The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
At the November 12th meeting of the Raritan Board of Trustees, Yvonne Knapp made a motion to hire Bobi James as Village Attorney at $160 per hour. The motion was seconded by Dewayne Magee and on a roll call vote all voted yea, Michael Knapp was absent.
President Earl Waller called the meeting to order and led the trustees in the Pledge of Allegiance. Trustee Sammy Blender opened with prayer. The minutes were approved as presented.
Bills presented were as follows: Phil Anders $93.03; Dennis Rankin $157.60; Waste Management $1,037.00; Dallas Rural Water $542.02; PDC $16.00; Ameren $1,564.67; Murphy's $160.00; Ron Stombaugh $87.50; Krystle Hills $36.55; Carlyn Anders $48.72; Mike Knapp $70.88; Cavanaugh Davies $4,000.00; Jim Blender $14.23; Kellogg $76.44; Raritan Township $247.73. A motion by Blender seconded by Magee and the bills were approved.
The trustees voted to accept the gift from the Citizens of Raritan, the South ½ of lot 1 Blk C in the village.
They voted to buy 12 new bands for Christmas decorations.
It was decided to take flags down on Saturday at 10 a.m.
The audit was handed out to the trustees for review and action will be taken at the next meeting.
A motion by Magee, seconded by Blender and unanimous approval of the board the meeting was adjourned to the next regular meeting night.
Present were: Trustees, Sammy Blender, Phil Anders, Rob Williamson, Dewayne Magee, Yvonne Knapp; President Earl Waller; Clerk Jim Blender; Guests, Bobi James, Steve Wisslead and Sadie Magee.
Agendas and approved minutes are posted on the website at