The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1923 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross

Stronghurst Graphic, March 29, 2015

OBITUARY SIMON NEVIUS: Simon Nevius, who will be remembered by many as one of the pioneer residents of Stronghurst, died at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Swanson, 156 N. Cherry St. Galesburg, at about 1 o'clock Saturday morning, March 24th after an illness of about ten weeks.

The deceased was born in Somerset County, N.J. July 26, 1847 and came with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John S. Nevius, to Illinois in 1856, the family settling near Raritan. After reaching manhood's estate, Simon went to Galesburg to reside and that city was his home during the greater part of his remaining years.

In 1888 he came to Stronghurst and cast in his lot with the early business men of the place, engaging in various enterprises including the restaurant business and the conducting of a green house. After a few years he returned to Galesburg where he was employed in various capacities up until his last illness. He had a reputation as a chef and caterer, and his services in this line were always in demand. He was also for a long period caretaker of the Galesburg Armory.

During his last illness he was tenderly cared for by Mr. and Mrs. Swanson with whom he made his home. Funeral services were conducted from the Kimber and West Chapel in Galesburg with the Rev. Chas. Durden of the first Baptist church of Galesburg officiating. Entombment of the remains was made in Hope Abbey.

Mr. Nevius is survived by a brother, Peter B. Nevius of Moosewood, Okla. and two sisters, Mrs. Sarah Jane Gilmore of Fairview, Okla. and Mrs. Brachie Humphrey of Anson, Kans., besides numerous other relatives in this vicinity and elsewhere. Mrs. Gilmore and Mrs. Humphrey as well as Mr. and Mrs. W.J. McElhinney were present at the funeral.

ISABELLA BEST Miss Isabella Best, one of this township's oldest native inhabitants and one who enjoyed the respect of the entire community, died at the Wadsworth's Hospital in Stronghurst at an early hour on Friday, March 23, after a lingering illness. Miss Best was the youngest daughter of James and Sarah (McCullough) Best, pioneer settlers of Henderson County, who lived on what is now Section 23 of Stronghurst Township. The subject of this sketch was born March 17, 1847 on her parent farm in a log house which stood almost two rods east of the present home. Here she spent her entire life, she and her brother, Wm. Best, looking after the cultivation of the farm after their parents' death.

Besides her parents, three brothers and one sister preceded her in death, she being at the time of her death the last surviving member of the James Best family. Her last illness was of 55 days duration; and during the whole period she bore her sufferings patiently. She was always a kind neighbor, and was especially a lover of children.

In early life Miss Best professed her faith in Christ and became a member of the Olena U. P. Church. In 1889 she transferred her membership to the newly organized U.P. congregation of Stronghurst and remained a consistent member until the end. Funeral services were held at the Stronghurst M. E. Church on March 24th with interment in the North Olena Cemetery. (Sadly, the graves of this family have been obliterated in a field in this section. When Mrs. Evans and I did the cemetery book, we found stones but they are now gone-see Book I of Henderson County Cemeteries).

***LINWOOD MOORE*** An unusually sad occurrence of the past week was the death on Monday morning of Linwood Moore at the home of his foster parents, Mr. and Mrs. U. S. Moore of the Lomax neighborhood. Young Moore, who was 20 years of age, had been employed by the company which is laying the pipe for the Sinclair Oil Co. through this section. He contracted the measles while in camp here and pneumonia developed with later death occurring a short time after he had been removed to his home. Short funeral services were held at the home with interment in the Carman Cemetery.

***JOHN HARBINSON***John Harbinson, an aged and well known citizen of this county, passed away at his home north of Media last Sunday.

BUSTED! Sheriff Davenport of this county, assisted by several federal "dry" agents, turned the Turner Club House grounds at East Burlington into the wettest spot in Illinois last Friday when they knocked in the heads of about 100 barrels of beer seized in a raid made two days before.

The beer was stored in the "cooling" room adjacent to the club house and was no doubt intended to furnish "first aid" to many a parched throated citizen of this county as well as of Burlington. It is even alleged by some that tears gushed from the eyes of a few of our own local citizens when the sad news of this total loss of amber fluid at the club house was broken to them.

A number of Burlington advocates of beer and light wine are said to have volunteered their aid in the destruction of the containers of the beer, hoping that the officers in charge of the work might prove tender hearted enough to allow them to salvage a small quantity for tongue cooling purposes, but the officers proved to be both "hard boiled" and "eagle eyes" and the only beer which the thirty earth failed to absorb was an occasional mouthful which the workers caught suspended in the air when a stream of the fluid shot in their direction.

