The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1923 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross

Stronghurst Graphic, Jan. 11, 1923

FIRE BURNED HOME: About 10 o'clock Monday morning the home and contents of Edward Simpson on Mary Street was practically destroyed by fire and so great was the headway of the blaze it looked at first that the entire block was doomed. The fire was discovered by Mrs. Simpson on her return home from a few minutes visit with neighbors. She immediately gave the alarm and in a short time a force of willing workers was on hand to give all aid possible. The first attempt was to try to remove some of the household goods, but the fire had made such headway that entrance to the house was impossible. The fire department soon arrived on the scene and in a short time had two lines of hose playing on the interior of the home which had by this time assumed the proportions of a seething inferno. After a half an hour work, the fire was under control and the home entered and some pieces of furniture and a small amount of the family's wearing apparel was salvaged. The fire which seemed to have started in the kitchen soon swept to the front rooms and the blaze leaped up the stairway traveling along the walls, making a clean sweep as it went. We understand from Perry Simpson, owner of the property, that insurance was carried on the home and a small amount on the household goods which will only partially cover the loss. The family has the sympathy of the entire community as they have lost about all of their earthly possessions and at a time of the year when all these things are mostly needed.

FITZ ESTATE SOLD: The administrators sale of the state of Frederick and Jeanette Fitz was held in front of the State Bank. The land lying east of the Santa Fe Railway comprising 183 acres was purchased by Mrs. I.F. Harter, consideration $21,200. ($1,568 an acre in today's values). The land on the west side consisting of 149 acres was purchased by James Edmunds of Terre Haute, consideration $26,000($2,362 per acres in today's values). The sale was conducted by auctioneer Col. J. W. Decker. Owing to the fact that it was an administrator's sale, it will have to be approved by the court (which will be the early part of February) before it can be legally transferred to the new owners.

CELEBRATE SILVER ANNIVERSARY: The old story which has been in circulation for ages to the effect that a woman cannot keep a secret was proven to be a base falsehood when it was discovered last Friday evening, Jan. 5th that twenty women of this village, anyone of whom can hold her own in a talkfest, had known for two days and two nights that A. E. Jones and his wife were to be surprised on the evening of their silver wedding anniversary and not one of them had so much as mentioned it in her sleep. This achievement puts Stronghurst permanently on the map.

We arrived at the door of the Jones home in the midst of a violent snowstorm and it was evident that A.E. believed us to be a contingent of the Ku Klux Klan,but like the brave citizen that he is, he did not flinch but met us with his usual smile. We noticed, however, that he looked relieved when our snowflake costumes disappeared.

The company for the most part was composed of relatives and connections of the family: Mrs. Mary Dixson, the families of George, Del and Joseph Dixson; John Peasley; Guy Sanderson; Walter Dobbin; Mrs. Heis; Mrs. Mary Thompson; J. O. Sanderson; Chas. Peasley and Messrs Osborn and Howard Thomas, the two last mentioned being cousins of Mr. Jones. Besides these were Miss Neste of Blue Island, Ill.; Rev. Mahaffey and family; Dr. and Mrs. I. F. Harter; Miss Hortense Harbinson; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Artz of Burlington, Iowa, and Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ivins. Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Artz and Miss Harbinson were members of the first class witch graduated from the Stronghurst high School under W. C. Ivins in '92.

A hastily prepared program of songs and readings was one feature of the evening opened by Mrs. Ivins with lines to our Welshman and family. The second number was an old time favorite, "Love's Old Sweet Song," sung by Miss Neste, Miss Thompson and Miss Mary Dixson. This was followed by a solo, "Mate of Mine," sung by Miss Margie Thompson after which little Miss Elisor Dixson appeared in a planolog, "Soap." Miss Margie closed the program with a parody on the familiar song,: "When You and I Were Young, Maggie." To those of us who were present at the wedding a quarter of a century ago, the song was a delightful recollection. Rev. Mahaffey performed the marriage ceremony in a manner highly creditable to himself, but the response of the blushing bride was scarcely audible across the room.

Lunch followed and then the young folks gladdened the hearts of the company by an impromptu concert of songs, new and old, any discordant notes being promptly squelched by Uncle Del's saxophone. In the midst of the hilarity Mr. and Mrs. Jones vanished but reappeared shortly clad in their wedding garments. When we say shortly, refer to the time, not to the garments they wore as the Prince Albert worn by the groom reached far below his knees while only the dainty toe of the white slipper was visible beneath the bride's sweeping lace trimmed costume. As to her neck, it was a mere supposition on our part. Later, clothed in her graduating costume, she was the girl Cora known and loved by us all.

Leaving behind us many tokens of friendship and good will, we separated carrying with us to our homes the memory of a happy evening. -Mrs. W. C. Ivins

NEW MARSHAL IN TOWN: John T. Breen was appointed marshal at the last regular meeting of the village board, effective Jan. 15th. Several applications for the office were made, but the board, after careful consideration, decided that Mr. Breen was the best qualified for the position. Mr. Breen has been a resident of Stronghurst for several years.

