkerchief lying in the road but no other evidence that a hold-up had been planned.
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Mrs. Odessa Brewer and two children, Marie and Belva, spent Sunday with the lady's mother, Mrs. Helen Burrell. Mr. John Ford has accepted a position as head bookkeeper for the chain of Pioneer Lumber Companies which have their headquarters at Dallas City. Mrs. John Lant of Olena who has been in very poor health the past two months, was taken quite seriously ill Sabbath day. Medical aid was called and an operation for gall stones trouble advised, which will probably be affected as soon as the patient is able to be moved. The Kaiser Novelty Boys orchestra was at Burlington Tuesday evening broadcasting music for the Home Electrical Co. of that city from the Hawkeye radio station.
Indian Motorcycle, Engine No. 81F887 will be sold for storage at Ingram's garage in Terre Haute, Ill. L. E. Lovitt. Mrs. Maria McDermott of the south neighborhood fell in such a way at her home as to seriously injure herself. The Bedford Household Science Club will meet with Mrs. Frank Houston on April 12th at 2 p.m.; all ladies of the community are invited. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Raus Richey are victims of the measles. Miss Ardis Hicks who is teaching at Ormonde, Ill., spent Easter vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hicks. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Peterson of the Decorra neighborhood are the proud parents of a little daughter born to them at their home on the Strodtman farm March 24th (26th?-two different dates in same column). A fine 9 ½ lb. baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Yeomans at the Wadsworth Hospital on March 27th.
The roadbridge committee of the county met at Oquawka and arranged to lease a government Pierce-Arrow struck for use in oiling the roads in Stronghurst, Biggsville, Rozetta and Raritan Townships. They also contracted with the Wever Co. of Springfield, Ill. for an 800 gal. tank with pump and distributor to be mounted on the leased truck.
BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gillfillan spent the evening in Monmouth attending a play. Dr. and Mrs. Henderson were in Burlington where Mrs. Paul Henderson underwent an operation at the hospital for appendicitis. Mr. and Mrs. Gail Edwards went to Burlington where they have gone to housekeeping in furnished rooms and he has employment at the round house. The Arcadian literary society of the high school is practicing for the play The Little Clodhopper. Word was received of the marriage of Miss Irma Magee to Ivan Reese of East Moline at Moline last Saturday; they will make their home there.
The farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Glenn burned down Sabbath morning about 9 o'clock. It was thought that it took fire from the flue. Almost all the furniture and all clothing as saved. Only a small insurance was carried. Mrs. Norma Weigand is ill with Grip. Mrs. Chas Knutstrom of Powell, Wyo. was called her by the illness of her mother, Mrs. Laura Kniseley, whose condition is much improved.
MEDIA MEANDERINGS:S: Miss Eleanor Wragg has been assisting Miss Wanetta Howell in the office of the E. G. Lewis Seed Co. for a few days. Mrs. Joe Campbell and her pupils in piano and voice will give a recital at the Weaver Academy April 13th. Several of our young people enjoyed a party at the home of Miss Faye Powell north of town. Fred Ross was re-elected supervisor of the township; he had no opposition.
CARMAN CONCERNS: Mrs. Ruth Marsden entertained the Larkin Club Friday afternoon. The I.O.O.F. team conferred degree work on members at La Harpe. Wm. Pendry, Sr. has been suffering quite seriously with the cancer on his hip. Thos. Dixon was re-elected township supervisor; Clyde Mead was elected Justice of the Peace and Wm. Vaughn as constable. Relative and friends received the sad message March 27th of the death of Gail Hopkins at his home in Hamilton, Ill. His remains were interred in the Carman Cemetery after short services at the grave. (List of attendees)
LOMAX LINGERINGS: Frank Miller has moved to the Bryson property in the west part of town. Dave Nixon and wife are enjoying a radio; R. Buhrmaster of Dallas City installed one at their home last week. The public sale of J. R. Sanders Saturday drew quite a large crowd and everything sold will. Mrs. A.T. Vaughan who has been a patient at the Burlington Hospital was able to return home. Clarence Ramey and family have moved to town and are occupying the Henry Daugherty property. Arthur Smith and family have moved to a farm north of town.