The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1923 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross

Stronghurst Graphic, Feb. 8, 1923

OBITUARIES: MARY C. WOLFORD-Mrs. Mary C. Wolford departed this life at her home near Decorra, Ill. on Jan. 29, 1923, aged 84 years, 4 months and 9 days.

Mary C. Mace was born Sept. 20, 1838 in Janesville, Ohio. She came to Illinois in 1849 by prairie schooner (wagon) with her parents. She was united in marriage to W. R. Wolford June 26, 1858 and to this union were born seven children, one dying in infancy. She was preceded in death by her husband whose death occurred July 23, 1896.

She leaves to mourn two daughters and four sons: Mrs. N. E. Dewey of Washington, Iowa; Mrs. M. C. Bladon and Mr. Newton Wolford of Clearfield, Iowa; Dan B. of Ethel, Mo.; Chares and Olive of Decorra. She also leaves to mourn her death 21 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren.

At an early age she untied with the First M. E. Church of Terre Haute and was a regular attendant as her health permitted. Funeral service was conducted at Maple Grove with interment at Terre Haute.

MRS. ADELINE NESBIT-Mrs. Adeline Nesbit passed away Monday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. James Gilfillan,(this name is spelled two ways) north of Biggsville, her death being caused by heart trouble and complications. While she had not been very well for some time, she was not dangerously ill until the last week. Her husband passed away a number of years ago. One son, Allen, is also deceased. One daughter, Mrs. James Gilfilan and three sons: Arthur of Penrose, Colo.; Harry of Albia, Iowa; and Walter of Galesburg survive. Walter came Saturday in response to a message and Harry and a grandson, Leland Nesbit of Barton, Ill., came yesterday. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon from the Methodist Church and interment was in the Biggsville Cemetery.

OLD FOR BIG SUM: Des Moines, Iowa-The bidding of foreign stock companies featured the American Polled Hereford Association's sale yesterday. The most notable sale being when the Mount Larcom Pastoral Co. of Eurora, Queensland, Australia, purchased Marvel Dandy, 17 months old bull calf for $2,000 ($27,440 in today's values) sold by Ralph Painter & Son of Stronghurst.

A BABY GIRL: C. R. Kaiser received a card from M.F.T. Schierbaum of Wapello, Iowa, announcing the arrival of Elizabeth Ann, an eight pound baby girl who came to bless their home at 9:50 p.m., Feb. 6th. M.F.T. says that the mother and child are real well and that he has been trying unsuccessfully to wipe the smile off his face.

SHOWER FOR HOSPITAL: The people of Stronghurst and community are invited to participate in a linen and fruit shower for the hospital which has recently been opened here. This is a worthy cause and every one will want to help. Bring your gifts to the Community Rest Room Saturday afternoon.

NEW MARSHAL NOW ON DUTY: John Breen started on is duties as night watchman and marshal last Saturday night and as far as the weather was concerned, got a real initiation as the temperature was down to about ten below, a drop of about 50 degrees in twenty-four hours.

TO OPEN STONE PLANT WITHIN NEXT TEN DAYS: At a meeting of the stockholders and directors of the Monmouth Stone Co. held at Monmouth, it was decided to start operations at the quarry within the next ten days. Orders for over 110,000 tons of stone have already been accepted. This stone will be used on state road contracts at Gladstone, Galva, Frederick and Macomb. The company will also supply the some for other state road contracts which will be let at Springfield during the coming month.

A.L. Bengston of Chicago will be in charge of quarry operations. Mr. Bengston was formerly vice-president and manager of operations of the Producers building Material Co. prior to its consolidation into the Consumers Co. Their fourteen plants had a combined capacity of 20,000 tons daily. At present he is manager of the A. A. O'Loughlin Co. plant which is one of the largest producers in the Chicago district and resigns from that company to accept the position of superintendent of the Monmouth Stone Co.

At the directors meeting the resignation of directors I. M. Easman and Elmer Van Tuyl were accepted and L.D. Fletcher of Yates City and Scott Hudson of Blandinsville were elected to the board. Arthur S. Nestor was appointed managing director.

The company's plant is the only quarry of any large capacity west of the counties of Cook, Will and Kankakee, and its location gives the company a decided freight rate advantage over other quarries on stone used in the western portion of the state. The state and federal road plans and in addition the county and township road demands will require a very large tonnage and the operation of this plant will lower the construction cost by saving the freight charges. The news of the opening of the plant will be most welcome to the farming community as it will assure a supply of fertilizing limestone for this section

THEY GAVE A GREAT PARTY: The grade teachers and also several former grade teachers acted as hostesses at a brilliant social affair at the home of Miss Margaret Kelly in honor of Mrs. Kurrie Brooks, who is substituting in the high school for Mrs. Foley.