NOT CHEATING YOU ON COAL: The Stronghurst Grain & Mdse. Co. wishes to make it plain to the people of this community that we are not profiteering in the handling of coal. Our books will show a 98 cent per ton profit out of which we must figure not less than a 7 % shrink and overhead expense.

Some of our individual competitors are circulating the report that we are an organization of "hold-ups" in the coal trade. In reply to this report, we can honestly state that our coal records will show a 40% less margin of profit than can be shown by said competitors.

We suggest to the consumers of coal that they make inquiry of the dealers in all the nearby towns and compare their prices with ours on the same grade of coal and carrying the same freight rate, but do not confuse the Franklin Count Purity with the Fulton County Puritan as there is a vast difference in their quality in favor of the Franklin County Purity.

One significant fact is that the party bringing several cars of cheap poor quality coal here last winter for sale purchased Franklin County from our bins for his own use. We all agree that this is a free country and that competition is the life of all trade, but unless said competition can furnish evidence to confirm their statements concerning our organization, we respectfully ask that they refrain from broadcasting such condemning propaganda.-Stronghurst Grain & Mdse. Co.

CHILDREN'S NEW YEAR'S PARTY: Community club members were hostess to the children at a New Year's party held at the club room. Little tots up to the fifth grade with the primary teachers were entertained for one and half hours. A New Year's greeting song was sung after which games were enjoyed. The afternoon closed with the serving of light refreshments with pink and white marshmallow roses as favors. A number of mothers accepted the invitation to be guests, some seventy in all, and thanked their hostesses Mrs. Harter, Mrs. Haben and Mrs. Worthington at the close of the afternoon.

In the evening children from fifth to ninth grade enjoyed an evening of music and it might well be said those entertaining them, Mrs. Rehling, Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Harter and Mrs. Worthington, also enjoyed the time spent together. Refreshments on sandwiches, wafers, cocoa and home made candy were enjoyed by 50 or more.

FIRST NATIONAL BANK ELECT OFFICERS: The annual meeting was attended by stock representatives of 468 shares out of 750. The reports made by the officers show a marked improvement over the last year in that the expense and interest paid are materially less and the earning more The same board of directors were re-elected and with the new organization of the board Mr. L. M. Loomis was selected as president instead of Chas. E. Peasley, retiring. Mr. C. C. Craig and C. E. Peasley were elected as vice-presidents. B. G. Widney was elected as cashier; J.F. McMillan as assistant cashier and Ruth L. Mains as teller.

WEDDING BELLS:ANNEGERS-WUNDERLIH: Mr. Herbert Annegers and Miss Edna Wunderlih of Burlington, Ia., were married in Burlington yesterday afternoon at the Trinity Lutheran Church. The couple was accompanied by the bride's sister, Miss Edythe Wunderlih and Oscar Falk. After the ceremony the couple drove to the Herbert Annegers farm, their future home, where they were served a six o'clock dinner. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Wunderlih, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith and family, Mrs. Elmer Mark and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Davis.

STRONGHURST MUTUAL COUNTY FIRE INSURANCE CO. MEETS: The Company met for their annual meeting with Gust A. Swanson, C.E. Peasley and Marcellus Galbraith re-elected as directors and C.R.A. Marshall as president, W.J. McElhinney as secretary and Thomas Dixon as treasurer. The company is in a prosperous health condition. Losses paid during the year were $3,756.80. The company has been in successful operation for 16 years and has saved the farmers who are patrons many thousands of dollars.

STRONGHURST STATE BANK ELECT OFFICERS: At the annual meeting of stock holders the following directors were re-elected: Frank Crenshaw, President; C.H. Curry, Vice-President; G. H. Annegers, Vice-President; C. H. Davis, I.F. Harter, Wm. Hartquist, R.W. Marshall, J. E. Palmer, J. W. Stine. On account of poor health of the cashier, C. R. Kaiser, the board granted him a one year vacation.

WADSWORTH HOSPITAL IN NEW LOCATION: The Wadsworth Hospital will be located in the Newt Vaughan residence on Mary Street in the near future. This will be an ideal building for hospital purposes and they will be able to take care of quite a number of patients at one time.

(On this same page is a detailed report from the Stronghurst Cooperative Shipping Association. The following in a brief excerpt from it.)

No. of rail cars shipped Value of animals

Hogs-87 $153,682.34

Cattle-18 $29,761.91

Sheep-7 $ 1,242.38

SENT OFF WITH A PARTY: Dixson Jones, who left for a few months in California, was the guest of a six o'clock dinner given by some of his young friends at the NuVon Hotel. After the sumptuous repast, the party drove to Burlington where they attended the picture show "From Rags to Riches." Those that made up the party were Dixon Jones, Donald Rankin; Clifford McKeown; Harry Painter; Mary Lois Mahaffey; Grace Frietag; Alice Wax and Grace Simonson.

