The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1921 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross

Stronghurst Graphic, Oct. 26, 1922

LOSE TO DALLAS: In a closely contested game Stronghurst High School football team lost to Dallas City at that place last Saturday by a score of 12 to 6. Dallas played hard to even up matters for their defeat of 35 to 0 in the game of last fall. Stronghurst was playing clear out of form and received the small end of the breaks of the game. Dallas has a good team, but was not as strong as some that the locals have been up against this season. If a return game can be arranged with a little reorganization of the local team, Dallas will have to be satisfied with the small end of the score. A large crowd of rooters accompanied the team and it was estimated that there was more from Stronghurst than Dallas City...

FIRST NUMBER LYCEUM COURSE MONDAY NIGHT: One of the really enjoyable numbers of the current Lyceum season will be the appearance of the Virginia Girls Quintet of merry musical maids who will introduce some delightful novelty features in their program to be given Monday night at the U. P. Church. They feature, of course, the beloved old melodies of the Southland. Special costume numbers are given too and all in all, the Virginia Girls program is the kind that lingers in the memory. Miss Velma Fike, director and first violinist, is a remarkably gifted young artist. For those who have not purchased season tickets, do so at once and save money on the course.

HE BELIEVES IN ADVERTISING: George B. Warren, who lived in Monmouth a decade ago and who sold coal, still believes in advertising when he wants anything. Those who remember Warren will recall that he sold soft coal while living here and that he advertised "We will take your order at midnight."

Last Saturday, Warren had his automobile stolen in Galesburg and as soon as possible he had the fact broadcasted by radio. Fans listening in for football scores got the news of the car theft together with the number and description of the machine with half an hour after the theft was discovered. Deputy Sheriff Hewitt happened to be "listening in" at one station of the city and started to look for the car at once. The officers here had not been informed today whether the car had been recovered. Warren now lives in Table Grove.-Monmouth Atlas

REPUBLICANS SOLVE THE PROBLEM: A meeting of the Henderson County Republican Central Committee was held at Stronghurst Oct. 20th to consider the status of its chairman who had filed a petition as an independent candidate for County Treasurer against the regular nominee of the party who had defeated him in the primary last spring. The right of Mr. McDill as a citizen to run for any office he might desire was in no way questioned, but as Chairman of the County Republican Central Committee and titular head of the party it was his duty to take active charge of the campaign and work for the success of entire Republican ticket. His contention that he could remain at the head of the party organization and direct the work of the campaign seemed inconsistent and impossible. The same view was held by Walter A. Rosenfield, Chairman of the Illinois Republican State Central Committee. He refuses to resign; therefore, the County Central Committee removed him and elected C. R. Pendarvis as his successor.

TOWN NEWS: Dr. L. Emerson who since the dissolution of the firm of Marshall & Emerson has had several openings and has finally decided to open an office in the practice of medicine at La Harpe. An old fashion Community Spelling Bee will be held at the Rest Room in Stronghurst on Friday evening, Oct. 27th. First and second prizes will be given to the two best spellers. During recess free lunch will be served. Those not desiring to "spell" will be fine 5 cents. Proceeds will benefit the Rest Room. The large poles for the boulevard lights arrived the first of the week and were distributed to the different points where they are to be set up. They are very ornamental and will greatly add to the appearance of the street. George Dixson was given the contract and the poles were made by the Murray Iron Works at Burlington, Iowa. Fred Johnson is driving a new Buick roadster purchased from T.C. Knutstrom and the latter returned from Chicago with a Buick touring car for Shore Hollingsworth. Bert Putney resigned as city marshal effective Nov. 1st. Bert will go back to his old trade as meat cutter, having accepted a position with the Vern Long meat market. The Graphic has been printing catalogs for the hog sales of Wm. McIntyre, C.E. Lant and Leibengood & Whiteman.