The evening was most pleasantly spent in enjoyable conversation brought about by the warm ties of friendship created in the past. Mrs. Brooks gave a pleasing account of her trip abroad the past summer and this was made especially interesting by the use of numerous European views and snapshots.

A lovely two course banquet was served by Misses Lillian Kelly and Theresa Proctor. The tables first groaned then the guests. A round of good times with such a congenial crowd made it impossible to disperse until the wee small hours of the morning. Another similar party is being planned before the departure of Mrs. Brooks.-Toluca Star Herald.

RADIO RESTORING THE HOME CIRCLE: The radio has become a great factor in restoring the home circle that had become so badly disorganized during the past few years when the home was practically deserted when the shades of night had fallen. The autos, picture shows, clubs and other sorts of amusements divided the attention of the family members. Now the home with the radio receiving set (its number is growing) affords such an abundance of clean high class entertainment that the members of the family are anxious to remain at the home to enjoy and derive the great knowledge therefrom...

INSTALLS A RADIO: Simpson Bros. are the latest to install a radio. We have lost count of radios now in actual use in town and the community, but their popularity seems to be on the increase. Many of owners and fans have had the opportunity of hearing Stronghurst talent from different points in the last few weeks. John Stine has given a reading from the Drake Hotel in Chicano, Donald Johnstone performed a piano solo from Kansas City Star station, and Miss Dorothy McMillan will be on the program at some station in Chicago soon.

COMMUNITY CLUB MEETS: The community club meeting will be Saturday at the waiting room. The program will open at 2:30 p.m. with two songs by the high school chorus, Mrs. Dawson, music supervisor in charge. Roll call will be a popular slang phrase. Miss Carothers will present "Our Alien Immigrants."

REASON FOR CRIME: Laziness can be held responsible for 90% of the crime and cussedness going on in the world. Once in a while a good honest hard working fellow in the heat of sudden passion will commit murder or some lesser crime, but invariable a research into the criminal's past life will reveal the fact that his disposition had been one of aversion to work.

At the outset that was his only fault, but it is a grave one to youth leading to disaster unless over come and eradicated from his system and implanted instead with wholesome desire to pursue some useful task each day, especially during the period of character molding. It is easy for those in idleness to drift into performing misdeeds and after the first misstep continue on the downward road-it is swift and easy. The fellow who keeps busy abhors crime and shuns its evil influence because the importance and love of his work have stored his mind with higher and nobler aspirations and his busy occupation has taught him that a spotless character is the biggest and grandest asset he can possible acquire in life.

A FINE TESTIMONIAL: The Graphic is a little late in reporting it, but it will be none the less interesting to the many friends of the late Roy O. Randall to know that an unusual testimonial of esteem in which he was held by his business associates was given by them since his death last fall. Roy was in the employ of a national advertising association and was making a brilliant record as editor of its publication known as "The Poster." His genial nature had caused him to make many friends among the members and employers of the association. As an expression of their regard for him they raised among their number a purse of $2,300 ($31,556 in today's values) and presented it to the widow and Roy's two little daughters, Helen and Margaret. The gift was received at Christmas time and this manifestation of sympathy and good will must have done much to dispel the gloom in the home that had so recently been made desolate.

Roy was making rapid advancement and there was universal sorrow and regret when it was learned that his career had been cut short at what seemed to be the moment of promise.

FORMER SOLDIER MISSING: Requested is your cooperation in finding this veteran of the war, who recently disappeared and left no trace. Earl P. Pfeiffer, formerly Regimental Sergeant Major, Hdqrs. Co. of the 4th Engineers of Louisville, Ky. The last information about him follows his discharge from Patton's Institute, Patton, California, where he boarded a train for Louisville, Kentucky. Trace was lost of him at Kansas City, Missouri, where he was to change cars. This man's disability is dementia praecox, not due to military service, but if any clue is picked up, kindly notify this office immediately-Fred E. Hamilton, Acting Manager, Dist. No. 8, U. S. Veterans Bureau

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: The Frances Willard memorial meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. B. G. on Saturday afternoon. (She was instrumental in founding the Women's Christian Temperance Union.) The Santa Fe announced their intention to build its line into St. Louis. It is likely that they will leave its double tracks at Carrollton, Mo. and go on almost a beeline to St. Louis through one of the state's richest farming sections. It is to be a rush job.

While Robert Ingerson and Walter Gregory were in Chicago attending the automobile show last week, they chanced to drop into an optician's office in response to some attractive advertising, which was being distributed at the show. To their surprise they learned that the proprietor of the office was a former resident of Stronghurst, whose name is R. Worst. Mr. Worst was agent for the Santa Fe here more than 30 years ago and he had the names of many of the old-timers at his tongue's end. Mr. Worst is located in the Consumer's Building down in the loop and has been in Chicago for the last 20 years. Gene Wilson, son of L. A. Wilson, entered the Santa Fe hospital at Topeka, Kansas where he will undergo an operation for the removal of his tonsils and a growth in his nose. As they had quite a few patients ahead of him, he will be waiting for his turn.

