The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1921 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross

Stronghurst Graphic, Nov. 9, 1922

JUMPED OFF TRAIN: Axel Wennerstrom, water service gang foreman on the Illinois division of the Santa Fe, was seriously injured Monday morning in an attempt to jump off of No. 15 west bound mail train while it was in motion. Accompanied by George Harrin, division water service superintendent, the two intended to stop here and oversee some work of cleaning the water pipes from the pump house to the tank. The train had slowed down to throw off the morning mail and Harrin made the first attempt to swing off and was successful. Wennerstrom followed but did not release his hold on the hand rail when his feet struck the platform and he was whipped under the coach, the supposition is that his head struck the boxing on the truck with such force that he was thrown back between the outside rail and the platform at least that was where he was picked up by Chas. Forbes who was an eye witness to the sad tragedy.

The train was brought to a stop as soon as possible and upon the arrival of Dr. I. F. Harter, the injured man was place on the train and taken to the Santa Fe Hospital in Fort Madison. Upon the arrival at that institution, a thorough examination was made to find the full extent of his injuries which were three fractures of the skull, internal injuries and one of his eyes so badly injured that it necessitated immediate removal.

Wennerstrom has had a gang of men working here for several weeks and all spoke of him being a fine man and a good foreman. He is a single man about 40 years old and makes his home with an aged mother at Galesburg.

Local Santa Fe agent, C. L. Decker, informed us before going to press that Wennerstrom has now a far chance of recovery, word to that effect, having been received at the depot today.

BUSINESSES CLOSE IN AFTERNOON: Next Saturday is Armistice Day (honoring the end of WWI) and while no celebration will be held here the football game between Alexis H.S. and Stronghurst H.S. at Sanderson's field will be a big attraction and in order to give everyone an opportunity to see our boys in action,, the business men have decided to close their places of business from 2:30 to 5:00 p.m.

MRS. FRANK HICKS DIES; Mrs. Frank Hicks died at her home a mile west of Olena yesterday afternoon following an illness of over a year, aged 26 years, 9 months and 9 days. She leaves a husband, 3 children, and her father, James Pendry, besides other relatives to mourn her death. The Funeral will be held at the Olena Church.

WHO WON THE ELECTION: The entire Republican ticket was elected by pluralities ranging from 110 to 1,390 for the various candidates. Here are the results: J. W. Gordon-county judge; A. L. Beall-county superintendent; Frank Painter-treasurer; E. L. Davenport-sheriff; wets-1278; drys-1472 (prohibition); and soldiers' bonus-yes1709 and no-1291.

LOMAX LINGERINGS: Chas. Bivens moved his family and household effects to Burlington. Roy Moore has accepted a position in the machine shops at West Burlington. Raymond Smith, who was kicked by a horse, is improving slowly. A car load of brick and cement was received by the lumber company. Lee Porter's house, after a general overhauling, is nearing completion. Mrs. Charles Wyatt moved to her new home. Frank Miller has moved from the Geo. Hoover property to the Bradford property in the north part of town. Dr. Emerson went to Peoria to attend the Tri State Medical Convention.

TALKS OF EARLY YEARS: Dr. and Mrs. I. F. Harter informs us that the first of November marked their 35th anniversary as citizens of Stronghurst as on that day 35 years ago(1887) they arrived here and the doctor started in the practice of his profession. It was in the year that the Santa Fe came through and the Lake Fort site was the camping ground for the hundreds of workmen engaged in the construction of the road...

WEDDING BELLS: Mr. Elmo Yeoman of this city and Miss Bertha Workman of Sedalia, Mo. were united in marriage at Sedalia on Oct. 14th. The groom is an employ of the Stronghurst Telephone Co. in the capacity of service manager, a position he has held for about a year and during which time by his courteous manner, has won a large circle of friends. The bride is a charming and popular young lady of Sedalia.