WEDDING BELLS-WEISS-HUPPERT: Mr. Irvin Weis and Miss Julia Huppert were married in Burlington at the St. John's church. The bride is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Huppert of this city. The groom is employed as a shipping clerk with the Laomacino-Grupe Co. The couple will make their home in Burlington.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Mr. and Mrs. Doug. Prescott are the proud parents of an 11 lb. girl born on Jan. 8th. Coach Niergarth of Monmouth High School football team has resigned and accepted a position with a large bank in Cleveland, Ohio. Stuart Clark of Carthage, who coached the LaHarpe city football team last fall, has gone to Laramie, Wyo., where he will be athletic coach as the State University. The small son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pogue was taken to the Galesburg hospital for treatment as he was suffering from an infection of the ears following an attack of a severe cold.

THEY THANK THEIR PASTOR: The Evangelical Lutheran Congregation is observing Prayer Week in the parsonage with the entire congregation assembling despite the unfavorable roads to thank and sing praises for all benefits received. At the close of the session of prayer, Mr.Gust Swanson on behalf of the group, presented Rev. Olson with the substantial sum of $158. This is the third time within a period of two and half years that the congregation has thus remembered its pastor. Rev. Olson expressed his gratitude and appreciation. At the close of the meeting, the group repaired to the church parlors where the ladies served delicious refreshments.

OLENA OBSERVATIONS: Social dances were held in the past week at the Herman Burrell, Oscar White, Arthur Rowell and Mrs. Long houses. Mr. and Mrs. Elbridge Fort and babe have been numbered with the sick and are attended by Mrs. Effie Scott. Mrs. Margaret Peyton spent the past week at the Wm. Ross home helping care for Mrs. Ross who has erysipelas of the face. (Inflammation of the face caused by streptococcus) Miss Winifred Dowell is a victim of a bad case of blood poisoning on one of her feet. She is being treated by Dr. Clark of Roseville. An oil and pumping station has been established in the village and will be looked after by Mr. Allen, the village storekeeper.

The sheriff made a recent raid on the village store for the removal of a "punch board" and some other gambling devices, but tis said the real owners is one Smith of Fort Madison, Ia. with headquarters in Stronghurst, who led the sheriff to it and removed the evidence. Why not go after the real owner as well as his tools in this nefarious business?

Quite a number from here attended a shower at the Walter Deitrick home given in honor of their daughter, Mrs. Verna Carner.

OBITUARIES-MARY L. FREELAND: Mary Louisa Freeland was born (as near as we know) April 19, 1831 on a farm in Indiana and died following a stroke of paralysis at the E. G. Lewis home Jan. 3, 1923, aged 91 years, 8 months and 24 days. After her mother's death, she came to Illinois to live, first with an aunt at Bradford and later Henderson County. In this county she lived with Mrs. Powell, another aunt, and then Mrs. Grace Mathers Davis and later with Mrs. Robert Mathers (both cousins). After Mrs. Mathers death, she made her home with Mrs. Lewis ( a daughter of Mrs. Mathers) where She was an expert needle woman taking a great deal of pride in her work. In her later days she talked much of her early home and friends. She would sit by the hour and tell children stories connected with those times...

Her passing was peaceful and without pain. She leaves to mourn her loss a sister-in-law, two nieces and two nephews, many cousins and other distant relatives. Funeral services were held in the E.G. Lewis home and the body was taken to Manchester, Ind. for burial.

MARY E. HAWKINS: Mary Elizabeth Hawkins passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Douglas Steffey last Sunday following an attack of plural pneumonia, aged 80 years, 10 months and 16 days. Mrs. Hawkins, whose home was in Basco, arrived here two weeks ago for a visit and was taken ill shortly after her arrival. The remains were taken to her home in Basco for funeral services.

MRS. NANCY ELIZABETH LUKENS: Mrs. Elizabeth Nancy Lukens, one of the pioneer residents of this county, passed away at her home in the west part of town last Monday morning following a stroke of apoplexy, aged 76 years, 4 months and 25 days. Her death came as quite a shock to her relatives and friends as she had apparently been in good health.

She was alone at the house when stricken and about 8 o'clock in the morning was found lying prostrate upon the floor by her daughter, Mrs. Naomi Spiker, upon her return from a trip in the country where she had taken her husband to his work.

Nancy Elizabeth Thompson was born near Biggsville, Ill., on Aug. 13, 1846. On Jan. 27, 1879 she was united in marriage to William S. Lukens. To this union four children were born, two of whom, John and Nancy, died in infancy. She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Naomi Spiker, and one son, Charles Lukens, both of this city and one sister, Mrs. Melsenah McGaw who lives north of town and one brother, John G. Thompson of Rozetta. Funeral services were held yesterday afternoon with interment in the South Henderson Cemetery.

MARY KENNET MOORE: Mary K. Moore passed away at the home of Jasper Kennet in Gladstone, Ill. on Jan. 6th after a lingering illness, aged 90 years, 6 months and 14 days. Funeral services were held at the Terre Haute M. E. Church with interment in the Terre Haute Cemetery.