The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Stronghurst Graphic, Jan. 25, 1923
OLENA OBSERVATIONS: Telegrams to relatives Sabbath day bore the sad tidings to relatives that Mr. Harry Marshall, formerly of this neighborhood, was very seriously ill in a hospital in Kansas City of pneumonia. Later telegrams announced he had passed away. His nephew, Mr. Leslie Marshall, was reported as hastening to his uncle's relief while friends were trying to locate O. E. Marshall, another nephew. Rev. Sailor and family are quite indisposed, but he was able to fill his appointments Sabbath day but reports much sickness in and near Gladstone. There is a good bit of sickness in this immediate neighborhood-mostly colds, LaGrippe and throat trouble. Several members of the Otis White and Mr. Charter families have been quite sick. Mrs. Charles Hicks of Hopper has been quite poorly for some time suffering from goiter and is now taking X-ray treatment from Dr. Marshall of Stronghurst. Mrs. Fred Fisher of Hopper, who is staying at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Wilbur Black, has been taking treatment for goiter and is quite poorly. Mr. Allen and the woman who accompanied him here and who was for a short time conducting a general store in the village, have located elsewhere and his successor is a Mr. Tucker, who is said to have a wife and three young children. If he is a morally clean man, he can probably build up quite a little business here; if not, he will undoubtedly fail.
The village dance Wednesday night ended in a rough house. Arthur Dowell and several of his family spent Saturday night at the Elisha McCannon home in Iowa. Several of the young people attended the dance Friday evening at the opera house in Oquawka and a dance in Kirkwood Saturday night. Oscar White is shipping his hogs and cattle to the Chicago market. Mrs. James DeHague of Burlington is staying for a time at the Mrs. Charles Heisler home. Mrs. Margaret Payton, the nurse, is located for a while at the Hugh Allison home east of Stronghurst. Mr. and Mrs. Elbridge Fort are moving to their new home which they recently purchased. Mr. John Long and Miss Mary Prier, both of Olena, will assist them in their work during the summer.
OBITUARY: GOULD- Miss Rebecca Gould, an old time resident of Raritan, died at the home of her nephew, John Gould in Oquawka, Jan. 18th of pneumonia following an illness of a few days at the age of 84 years. Funeral services were held at the house with the Rev. O. W. Rose of Oquawka in charge. Interment was in the local cemetery.
RARITAN REPORTS: Mr. Fisher of Patterson, New Jersey visited his aunt, Mrs. John Gould. Joe Voorhees has been laid up for several days due to an attack of appendicitis. Roscoe McDonald is the owner of a new Dodge touring car. Rev. Lamar, who preached in the Reformed Church several weeks ago, died one day last week. He under went a serious surgical operation from which caused his death. Mrs. Corel Schenck expects to leave for Kansas to see her father, Mr. Hane, who is very ill.