The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Greetings ta ever one in western Illinois and all readers of The Quill.
Here we are the week of the Thanksgiving holiday already. Generally speak'n ya can do field work until Thanksgiving but this year, at least for now, it looks like field work is over. With lots of rain and four or five inches of snow, attention has turned on the farm from tillage and apply'n fertilizer to tend'n ta livestock.
Deer Hunting
Of course, fer them folks that like ta hunt deer, last weekend was the time fer that. Bow and muzzle load'n season had gone on before but last weekend was shotgun season.
Some folk don't like ta see deer hunted. But other folk see every shot deer as another elimination of a road terrorist. If'n you've ever hit a deer on the road or had a deer hit you, ya know the anguish. Sometimes they'll even set off that air bag in your face, which is a whole new experience in itself.
One of the newspaper folk here at the Quill was a travel'n our roads this fall ta Nauvoo fer the Mormon re-enactment pageant and came across a deer determined to commit suicide and terrorize a driver in do'n so. When it was all over the deer had accomplished his purpose and the relatively new car had nearly $19,000 damage to it. The only good to come of it was income to a local shop that did the repair.
The chiropractor got some good work a popp'n bones and muscles back in shape from the air bag go'in off in the faces of the driver and passenger alike. As I understand it, their ears are still ring'n from the explosion of the air bags go'n off like a cherry bomb in a barrel. I reckon that self-destructed deer lay'n in the ditch provided several good meals to the coyotes, crows and turkey vultures so at least some good came of his misadventure.
No Electricity Weekend
When the snow, ice, and wind came with the weather change last weekend, many folks in a wide area lost their electricity again.
Mrs. and I broke out our faithful old Aladdin lamp. Not too many of them antiques are around anymore, nor are the folks that have a need to use "em.
Many a feller thought they had really arrived when the Aladdin lamps was first introduced. It used white gasoline, and ya had ta keep pump'n up the pressure in the fuel bowl with a pump from time to time. Who cared, when there was such a lovely soft white light?
Once the sack like mantles were tied onto the jets and burned off, they were very fragile. Ya had to be very careful about move'n the lamp from place to place, as the slightest jar could break a mantle and ya lost yer light source.
Those lamps were a great improvement over the old coal-oil lamps, whose glass chimneys had to be washed and polished almost every day, if'n a woman made any pretense at all of be'n a good housekeeper.
These days many a primitive camper use double mantle Coleman lanterns whilst outdoors or in their tent. They are similar in utility to the Aladdin lamps but in many ways much more sturdy.
Later Aladdin came out with stoves, but gasoline ranges were never really very popular, it seemed, because of the hazard they presented.
If'n lamps exploded or caught fire, as they did occasionally, they could be pitched out the window. But, that's not so with a big old bulky stove.
Most fellers felt they were up ta date when Aladdin produced "lanterns" that, like the "ornamental lamps" gave, illumination that was far superior ta the old kerosene lanterns.
Again, the fire hazard was a factor. In reality, outbuildings were even more inflammable than a residence, because of accumulations of hay and other highly combustible materials that was ever where in a barn or crib.
One good bump of the lamp by an animal or a bird, and at best, ya lost your light and possibly even the barn with all the animals, hay, and supplies that was in it.
Horse, harness, tools, feed, and milk cows were all too important and essential to your family's future ta risk that.
A gasoline fire is much more explosive than coal oil or kerosene.
Fer this reason, Aladdin "lanterns" of old never really seemed ta replace the old oil lantern. It took the extension of electric farm lines into rural areas ta really modernize the farmer's lighting.
Unused coal oil and kerosene lanterns and Aladdin lamps now gather dust or can be found in some antique shop wait'n for a collector to preserve them as a unique specimen of old.
Both the copper and tin variety carry some value, especially if'n they are well preserved.
In the meantime, when we lose our electricity, such as in the storm last weekend, they can come in very handy, especially in the darkness of night and fer extended periods of time. Of course, a good gasoline fired generator will serve quite well also!
Fer next week's column, the Lord will'n, I plan to add to this column by write'n on carbide light plants sported now and again by a few enterprise'n farmers in rural areas. Some of you'ns might remember see'n some of "em around here or there.
Hope'n ever one has an enjoyable Thanksgiven Holiday come'n up. We have much to be thankful fer!
That's all fer this weeks column. Have a good rest of the week.
Hope'n ta see ya in church this week.
"Wherever ya is,
whatever ya be a do'n
Keep on Smile'n
Catch Ya Later