The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

117 Years Of Service, Appreciated

After 41 years of service in the La Harpe City Council, 6 years as Trustee and 35 years as Mayor, Kenny Brown is moving from the hard seat of the La Harpe City Hall Chambers, to a softer seat of a John Deer tractor as he helps with farming part time.

Brown, along with three long-time trustees and friends, Brian Lovell (32 years), Todd Irish (24 years), and Mike Bennett (20 years) completed their last official duties last Monday, May 11th when they completed old business before the new board took over. The four men were given watches by newly elected La Harpe Mayor Ryan Kienast with appreciation for their dedication and loyal and dependable service to the city.

Brown, a veteran, left in the La Harpe City Hall, the U.S. and Illinois flags as a donation in memory of his father, Lawrence Brown, a World War II Veteran.


Four former La Harpe City Council trustees stepped down last week from city council after a combined 117 years of service to the City of La Harpe. From left, Mike Bennett, Todd Irish, Brian Lovell (Trustees), and Mayor Ken Brown who had served 6 years as Trustee, then 35 years as the City's long-time Mayor. These men are pillars of the community, and will be remembered for their ability to work well together, as well as for their careful and persistent effort in serving their hometown.