The Sinclair Oil Co. offered Dallas City $4,500 to lay a pipe line through that town. The town held out for $5,000. The oil company would not come across and made a new survey on the edge of the city limits and are putting their line through the hills back of the city. When the Modern Woodmen building at Bardolph was burned a few weeks ago and it was supposed that the building and contents were insured; however, it appears both policies had lapsed. The camp was in debt $660 which the members will try to pay from voluntary contributions. The plant of the Perfection Tire & Rubber Co., Fort Madison, will be sold to the highest bidder in a sale to be held within a month's time. This was decided by Judge M. J. Wade in the federal court at Iowa City. The sale should take place as soon as possible as the value of the plant rests in the possibility of early operation.

CHARTER MEMBER OF GALESBURG KLAN DIES: Galesburg had its first Ku Klux Klan burial service Monday afternoon and the Mail tells the story: "First Ku Klux Klan burial rites ever held in this part of Illinois were celebrated last Monday afternoon at Linwood Cemetery for Fred T. DuVon, just as the casket had been lowered into the grave.

At the close of the Masonic funeral service conducted at the cemetery, 11 klansmen, wearing the full regalia of the order-the high pointed hoods and flowing white robes-marched from the southwest corner of the cemetery, formed a semi-circle about the grave and silently conducted the rites. Then they marched away in the direction whence they came. Not a word was spoken.

As Klansmen gathered at the grave their leader placed a large cross of white flowers at the head of the grave on which were the Letters "K.K.K...' Each of the klansmen carried two carnations which were thrown on the coffin.

Soon after the funeral procession reached the cemetery, two automobiles, fully curtained, were seen to enter the cemetery and drive by the grave in a southerly direction. There the occupants put on their robes and hoods. About the same time a local florist's wagon drove into the cemetery carrying the large cross of flowers. They were delivered to the klansmen as they marched by.

There was no excitement whatever as the klansmen came in sight and everyone present maintained utmost silence. The undertaken in charge of the burial announced that those present were privileged to remain for that part of the service. After the klansmen returned to their waiting automobiles, they removed their hoods and returned to town without their identity having been revealed. Mr. DuVon was reported to be one of the charter members of the klan here and is said to have been the leader of the band which the night before Thanksgiving visited the Salvation Army headquarters during a meeting and left a contribution."

OLENA OBSERVATIONS: Rev. Sensibaugh of Chicago supplied the pulpit in Olena while Rev. Sailor was making the acquaintance of a new son.  Rev. Sensibaugh is a noted evangelist and is quite well known here as he has previously helped in meeting of that nature in the village.  Mrs. Charles Lyons was taken quite critically ill Saturday.  Dr. Lauver of Stronghurst was called and diagnosed the case as appendicitis and advised immediate removal to a hospital and an operation.  This, the patient would not consent to do until Sabbath.  She was taken to the Burlington Hospital and almost immediately operated on, but the appendix had burst.  Last reports are that she had a fairly good night and her condition was as good as could be expected.  The Heisler School is functioning after several days vacation caused by the indisposition of the teacher, Miss Thelma Peterson.  A young son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Richey at the Wadworth Hospital in Stronghurst.  H. S. Lant and family came down to spend the day with Olena and Stronghurst relatives, but upon starting home discovered the car was not working right so spend the night at the John Lant home.  The car was left in the garage and Mr. Lant went to Gladstone Sabbath evening to be on duty in the school room.  Mrs. Lant and children remained with her parents until the car is repaired.  Mr. Simonson and family have moved to the Mrs. Charles Curry farm near Olena (present residence of the Dr. Jon Schar family)  lately vacated by Mr. Elbridge Fort.  Mr. Frank Hicks has stored his household goods in the Mrs. Albert Hult house in Olena and Keith Hicks and wife have gone to housekeeping in the home vacated by Mr. Hicks.

Late word received from two of our country lads who started out to see the world was to the effect that they visited St. Louis.  From there they went to Chicago and were now working in Whiting, Ind. (Everyone would know who they were.)  No school at the Burrell School as Miss Burrell is on the sick list.  Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carner are spending a few days in the village at the home of the lady s grandmother, Mrs. George Deitrick, who is in poor health.

RARITAN REPORTS: Mrs. George Cavins has been seriously ill with pneumonia.  G. H. Voorhees accompanied a shipment of hogs and cattle to Chicago. C. J. Wait of Youngstown who has held the position as assistant cashier in the bank for the past two years, has accepted a similar position in the bank in Kirkwood.  Audrey Rezner has been laid up with an attack of appendicitis and is better.  Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hixson are the proud parents of a baby girl born Friday, Feb. 2nd, weight 9 ½ lbs.  Mrs. John Carlson has been suffering from an attack of gall stones.