Finding themselves in a situation similar to that of the "Ancient Mariner" with beer, beer, everywhere and not a drop to drink, the volunteers went on a strike and the work of destruction was completed by the officers.

The final act of tragedy was the burning of a big funeral pyre composed of the wrecked container with Tom Wall of Burlington as master of ceremonies. This ceremony was in a sense a fitting climax to the work of the day as it no doubt served to remind the owners of the liquor how it occurs that our bright hopes for the future often "burn in ashes away."

MEDIA TRAIN WRECK: Last Tuesday afternoon an east bound Santa Fe freight train became stalled between here and Media and when passenger train No.22, also east bound, reached here it was switched to the west bound track. While crossing back to Media, after the engine, baggage and mail coach had passed the switch, the following baggage car left the track and it with the smoker and front end of the chair car following were derailed.

The sudden jolt to the train shook up the passengers considerably, but the only injury sustained by any one was that of a passenger who was asleep in the smoker when the accident occurred and who awoke in a panic, smashed a window with his fist and plunged through the opening head first. His injuries consisted of cuts and bruises.

A.F. Kaiser of this place was a passenger on the train and he relates some amusing incidents which occurred. He says that one of the passengers when his dinner hour arrived proceeded to the diner and ordered an elaborate meal with cherry pie trimmings. When it was set before him, he jokingly invited his less fortunate fellow passengers to come and be his guests. Just then the conductor came into the diner and announced that the rear coaches, which had not left the track, would be pulled back to Stronghurst, and that any passengers who had left baggage in the chair car should go and get it. The passenger mentioned remembered that he had left something in the chair car and went forward to get it. Before he secured it, However, the rear coaches had been uncoupled from the chair car and when he appeared on the rear platform, he saw the elaborate dinner which he had ordered fading away in the distance.

The wrecker from Fort Madison and section men had the east bound track cleared in about three hours and all trains were running regularly by Wednesday morning.

POLITICS AS USUAL: The Graphic received a letter from John N. Voorhees of Fairview, Okla., who will be remembered by many of our readers as a young business man of Stronghurst some 20 years ago. Since going there, John has prospered in financial affairs and has also attained a position of honor and influence in his adopted state. He is at present a member of the Oklahoma legislature and has a place on some of the most important committees of that body including that on Revenue and Taxation.

Speaking of the work of the present legislature, Mr. Voorhees says, "Like more bodies, we have not been able to do what the common people expect of us. Being on the minority side with but 14 Republicans to 93 Democrats, naturally we don't expect to be held responsible for this body's action. That is one of the many advantages of being a Republican in a Democratic state. We are serving with a body which was elected on one of the most radical platforms ever placed before the people of this state. North Dakota sent representatives to this state who were postmasters of Non Partisan League and the way they swamped up Republicans was pitiful, but to date, they have not been able to deliver the goods. It looks now as though it will fail of passage this session; for the salary automatically reduces from six to two dollars per day after 60 days(about $33+ today) and many of the members are growing weary of serving at that price. This is one instance of a return to normalcy in prices."

Mr. Voorhees says that while he expects to continue working with his party for what he conceives to be the best interests of his state, he has no notion of ever asking for public office again. He states, however, that he would not refuse his fellow men in any capacity which they demanded of him if it was not an unreasonable demand.

Speaking of his old friends in this locality, he says that he is glad to note that many of them are taking upon themselves the responsibilities of church and state and showing thereby that they have grasped the right idea in regard to service. (Sounds familiar?)

A NOTICE: When you are cleaning house, don't forget that we buy old rags, rubber and junk of all kinds. We are in the market for old iron. Call us when you have a load. We also buy wood in season. Don't forget us when you have Poultry, Eggs or Cream to dispose of.-E. G. Ewing Produce Co., Stronghurst, Ill.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: The postmaster at Canton, Ill. refused mailing privileges to the Canton Daily because the paper carried an advertisement by some of the merchants of what was construed to be a lottery scheme. An election has been called for March 31st at Seaton, Ill. to vote for or against the proportion to build a new school house in the consolidated district No. 115. The plan proposes a bond issue of $50,000 running over a period of 20 years. The district has a building fund of $30,000 already accumulated and it is thought that the $80,000 thus provided for will build a school house suited to the districts needs.

