The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

West Central School Board

Upgrade On WCMS Concession Stand Forthcoming

Biggsville- At the May 20th West Central board meeting the board approved a request submitted by the WCMS Student Council to provide some updating to the indoor WCMS Concession stand.

Items to be completed including painting the concession stand, adding some shelves, adding at least one electrical outlet and a new counter top and sink. The middle school student council had originally proposed paying for these improvements with their own funds. It was suggested that the board could pay half of those expenses.

After a brief discussion, the board approved the request to complete the upgrades as requested but with the stipulation that the district would pay half of the amount of the repairs.

Board President Brent called the meeting to order in the WCES Cafeteria at 7 p.m. with all board members except Mr. Lumbeck were present at roll call. Mr. Lumbeck entered the meeting at approximately 7:13 p.m.

President Brent then led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Under Good News Items, the board first recognized the following students for participating in the 2015 IESA State Track Meet:

The board also reviewed a Prezi presentation made by WCES Teacher Jamie Hennings regarding the 2014-2015 WCES Enrichment program. Many of the activities that the students were engaged in this year were highlighted.

Other items offered as good news items included:

The board approved the agenda as presented.

There was no one present to address the board on any agenda items.

The board approved the consent agenda as presented. The following items were approved under the consent agenda:

Agenda item X-D Consider Approval of Request by WCMS Student Council to Update WCMS Concession Stand (indoor) was pulled from the Consent Agenda.

The board took the following action regarding district financial activity:

In other business the board:

The board entered Closed Session at approximately 7:55 p.m. to discuss matters pertaining to personnel. The board exited Closed Session at approximately 10:35 p.m. No action was taken.

There being no other matters to come before the board, the board adjourned their meeting at 10:38 p.m.