The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
by Dessa Rodeffer, Quill Publisher/Owner
I've been receiving some tweets this week about the Inauguration and swearing in of our new Illinois Republican Governor, Bruce Rauner.
On Monday Rauner put on Tweeter, a picture of them at church saying: "The Interfaith Service was a beautiful beginning to a big day. Now off to the Inauguration."
The Rauner family visited the Lincoln museum and they gathered around the statutes of the Lincoln family for a quick picture. The tweet along with a picture said: "Selfie" of the Rauners with the Lincolns."
They went onto the Inauguration where he placed his hand on the Holy Bible, took the oath of office surrounded by his six children and with his wife Diana holding the Bible. He tweets. "Honored to be Illinois' 42nd Governor."
The Governor enjoyed the first dance with his wife Diana at the inaugural celebration party. With the picture he tweets: "What a party! Had a fantastic time at Inaugural Concert with Toby Keith Music & The Real Buddy Guy!" (none of this party was paid for by taxpayers money.)
At the Governor's desk on Monday, Governor Rauner tweets a message with a video and instagram:
"Today I signed an executive order to begin our road to fiscal stability by ordering the review of all state spending. A stronger Illinois begins now."
Others commenting on Tweeter are talking about the new Governor saying Rauners are using their own dollars to refurbish the Governor's mansion in Springfield in order to make it ready to move in, after it had sat without a Governor living there for 10 was in need of repair.
We are hoping that our new Governor Rauner can not only reburbish the Governor's mansion and settle back into life as it should be in Springfield, but also reburbish Illinois into the best state in the U.S. instead of at the bottom of the rankings.
At his campaign stop in Henderson County last year, he said he will work on legislative reform that would make Illinois marketable for new businesses and then go after businesses and bring them back to Illinois. Many in Illinois are hopeful, and thanking him for taking on this big job. He seems to have the energy and the desire to make Illinois shine.