The M.E. Church is arranging for an Easter Cantata to be given at the church next Sunday evening, April 1st. This will be a union service. The condition of Mrs. C.H. Curry has been so serious during the past week as to cause grave fears on the part of friends, but we are glad to report that she is improving somewhat. The weather man has pulled us out of the mud during the past week and where dragging has followed, the roads are again in excellent shape. Winter, however, seems loath to yield the scepter to spring and March will probably establish a new record for continuous cold weather throughout the month. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hatton of Chicago have been guests at the Druis Kern home for several days. They are preparing to make Stronghurst their future home, having rented the former Jas. Bowen property in the east part of town. Mr. Hatton is a railway mail clerk on the Santa Fe Road. Mrs. Hatton was formerly Miss Faye Sharples, who will be remembered as a former telephone operator in the local office.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Eight cars of livestock were shipped from this point to Chicago: J. C. Brook, 2 cars of cattle and 1 of hogs; C. E. Fort, 1 car of cattle; George Brokaw, 2 cars of cattle: and J. Neff, 2 cars of cattle. An evening event which has thus far failed of record in this paper was the birth of an 8 lb. son on March 10th to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gearheart of Raritan. Mrs. Jas. Rezner, mother of Mrs. Gearheart, returned recently to her home and reports her daughter and young grandson, who has been named Wayne Ray, as both getting along fine. John Wilson, who left here last fall for Norman, Okla. is making a tour of the Southern states with a friend. They are traveling in a small house mounted on a Ford truck and will visit places of interest in Florida, returning via Washington, D.C., Niagara Falls and other Northern places of interest.

Mrs. Claire White, who has been very ill with the measles, is reported better and able to be up part of the time. A force of man and boys employed by the school directors is now engaged in clearing away the immense pile of rubbish left by the burning of the high school building on Feb. 16th. Miss Hortense Harbinson was called to Smithshire by the death of her uncle, John Harbinson. Her place as teacher in the grade school has been supplied by Mrs. J. F. McMillan. Mr. W. L. Brown, who makes his home with his daughter, Mrs. L. A. Wilson, celebrated his 87th birthday on March 27th.

The pipe laying gang of the Sinclair Oil Co. has completed the line to the western limits of Stronghurst and with settled weather; the stretch from here to the river will no doubt be speedily laid. Mrs. Josiah Bartlett arrived here from Roland Park, Md. for a visit with her father, Mr. N. Bruen and her sister, Miss Lucretia Bruen. On Tuesday Mr. Bartlett and son John arrived to join her. Mrs. Bell, who came from Iowa about six weeks ago to visit her sisters, Miss Jennie Galbraith and Mrs. Claire White, was taken sick soon after her arrival and has been steadily growing worse. Her condition has reached a stage which is causing grave concern. Bruce Brady and R. W. Cowden have formed a partnership for the practice of law in Monmouth. Mr. Brady is now Asst. Attorney. General for this district and will have charge of all the inheritance taxes due the state within the district.

Miss Elndra Maxey is here from Cicero, Ill. visiting old friends. J. C. Brook left for Medicine Lodge, Kansas, to look after affairs at the newly acquired ranch near that city. Martin F. Dettmar, father of Mrs. Lowell Parish of this place, passed away at his home in Dallas City March 23rd. Miss Carol Barnes of Kansas City who is a student at the University of Chicago is spending the Easter vacation here with her mother, Mrs. Smilie Barnes and other relatives. Mrs. Amos Ogden of Galesburg was an overnight visitor with her sister, Mrs. Helen Burrell. Mrs. Ogden just returned from a four months sojourn in Southern California and reports a most delightful time. Glen Marshall has resigned his position as rural carrier on route 3 out of Stronghurst and has accepted the position of manager of the Farmers' Cooperative Elevator at Edwards, Ill. Orval Jordan and wife came down from Odin, Ill and are visitors at the home Mrs. Jordan's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Magee. Mr. Jordan has given up his job with the W. U. Telegraph Co. at Odin and will see a new location. Miss Ruth McMillan, who is a student at the Illinois State University, is spending the spring vacation with her sister, Dorothea, who is attending the Columbia School of Expression. Their brother Leslie has employment in that city.

