The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Stronghurst Graphic, Nov. 16, 1922
GOSH! MADE'EM MAD (This article is in reply to one previously printed article insinuating that the Colchester team had used illegal players. L. E. McAndrews was the Editor and Publisher of the Graphic-see the Feb. 28,2015 issue when the controversy began. )
Now, Brother McAndrews, come across and be a good sport!
Last year when Stronghurst sent down a big and fast team and took our green, inexperienced team to a cleaning to the tune of some 63 to 0, our Stronghurst friends thought that it was all right. Colchester took their defeat and no whining. With a year's seasoning practically the same team goes over and licks Stronghurst by this awful score and our north country friends are not big enough to take it.
No brother, those players are all bonifide high school students in good standing, not a man on the regular team is more than nineteen years of age and they are as clean a bunch of boys as ever donned the moleskin, Stronghurst not excepted. None of the boys ever played football before last year and a few not until this and we believe they are as far from deserving any acquisition of being ineligible as any team in Western Illinois and the Stronghurst Graphic is not injuring the team in any way but was either misinformed or else is showing a little narrow contracted disposition and some mighty poor sportsmanship.
Don't take it to heart so, brother, for if plans do not miscarry, this Colchester team which gave you such a drubbing will probably play and defeat several much better teams than yours before the season is over and so far you are no worse than other teams for Colchester has not been scored on this year.
Stronghurst Graphic, Nov. 16, 1922
WEDDING BELLS: Miss Marjorie Hammond and Mr. Lester Sippel were married Nov. 1st in Clinton, Ia. accompanied by Miss Belva Arnett and Mr. Harold Fisk. Mrs. Sippel is well known here as she is a graduate of the high school and is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allie Hammond of Portland. Mr. Sippel is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Berget Sippel of Stronghurst., who formerly lived on the Ox Bow Farm. The couple will make their home on the B. E. Sippel farm in Lorraine Township.-Prophetstown Echo
RECITAL WELL RECEIVED: the recital given by Mrs. Ivins' class in music at the Christian Church last Saturday night was received by a large and enthusiastic audience. Each number rendered by the youthful musicians was profusely encored and spoke well of the thorough training they had received from their instructor, Mrs. W. C. Ivins.
The following are the names of the pupils taking part: Mary Apt, Blanche Beardsley, Leone Knutstrom, Helen Hollingworth, Irene Huff, Eilene Peterson, Myrle Lazear, Mack Lazear, Martha Ross, Eula Reynolds, Frances Smith, Pauline Stine, Jessie Veech, Kenneth Veech, Houston Gray, Frank Apt, Dorothy Adair, Millie Leinbach, Marie Jacobs, Dorothy Davis, Lucile Butler, Fera Coleman, Dorothy Knutstrom, Mala Gray, Blanche Hodgens, Edna Reynolds, Gladys Mudd, Bertha Radmacher, and Idelle Hollingsworth.
STRICKEN WITH APOPLEXY: Tuesday evening about 7 o'clock Peter Curtiss, proprietor of the Main Cafe, was taken suddenly ill and Dr. Marshall was called and diagnosed the case of apoplexy. Mr. Curtiss had been in his usual good health up to this time and ate a hearty breakfast. On account of his advanced age, it will probably be some time before he will be able to be back at work.
WINS THE PRIZE: Paul G. Bell is the winner of the December Eisner contest prize given to Boy Scouts who write the best advertisement for the Sigmund Eisner Company, Official Boy Scout Uniform Outfitters of Red Bank, N.J. The advertisement will appear in the December issue of Boys' Life, the Boy Scouts' Magazine.
FARMERS' INSTITUTE TO BE HELD AT STRONGHURST: The committee in charge of the Farmers' Institute to be held at the U.P. Church have arranged for the best talent available in the state. The speakers for the afternoon session will be John G. Imboden of Decatur, who is nationally known as a cattle feeder and a writer for the Breeders Gazette, and W. E. Riegel of Tolono who is recognized as one of Illinois' most successful Soy Bean raisers. At the same time Miss Margaret E. Brooks, head of the Bettie Stuart Institute, will address the ladies at a separate meeting. At a joint meeting in the evening an address will be given by Senator Harold C. Kessinger of Aurora who is well and favorable known for his work in the legislature.