AD FOR THE LYRIC: "The Silent Call-"The drama of one woman and many men in the hills of thrills-and of a giant wolf-dog pulling between the blood call of the wolf pack and dog devotion to the girl. It's from H. G. Evarts' Saturday Evening Post story, "The Cross Pull." See the Wonder-dog of all dramas-Strongheart, the Killer-more than human. (Cost: only 15 & 35 cents including war tax starting at 8:15 sharp)

OLENA OBSERVATIONS: Mr. Lyons remains quite low at his home south of Olena. Mrs. Kimball of Media is nursing in the home. Mrs. Frank Hicks who has been an invalid for paralysis the past year is now quite critically ill of pneumonia with little hope of her recovery; she is being cared for by Dr. Marshall and relatives of the family. A young Mr. Williams who was employed by H. S. Lant, was so unfortunate as to get a badly broken limb caused by a horse he was riding falling on him. The horse had never been broken to the saddle and was taken without the owner's consent, Mr. Lant feels no responsibility for the accident. Mr. Williams is recovering in the Burlington Hospital. Miss Audra Marsden has been helping in the Oscar Schroeder home while Mrs. Schroeder has been quite critically ill, but she is now convalescing.

Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Lant, Mrs. Myrtle Davis, and Mrs. John Lant attended the "Jamboree" at the Frank Painter home Halloween night and report the time of their lives. The large, beautiful country home was most artistically decorated to suit the occasion. The attendance was large and the masqueraders by their various costumes represented the beautiful, the artistic, the humorous and the hideous. All unmasked were fine 25 cents. The following towns and villages were represented: Oquawka, Gladstone, Biggsville, Media, Stronghurst, Terre Haute and Olena.

In the Olena area the young people were very nicely entertained at the Arthur Dowell home Halloween night. Miss Golda Davis was hostess to quite a bunch of the young people at her home west of Olena Friday evening. Miss Veda Headley, teacher of the Hopper schools and her pupils, gave an entertainment and box supper Saturday evening which was well attended and a good sale of boxes was reported.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Mrs. Kate Nevins of Somerville, N.J. is visiting relative in Stronghurst. Mrs. Amos Ogden, a former Stronghurst resident, has left for California to spend the winter. Earl Huppert has accepted a position firing on the Santa Fe out of Chillicothe. The Kaiser's Novelty Boys have been engaged to play for a dance at LaHarpe given by the American Legion.

BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Mrs. Norm Wiegand resigned as mail carrier on route one; Mark Whiteman is on duty for the present. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Berry have rented rooms in the home of Miss Nancy McMillan and will spend the winter in town. The ladies of the M. E. Church will serve a chicken pie supper on Thursday evening beginning at 5:30 p.m in the church basement. The menu is as follows: Chicken pie, mashed potatoes, gravy, cabbage, salad, pickles, bread & butter plate. Miss Bessie McQuown of Canon City, Colo. is visiting relatives. Mrs. John Gibb entertained last Friday evening from 4-6 p.m. the classmates of her little daughter, Margureate. A fried chicken supper was served. Games were the past time of the evening. Miss Marguearte received a number of presents and many wishes. Those present were their teacher, Miss Emma Wright; Lois Kilgore; Edna Mae Mahr; Dorothy Millen; Williana Lormier; Edith Robbins; Francis Gibb; Gertrude Gibb and Miss Marguerate. Biggsville has a bakery again, Carl Wachutka of Burlington being the proprietor.

RARITAN REPORTS: I. V. D. Perrine returned from six weeks in Kansas and other places. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fisher of South Bend, New Jersey, returned home after a six week's visit. The Paul VanArsdale home was a scene of a pleasant gathering when the children of I.V.D. Perrine and other relatives pleasantly surprised him. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Flood on Nov. 2nd. Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Houtchens of near Monmouth are the proud parents of a baby born last week. Vaughan and Forrest Burket, who have been working in the round house in Burlington, came home last week. Dr. Hoyt, Frank Voorhees and Roy Willard were at the river Tuesday.

SHORT SKIRTS COMING BACK: French designers got another setback in their attempt to saddle the long skirt on American women, if early orders placed for spring, 1923, are any indication. A large department store in New York is buying suits for next season that have skirts nine inches from the ground, compared with garments four and one-half inches from the street level this season. (Here come the Roaring Twenties!)