MEDIA MEANDERINGS: The boys and girls declamatory contest at the high school will be held in the Academy auditorium; there are 9 contestants and medals will be awarded in both contests. The young people of the M.E. Sabbath School will give a Hard Time Social on April 3rd; a short program has been arranged to fill part of the evening. Mrs. Wm. Hickman was quite ill from eating meat which had become poisoned by having been placed too near a copper kettle while still hot; she is recovering nicely. Joe Campbell, who has spent the winter with his wife and children, left to resume his work at Stribenville, Ohio. J. E. Lawyer filled the pulpit at Terre Haute and Carman Sabbath day for Rev. Rose who is away. John Suydam is again behind the counter in the Cooperative Store after a week's tussle with the Grippe. Paul Gibson assisted Mr. Wax during his absence. Mr. C. G. Richey returned from a business trip to Winnipeg, Canada; he reports the thermometer standing at 32 degrees below the evening he left. Mrs. Geo. Wax is displaying a fine array of Easter bonnets in her millinery department at the Cooperative Store.

Raymond Mathers has been awarded the contract to furnish the power for pulling the machinery to be used in grading the roads of Warren County preparatory to the spreading of oil. Mr. Mathers received the award through the state aid committee of that county and will be compensated at the rate of $3 per hour for the time actually spent at such work. He will use a 20-60 Rumley tractor as it is thought this type of engine will furnish ample power for any piece of machinery that will be used for grading purposes. Work will be started just as soon as the weather will permit. Mr. Mathers has erected a small house on wheels which will be the home for him and Mrs. Mathers while doing the work.

Carl Leftwich who is taking the business course offered by Weaver Academy in our high school, has been awarded a certificate of proficiency for speed and accuracy, 31 words per minute according to International contest rules for fifteen minutes on the Underwood typewriter. The instructor, Prof. W.W. Murtland, reports that several others are among those accurate enough to receive the same award. Our postmaster, Edwin Erickson, is improving the interior of the post office by the use of varnish and paint. He has also installed a nice new case which contains a large number of lock boxes. The Cooperative Store Co. have given him more room and altogether it is a most agreeable and long needed change-one that is appreciated by the patrons of the office. The office is open at all times from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. so that those who have the lock boxes can go in and get their mail any time during the day.

OBITUARIES: MRS. REBECCA DAUGHERTY: Mrs. Rebecca Daugherty, a highly respected citizen, aged 77 years, passed away at her home in Lomax after an acute illness following the flu, Saturday morning. She leaves the aged husband, ten children, four brothers and one sister and many other relatives. Funeral services were held from the Christian Church with interment in Crane Cemetery. Six grandsons acted as pallbearers.

MRS. CYRIL ASHER: Mrs. Cyril Asher passed away at her home on the C. B. Vaughn farm after a brief illness of scarlet fever. Her departure was far from being expected by her family and friends. She leaves the husband and three small children. The family moved here to work for Mr. Vaughn. Mrs. Vaughn is an aunt of Mrs. Asher. The body was prepared for shipment and forwarded o her former home near Springfield, Mo. on the Santa Fe. Mr. J. U. Vaughn accompanied the remains there.

CARMAN CONCERNS: Golden and Helen Babcook who are students at the Bradley College of Peoria are home for a few days vacation. Mrs. Mary Woods of Boston, Mass. visited at the Virgil Dixon home. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pendry, jr. and Warren Pershain attended the funeral of their sister, Mrs. Mildred Waters at Keithsburg. Mr. Wm. Dixon has purchased the Thos. Clark property. The remains of Linwood Moore, the adopted son of U. L. Moore, were laid to rest in the Carman Cemetery.

BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Mrs. Mabel Sloan who has been confined to her home for the past four weeks with rheumatism is somewhat improved. Dr. H. L. Kampen was a professional caller to see Mrs. Laura Knisley who suffered a relapse with pneumonia. Mrs. A. W. Martin was in Galesburg to attend the Farmers' Institute where dates were arranged for the county institute to be on Oct. 9, 10, 11 and 12th. Mrs. Martin is county president of the Household Science Department. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Neal Kniser is getting along fine since returning from the Monmouth hospital where she underwent an operation for an abscess of the lip. The Monmouth College Glee Club gave a good program at the U.P. church to a good crowd considering the bad roads and weather. Mrs. Pearl Brown is quite ill at her home in the west part of town with gall stones. A company from the Community Club was entertained last Friday evening at the home of Mrs. Margaret Anderson, it being her birthday. Victrola and piano music was the feature of the evening. The husbands of the ladies enjoyed a stag party the same evening at the home of Clyde Dixon.

RARITAN REPORTS: Mr. and Mrs. Levi Wistlead of Sciota are the proud parents of a baby boy born to them at the Macomb Hospital; the mother was formerly Virgie Brickett. Amos Morris who has been seriously ill for several weeks is able to be about again. Pauline VanArsdale and Erva Monroe who are attending school at Pella, Iowa, were home for Easter vacation.