The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

La Harpe Junior High Graduates 29 Students


La Harpe Junior high graduated 29 students on May 29, 2015. The ceremony began with the Invocation by Jakob Timmerman. Superintendent Dr. Ryan Olson told the overflowing crowd about how things have changed in the last 14 years.

"To me, the one that stands out the most occurred on September 11, 2011, which is now simply known as "9/11".

For two days afterward, there was no air traffic in the nation, which was an eerie feeling when looking to the sky. These events changed the course of history in many ways."

"Many of the things you find in everyday life were not around when you were born. Although smaller than their predecessors, cell phones, were still relatively large. Many of you probably do most of your reading on some sort of device now. Tablets no longer mean a booklet of paper to most people."

"I want you to look at this transition into high school as an opportunity to invent yourself. Who do you want to become? In the 4 short years remaining before you reach adulthood, who you will become will begin to take shape. Know that this journey is not one you take alone."

Principal Lila McKeown presented 10 students with academic awards: Trinity Burton, Kellen Dysert, Karly Flynn, Wyatt Johnson, Baileigh Lionberger, Tanner Miller, Bryce Payne, Destiny Shumaker, Jakob Timmerman and Samuel Todd.

The top GPA achievers in the class were Wyatt Johnson and Destiny Shumaker.

Michael Blythe from the La Harpe American Legion presented the American Legion awards to Karly Flynn and Jakob Timmerman.

The Humanitarian Award given by Roger DeJaynes from the Masonic Lodge was presented to Trinity Burton.

The benediction was given by Tanner Miller.