MAKE A BID: Sealed bids for Superintendent of the County Farm and Alms House for the year commencing March 1st, 1923 will be on file at the office of the County Clerk...Bids to be made according to the present rules and regulations and to furnish all household help. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids.
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Ivan Gilchrist, member of the teachers' college football team at Macomb, had his right leg broken in two places in a game against the Colchester team last Wednesday. (Editor McAndrews keeps agitating against the Colchester team because they skunked the local boys.) Ralph Greenleaf of Monmouth, famous billiard expert, has become the world champion pocket billiard player, the event that put him in that title being pulled off in Chicago last week. Miss Grace Slater and mother arrived in St. Petersburg, Florida and will spend the winter there. Mrs. Audrey Marsden has succeeded Maude Mahnesmith at Mrs. Mahnesmith's hotel. Mrs. Mahnesmith is attending Gem City Business College at Quincy. The old fashioned "Husking Bee" held at the M. E. Church last Friday evening was attended by a large crowd and everyone had a fine time. An admission fee of 25 cents was charge which included a substantial lunch. Audrey Spikenal is a late possessor of a Ford car purchased from the Mudd Motor Co. Mrs. Hazel Anderson Dixson has resigned her position as teacher of the Peasley School and is succeeded by Miss Ella Ahlers. Mrs. W.J. McElhinney accompanied her aunt, Mrs. Catherine Nevius to Galesburg where she took a train to Pawnee, Neb. for a visit with relatives.
At the last election, Grandma's Trimmer, Hudson and Starkey all past eighty years of age, cast their first ballot. (Women's suffrage had arrived!) Many duck hunters are bringing in the limit the law allows-15. An entertainment and supper, the proceeds of which will provide hot lunches for the pupils of the school, was put on by Maple Grove School last Wednesday evening. A good attendance enjoyed an interesting program of music, readings, and folk dances. The teacher, Miss Bertha Radmacher, is worthy of much praise.
BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Mrs. Sturgeon Musgrove of Rozetta is a guest at the Harvey Foster home. Mrs. George Millen, Steven Graham and Sam Glenn were called to Fairfield, Iowa, by the serious condition of Oscar Glenn who is in a critical condition with little hopes of his recovery. Fred Anderson, day operator at the Q depot, is laid off for a time with sickness; a Mr. Jones is taking his place. Howard Berry, who is the chief meat cutter in the Stotts store, moved his family into rented rooms at the Miss Nancy McMillan home. Sheriff Robt. McDill was here working on clues concerning the robbery which occurred here Thursday night. The robbers entered several businesses but got little cash. Mrs. Albert Pearson returned from Iowa City with her little son Wayne where she took him for examination at the hospital. Reports say he has completely recovered from the disease of the spine. Harvey Foster entered the Burlington Hospital expecting to undergo an operation for a rupture.
***OBITUARY***Mrs. Piper passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Chas. Ross in Roseville Friday night. She is survived by one son, John Piper of Montana, one daughter, Mrs. Chas. Ross of Roseville and two grandsons to mourn her loss. Funeral services were held in Roseville and interment was in the local cemetery.
Nov. 22, 1922 ***OBITUARY***MRS. ANTONIE KAISER: Antonie Seidler was born in Engen, Baden, Germany, Feb. 2, 1836 and passed peacefully away at her home in Monmouth on Nov. 17, 1922 at the ripe old age of 86 years, 9 months and 15 days.
In 1854 she immigrated to America in a sailing ship, the trip across the Atlantic requiring five weeks. In 1862 she was married to Nikodem Kaiser, a school and classmate who was exactly one year older to the day. They were married at the home of Frank Fowler and then moved to what was then known as Young America, now known as Kirkwood. Here eight children were born and on these three died in infancy and one daughter, Caroline, died in 1908. The husband and father died in 1881.
The remaining survivors are her three sons, Charles R. of Stronghurst, Louis A., a captain in the U.S. Navy now stationed in Galveston, Texas, William B. at La Harpe and a daughter, Sophie with whom she made her home at Monmouth. She also leaves surviving 12 grandchildren.