MEDIA CHICKEN SUPPER: Friday evening, Oct. 27 in the basement of the U.P. Church the ladies will serve supper beginning at 5:30 p.m.. The following is the menu: fried chicken, gravy, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes (candied), cabbage and celery salad, cranberries, rolls, jelly, pumpkin pie with whipped cream, and coffee. Following the supper a free temperance program will be given in the auditorium consisting of songs, recitations, addresses and singing by a male quartette. Some one will be present to instruct you "How to vote" on the wet and dry question. Every voter is urged to be present. (Prohibition, on the way and the arrival of the income tax to pay the governments bills.)

MEDIA MEANDERINGS: Mrs. Alphonso Beall was quite sick from an attack of tonsillitis and grippe but is able to be around again. Mrs. M. B. Drain is confined to her bed by an attack of lumbago. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Rankin and Miss Lucille, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Richey and little son and Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Heisler turned from a visit with relatives at Mt. Carroll, Ill.; they made the trip by auto. Emory Cavins, the R.F.D. carrier, will move from the Fred Ross farm south of town to the M. B. Drain property on Main Street; the town welcomes this young couple.

BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Will Glenn and Mrs. Ida Gibb drove to Fairfield where they went to visit Oscar Glenn who is suffering with a dangerous carbuncle (A carbuncle was a painful inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue, larger than a boil.) on the back of his neck.  The high school football team played at Roseville last Saturday.  Those that played were Graham Stewart, center; Dale Whiteman, Lloyd White, guards; Gaylord Liby, Joe E. Whiteman, ends; James Clark, quarterback; Lloyd Gibb, full back; Loren Doole, Verne Myers, half backs; Frank Stevenson, Kemit Stratton and Ted Stewart are also members of the squad.  Mr. and Mrs. Roy Glenn visited Mrs. Roy Kilgore in the Burlington Hospital.  She will be removed to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Graham until she is able to return to her home in town.  Mr. and Mrs. Herb Jamison are called grandpa and grandma once more as word received of the birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. Glen Snodgrass at their home in Des Moines, Iowa.  Rally Day was observed Sunday at the U. P. Church.  A dumb-bell drill will be given by members of the grade school in Mr. Gady's room and directed by Miss Emma Wright at the high school at the regular school meeting of the Parent-Teachers club next Tuesday night. 

RARITAN REPORTS: Mrs. Mary Corzatt returned from her Colorado visit.  The gross receipts of the Community Club supper were $23 ($311.42 in today's values). A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Don Voris on Oct. 20th.  Word was received of the death of Mrs. Adalene Cavins of Lockridge, Iowa. 

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: A box supper will be given at the Cox School 3 miles south and 1 ½ miles east of Stronghurst.  Madame X will reveal your future at the Christian Church next Tuesday evening; come and let her read your palm. (This is part of a Halloween Social to be given in the church basement by the Loyal Women's class.) Every ex-service man in Henderson County and every friend of the men who served in the World War should go to the polls on Tuesday and vote for W. R. Smiddy for Sheriff and John B. Fort for County Treasurer.  They are entitled to the recognition for service rendered in time of our country's need ADV.  Born to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Steffey at Anoka, Minn. Oct. 18th, a daughter named Helen Maurice.  Mrs. A. E. Simpson of Wyconda, Mo. has been visiting at the home of her son, L. E. Simpson.  The former accompanied by Mrs. L. E. Simpson visited at Ormonde and was accompanied home by Mrs. E. X. Strawn.  Max Barnett who is in the Navy is located at Portsmouth, Virginia and is in a training school studying pharmacy.  Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Steffey took their visitor, Miss Florence Hawkins home to West Point, Illinois.  They experienced difficulty on account of the rain which made the roads very slippery.  Miss Vera Curtiss, Mildred Grandy, Effie Maxey, Francis Anderson and Clidean Simpson attended the standard bearers' rally at Macomb.  Their trip home in the Curtis car was difficult and it had to be abandoned in Blandinsville on account of the rain and muddy roads.