The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
West Central Board Meeting
Wed.Sept.16– Members of the West Central C.U.S.D. #235 Board of Education met and the following items took place:
The meeting was called to order at 5:30 the WCES cafeteria by Board President Lonnie Brent.
All board members except Mr. Lenahan, Mr. Lumbeck, and Mrs. Arnold were present at roll call. Mr. Lenahan entered at 5:43 p.m., and Mr. Lumbeck entered at 6:06 p.m.
The board conducted a Public Hearing on the FY16 District budget with no comments offered by any member of the public on the budget.
The board was introduced to all new certified staff by President Brent, and members of the administrative team introduced the new staff.
The board recessed their meeting at 5:35 p.m and board members visited with the new certified staff. The board reconvened their meeting at 6:04 p.m.
President Brent led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Under “Good News Items” the following were highlighted:
- Awarded the WC #235 Board of Education Academic Excellence Award to the following students: Class of 2016 – Somer Hill, Mallory Lafary, Dakota Parks, and Audrey Vice; Class of 2017 – Kamryn Endress.
- Recognized the WCMS boys’ baseball team for their 1st place finish at the Hancock County Tournament.
- ªRecognized Freeman Shoemaker for his 8th place finish at the Macomb Cross-country Meet and the Prime Beef 5K.
- Mrs. White commented that the visits from the 8th grade Citizenship Class to the Oakwood Nursing Home and Small World Pre-K are well received.
- Mr. Schneider shared about the success of the new mentoring program at the high school.
- Mr. Schneider recognized Phillip and Carlyn Anders and YEMM Chevrolet Buick GMC Chrysler Jeep Dodge RAM for their donation of two backpacks full of supplies to West Central High School.
The board approved the meeting agenda as presented.
Mr. Richard Clifton addressed the board requesting the reinstatement of the freshmen basketball schedule at no cost to the District.
The board approved the Consent Agenda. Items approved under the Consent Agenda included the following:
- The minutes of the August 13, 2015, Special Meeting and Closed Session
- The minutes of the August 19, 2015, Regular Meeting and Closed Session
- The August 2015 building Activity Account Reports, the August 2015 Treasurer’s Report, and review of the District Financial Report.
In other business:
- Approved the 2015-2016 Application for Recognition of Schools.
- Approved Paula Markey as the District’s Safety Committee Designee.
- Approved the continuation of the elementary After School Assistance Program to 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students.
- Approved the payment of a stipend to School Improvement Plan (SIP) team members and to Response to Intervention (RtI) team members.
- Approved the revised Intergovernmental Agreement with Delebar CTE System.
- Approved the placement of a Zach Bundy Memorial Bench. The bench will be placed at the entrance of the high school opposite the West Central sign. The bench will be donated by his family and dedicated in April.
- Approved the repair of a freezer at West Central Middle School.
- Reviewed information pertaining to the District FY16 budget. The board was informed that the budget is a deficit budget as it was when first presented in July. Following a brief discussion the board approved the District Budget for FY16. Estimated revenue for FY16 is $8,639,265. Estimated expenditures are $10,006,130. The estimated total district fund balances on June 30, 2016 is estimated to be approximately $7,142,855.
- Approved overload pay to be split between Julie Ricketts and Jessica Winters for overseeing the NCLB grants for FY16.
- Approved the Contractor Certificate of Payment for partial payment of the elementary boiler work that has been completed to this point.
- Reviewed and heard reports from the building principals as well as a Technology Report from Mrs. Frakes, a report from our District Psychologist and Special Education Director, Nancy Smith, and a report from Ben Rees, our Athletic Director.
- Reviewed the 2014-2015 Administrator and Teacher Salary and Benefit Report. The report will be posted to the District website.
- Discussed reinstating a freshmen basketball schedule at no cost to the District.
- Reviewed the Sixth Day Enrollment Report. The Sixth Day enrollment for the District Pre-K through 12th grade is 860. This is an overall decline from FY15 of 12 students.
- Discussed the possibility of administering the ACT exam and an ACT Prep Class. Currently the district is waiting on a response from the state to determine if this will be an option. We will continue to explore this option.
- Discussed the possibility of utilizing athletic trainer services. The board directed Superintendent Markey to gather more information.
- Superintendent Markey reminded the board about the School Board Conference (Triple I) in Chicago in November.
- Ddiscussed replacing the wooden fence around the greenhouse with a chain link fence.
The board entered closed session at 7:29 p.m. to discuss matters related to personnel. The board exited closed session at 8:37 p.m.
The board took the following action in regards to personnel:
- employed Joshua Bigger as a Substitute Bus Driver pending pre-employment requirements,
- employed Nancy Chandler as a Homebound Instructor,
- employed Chaim McGuire as a WCES Enrichment Sponsor,
- employed Stacie Anderson as WCES Enrichment Sponsor,
- employed Barbara Gray as WCMS Assistant Speech Sponsor pending pre-employment requirements,
- employed Stacie Anderson, Cindy Boyd, Amy Chandler, Sara Fitzgerald, Lisa Johnson, Amanda Hennenfent, Sara Hull, and Kathryn Wilson as WCES After School Homework Assistance tutors,
- employed Amanda Hennenfent, Laura Lewis, and Chris Wright as WCES RtI Team members,
- employed Charlotte Ackermann, Emily Klossing, Laura Lewis, Julie Ricketts, Cathie Smith, Jessica Winters, and Chris Wright as WCES SIP Team members,
- employed Nancy Chandler, Natalie Ensminger, Byron Helt, Jeremy Hennings, Lisa Lox, and Tammy Rankin as WCMS SIP Team members,
- employed Tiffany Adams, James Black, Jon Steben, Megan Hills, and Adam Boyle as WCHS SIP Team members.
The board approved the payment of all bills as presented.
The board was reminded that the next regularly scheduled meeting will be Wednesday, October 21, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. in the West Central Elementary cafeteria.
There being no other business to come before the board, the board adjourned their meeting at 8:45 p.m.