The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Greetings ta ever one in western Illinois and all readers of The Quill.
Fall Leaves
We've been hav'n some nice weather and the trees are a shed'n their leaves in bunches. Some folk are rake'n em up, some are mow'n em over, and other folk simply wait on a strong fall wind to give a free clean'n to their yards. Some of these choices are influenced by the number of shade trees grace'n your yard and how close your neighbors are.
Recent freeze'n nighttime weather put an end ta many of the outdoor flowers grace'n the outdoors. Some folk had a few of their flowers hang'n baskets and were able to stay their eventual demise by carry'n them in doors overnight. Ultimately ole Jack Frost will get these beauties as well.
Several folk have bagged deer with bow and arrow around these parts. The gun season will begin soon and a few more of those four legged "road terrorists" will find their way into someone's freezer.
Entangling Lips
Henry W. Longfellow once said, "If we could read the secret history of our enemies, we should find in each man's life, sorrow and suffering enough to disarm all hostilities."
It would be well if'n some of the political folk debate'n and throw'n out accusations could reflect on Longfellow's statement a bit.
Or, better yet, perhaps they might gain by read'n Proverbs 18:21 - "Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof."
How can our lips get us in trouble? We can find in the New Testament, James 3, that our tongue is a fire. That tiny thing can cause great destruction! But then, used properly it can give much blessing, strength and hope.
In our current political climate would you say most tongues are used fer the former or the latter - for destruction or building up?
Solomon had much ta say about words. In Proverbs 18 you can find a few of those sayings. If'n we were to follow the ideal a persons words should be like "deep waters", a "wellspring of wisdom, and a "flowing brook"(verse 4)
We are advised to keep our words wise and helpful.
A later verse 7 tells us a fool's mouth is his snare.
Bragging, lying, cheating and gossip cause suffering for others but eventually the perpetrator will get caught in their own trap.
Have you ever seen any of that in past political debates?
Often we watch someone answer a matter before hear'n all the details.
Verse 13 of Solomon tells us this is folly. If'n we carry a critical or suspicious nature, we tend to pass judgement quickly rather than wait'n to hear the "whole story".
The "whole story" might provide a different outcome than that of our quick judgement and expectations.
Maybe our despised friend, neighbor, or relative had good reasons for his strange actions.
Receiving all the facts will expose our ignorance on the matter and hopefully prevent foolish hasty judgement.
It can be found, in verse 8, some words on talebearing, better known as gossip. In this way a person passes on stories, true or false, for the purpose of belittling another person.
In all probability you will have plenty of eager listeners if'n ya do this.
Often the gossip temporarily lifts himself up as he tears the other victim of his gossip down.
Many times the gossip attempts to cover up similar circumstances in his own life by wagging his tongue against a fellow of his own nature.
It almost seems natural that folk love juicy tidbits that confirm their view of another person as foolish, arrogant or unreasonable.
Talebearing or gossip stirs up ill will and develops fantasies of ugly neighbors in our minds, simply by surmisings, assumptions and conspiracy..
We are well advised before speak'n of another person to ask ourselves: Is it kind? Is it true? Is it necessary?
Will my words be an improvement over silence?
I knew an elderly gentleman, G. W., years ago, who was good at follow'n the admonition of Solomon in Proverbs 18.
He has long since passed on to his just reward. No one ever remembered him say'n an ill word of another person.
If he walked into a room or was participating in a conversation and someone spoke ill of another, his quick response was always to follow with a positive remark about the victim of the sharp tongue.
This stellar fellow brings warm feel'ns to the mind in reflect'n back on his "wellspring of wisdom" even after all these years of his parting.
Well, that's it for this week's column.
Thanks to J. Ropp fer his thoughts on the matter. Next week, the Lord will'n, I'll touch on "Lying Lips!"
Don't listen to rumor, don't be an assumer
Lest gossip increase like a cancerous tumor.
"Thank A Veteran"
Remember our veterans this Veteran's Day and thank them fer their service to our country.
Have a good rest of the week. Hope'n ta see ya in church this week.
Wherever ya is,
whatever ya be a do'n
Keep on Smile'n
Catch Ya Later