In 1896 Mrs. Kaiser moved to Monmouth and that has been her home ever since. Funeral services were held from the home with interment in the Kirkwood Cemetery. The pall bearers were sons of our of the deceased's best friends: Otto Fowler, Adolph Bob, Fred Gaeer and D. E. Gayer and two grandsons, Albert Kaiser and Charles L. Martin of Ambridge, Pa.
MISS MARY DIXSON HONORED: Miss Mary Dixson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Dixson, recently was honored at Knox College being chosen song leader of the girls of the college. This office carries with it much responsibility and requires a student with real leadership ability. Under the direction of the song leader, the girls sing at college games and contests and provide music for special events during the year. At present they are planning to serenade the faculty and friends of the college with Christmas carols before the holidays. A chorus of girls dressed in white and bearing candles will waken the new girls in the dormitory the morning before they go home for Christmas vacation by singing carols. This custom has long been observed at Knox and is an event to which every girl looks forward. (Is it still practiced today?)
***OBITUARY*** BEULAH E. MOREY: Beulah E. Morey, daughter of W. F. Morey, died at the Methodist Hospital in Des Moines, Iowa on Nov. 21st at 7 p.m. Funeral services will be held from White's Undertaking parlors at Monmouth. The deceased was born in Stronghurst, Ill. August 30, 1894.
ORGANIZING A BAND: A meeting will be held at the State Bank next Friday for the purpose of organizing a band. All former band men and those wishing to start in and anyone interested in having a band for Stronghurst are urgently requested to attend this meeting. Try and be there to help back the boys. A director has been secured and 26 players have signed on; they want more. With a little financial assistance we will have one of the best bands in the country.
WEDDING BELLS: Mr. Keith Hicks and Miss Eula Charter, both of the Olena neighborhood, were married last Saturday evening by Rev. W. H. Cross at his home in this city. Mr. and Mrs. C. Burrell were the accompanying witnesses.
Mr. Theodore Gerveler and Miss Vesta Wilson of Fort Madison, Iowa were married at that place on Nov. 16th. The bride's mother, Mrs. Sarah Wilson of this city gave a reception dinner for the newly weds with only near relatives of the bride present. The couple will make their home in Fort Madison.
OLENA OBSERATIONS: Young people of the community have rather slipped it over on us and hiked way to different towns and had a few brief words said to them and gave the necessary promises that made them one. On Nov. 15 Miss Violet Lant and Mr. Robert Sullivan, both of Media, were joined in wedlock in the 1st M.M. parsonage in Galesburg. On Nov. 18th at the Christian parsonage in Stronghurst the solemn rites were said that united in wedlock Miss Eula Charter and Mr. Keith Hicks. These young people are receiving the congratulations of a host of friends and have been made the recipients of an old time chivaree.
Mr. Sam McCartney's pupils of the Olena School gave a very creditable entertainment in the village Thursday evening followed by the sale of about 15 boxes which were auctioned off by Col. Gray and which only brought very nominal prices. A nice angel food cake donated by Mrs. Robert McCartney was sold by votes at 1 penny each and went to Miss Thelma Peterson with Mary Prier and Golda Davis close competitors.
Miss Thelma Peterson who is teaching the Heisler School and her pupils gave a recent entertainment and box supper which was largely attended and report about $42 to the good. The annual bazaar and chicken dinner will be given by the Gladstone M. E. Church Nov. 24th. Mrs. Charles Fosher, oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P.J. Johnson, recently was operated on in the Burlington Hospital for the removal of her tonsils when it was discovered that she had symptoms of tubercular trouble. She is expecting to leave soon for treatment in Iowa City and if not greatly benefited there will probably go to Arizona. Mr. Leslie Lyons is quite low. Word has been received that Mr. William Coffman of Carman was critically ill at his home there.
RARITAN REPORTS: Mrs. Lulu McIntyre of Kansas City came for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cooper. While duck hunting one day last week, Frank Worley had the misfortune to sprain his knee causing him to go about with a cane. Both Mrs. Burkett and Mrs. Fred Deutueler are on the sick list. Mrs. Leonard Livermore was operated upon for appendicitis in the Monmouth Hospital. Mrs. Koch of Clinton, Iowa is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Galloway.