The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Village Hires Five New Employees

by: Shirley Linder, Quill Editor

The Village of Stronghurst held a special board meeting on Monday, May 18th, where the trustees voted (Mike Bohnenkamp abstaining) to hire Brody Haynes and Bryan Bohnenkamp as full time village employees. Jeff Nichols and Andy Gittings were hired as part time village employees. All were hired at $12 per hour.

Katrina Sherman was hired as part time office help at $8.25 per hour.

The main check valve on the number one pump has gone bad and one is on order for $700- $800, according to Ronnie Gittings.

Gittings also reported the 2007 white truck has will not run and Peterson's Garage is unable to fix it, so he will make arrangements to have it towed to Deery Brothers for repair.

Brendan Schaley reported the mayor and him had driven around town checking sidewalks and had made a list. He will now go over this list with Jim Spiker and Ronnie Gittings and they will bring their ideas and suggestions back to the next board meeting.

Betty Waterman has talked to Jim Blender regarding the planting of the flower beds and will bring it back to the next board meeting.

Jim Spiker reported he had been informed there are chickens and a couple of pygmy goats being kept in town. The board agreed to send a letter to each of these residences informing them this is not legal.

There have been more complaints regarding burning allowed in town so it will be on the next board agenda to discuss this issue again.

Those present were: Mayor Gary Root; Trustees, Brendan Schaley, Mike Bohnenkamp, Amanda Kane, Betty Waterman, Jim Spiker, David Vancil; Employees, Lou Ann Nortrup, Arbry Vancil, Ronnie Gittings; Guests, Shirley Linder

The next regular board meeting will be held Monday, June 1, at 7 p.m. These meetings are open to the public.