The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
By Shirley Linder, Quill Editor
At the regular meeting of the Stronghurst Village Board held on Monday, October 5th, Ronnie Gittings reported on his findings for refinishing the benches in the village park. Gittings had taken a bench to Riley Brothers in Burlington, IA and to a man in Gladstone to get advice on how to refinish them so the paint would stay. Riley Brothers said the only way was to take them to the Quad Cities and have the paint baked off, then blasted and power coated for a durable finish. There are 16 benches to be refinished, which would run approximately $800 per bench for this process. The board discussed other options, such as composite material or wood replacement. No decision was made.
On a motion by Mike Bohnenkamp, seconded by Jim Spiker, the members did vote to go ahead and pour a slab of cement for the benches to be bolted to when they were ready to replace next spring. This is for 12 of the benches, as 4 of them will be placed by the Stronghurst Booster Club around the splash pad.
Gittings and Bryan Bohnenkamp have also made a porotype of a metal, telescoping flag pole. They will make another with some improvements and then place it uptown to see how it works out before making more. This will get the flags off the light poles, where they get wrapped around and torn with the splinters on the pole. It will also eliminate having to get a ladder to unwrap them each time they get wrapped up on the pole.
Gittings also asked permission of board members to put their snow plow up for sale and if they can get enough for it he would like to purchase a V plow, as he feels it does a much better job than the one they have now. The board gave permission.
Randy Jarvis was present to ask if the board had considered his request for a 4 foot variance off the alley so he could build a garage. The board members had no objections but the attorney suggested he meet with the zoning board before a decision was made. As to his request who would pay for the septic tank if he were to build a new house, he learned it would be at his cost.
Police report for September included: 134 hours worked; 685 mile on squad car; 2 traffic stops; 1 written warning; 1 uniform Traffic ticket; 1 notice to appear; 4 service calls; 21 business checks.
In other business:
Kane made motion at 8:04 p.m. to enter executive session for the purpose of employee wages. Mike Bohnenkamp seconded.
Kane motioned and Jim Spiker seconded to re-enter open session at 8:13 and on a motion by Bohnenkamp, seconded by Kane the meeting adjourned at 8:15 with no decisions made.
Present were: Mayor Gary Root; Trustees, Brendan Schaley, Mike Bohnenkamp, Amanda Kane, Betty Waterman, Jim Spiker, David Vancil absent; Employees, Lou Ann Nortrup, Arbry Vancil, Ronnie Gittings, Attorney Bill Rasmussen; Guests, Randy Jarvis, David Knutstrom, Shirley Linder
The next meeting will be held on Monday, November 2, at 7:00 p.m.