The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
The Raritan Village trustees met at the Raritan Fire House, October 8, with Trustees Sammy Blender, Phil Anders, Rob Williamson, Michael Knapp, Dwayne Magee, Yvonne Knapp, President Earl Waller and Clerk Jim Blender present and guest Bobi James.
President Waller led in the Pledge of Allegiance; Trustee Blender opened with prayer.
Trustees had invited Attorney Bobi James to discuss the possibility of her representing the village as its attorney.
A discussion was held about hiring police protection for the village. A motion was made by Trustee Blender, seconded by Trustee Anders to not hire any police protection for the village. Roll Call vote: Blender -yea; M. Knapp - no; Anders-yea; Y. Knapp- no; Williamson - no; Magee - yea; Tie break vote from President Waller - yea. Motion carried.
The village trustees requested that they receive copies of all village ordinances.
The Tax Levy and Annual Appropriation was presented to trustees as follows: Tax Levy $4,660.00: Annual Appropriation $100,000.00. A motion by Trustee Blender, seconded by Trustee Magee to accept the Tax Levy and Annual Appropriation as presented.
Roll Call vote: Blender-yea; M. Knapp-yea; Y. Knapp-yea; Williamson-yea; Anders-yea; Magee-yea. Motion carried.
Water Collector stated that Bowens still owe $35.00 for a broken water meter pit. It was decided to send another bill to the Bowens for $35.00.
President prepared a contract for the village to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Raritan Township R. D. for street maintenance and snow removal. A motion by Trustee M. Knapp, seconded by Trustee Williamson to approve agreement. Motion carried.
It was approved to put up flags for Veteran's Day, Nov. 10 at 5 p.m.
The village trustee board has unanimously agreed to terminate Village Attorney, Ron Stambaugh, effective November 12, 2015.
Halloween Trick or Treat was set (and held) on Oct. 31, from 5-7 p.m.
Bills were as follows: Phil Anders $84.00; Dennis Rankin $157.00; Wste management $1,026.80; Dallas Rural Water $652.02; PDC $16.00; Jay Blender $495.00; Ameren $1,559.73; Murphy's $160.00; Henderson County Highway Department $160.74. Payment of bills was approved.