The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

County Board Conducts Short Meeting

by Jacob Irish-The Quill

The Henderson County Board of Directors met briefly on Tuesday, October 13 at 8:30am. The board approved the September minutes as well as the claims paid in September 2015.

Deb Pflasterer has been selected to fill the vacancy of the beloved Curt Eisenmayer on the Henderson County Board.

Deb will begin her service to Henderson County in November of 2015.

Henderson County Health Department's Administrator, Angela Myers, has announced that the Health Department has received a handicap accessible van from the Western Illinois Area Agency on Aging (WIAAA).

The van has been given to the Health Department as a part of the Transportation grant they received from WIAAA. Following Myers' comments the Board accepted the Health Departments claims for the month of September.

Louise Webb was appointed to the Henderson County Health Department's Board of Directors to fill Angela Myers' seat.

Two highway resolutions will soon begin to take form. The board approved the stripping of the Keithsburg and Carman Blacktops, with the hopes of stripping Lock-and-dam road in 2016.

The board also passed a Parking and Restriction Ordinance which was to be discussed in more detail at the Road and Bridge Committee meeting October 14th.

Rural addressing was briefly discussed once again at the October County Board meeting.

The board is working with the Post Office to develop a plan. The topic was tabled until a later date.

The County Farmland Assessment Review Committee is still looking for committed members to join the committee.

Appointment of members has been tabled once more until the Board finds individuals interested in serving on the committee.

Aggie Dixon was appointed to the Henderson County Housing Authority Board to fill the vacancy of James Rima.

The County Board approved an agreement to provide an office space for Western Illinois Regional Council.

Henderson County's Community Organizations Active in Disasters Committee (COAD) will be meeting at 6:30pm at the Henderson County Library in Biggsville, IL.

On November 18 from 4pm-7pm there will be a meeting held to discuss updates in regards to Highway 34. This meeting is open to the public and will be located at the West Central High School.